Not Good

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Drake grumbles.
There's really weird about this guy's train of thoughts.
Usually people will get defensive and tell you not to think crazy but this guy thinks it's alright? He is already thinking to never let the two brothers in one room alone from now on.

"Why don't you lie down? Does your head still hurts?" Elian asks.

"Not much now."

Elian smiles.
"The soup helps."

'Is it?'
Drake smiles wryly.
"Are you still mad at me?"

"Ofcourse." Elian snorts.
"But...But I can't just ignore you if you are sick."

Drake smiles.
"You are so kind."

Elian rolls his eyes.

He watches as Drake lie on the bed. He covers him with feathers on the bed. At first he is uncomfortable about a feather blanket. And thought he will get a rashes or itchiness but it doesn't feel that gross as he initially thought. Now he too learn how to cover Drake with soft feathers.

"Don't you want to turn into a tiger?" He asks.

Drake's been sleeping with him and he didn't turn into a tiger besides from the first night

"I can't talk to you if Im in my tiger form." Drakr says.

"I don't want you to talk anyways. I feel like your mouth is full of things that will make me angry." Elian frowns.

"Haha." Drake dryly laugh.

Drake looks at Elian then he turn into a white tiger with black glossy strips. He is a very big tiger.

If this is his former place, Elian will wet his pants from fear. But this man will be his partner right?

He runs his fingers on his fur. It was soft and long.

" know..I understand where you are coming from..You yourself been raised by someone else mom. So you don't feel there is nothing wrong with it.Just....just want to you to know. It's not easy to accept. That the man you will dedicate your whole life, has shared the same thing with someone else."

The tiger head moves and it unblinkingly looks at Elian. It looks lazy.

Elian touches his face.
"Yes it is not cheating. And you probably done it wiyh a couple more." Elian rolls his eyes."But you know. never logical. You try to reason with jealousy and you'll just sound crazy. Nobody ever successfully reasoned with jelousy. got tired of worrying and you tired of feeling the pain and decided to forget it,maybe."

The tiger licks his face and he blinks hurriedly.
Elian sighs.

"What Im saying was....I will get over my own way....but just give me a chance to adjust my mood. You did the right thing of telling me. And the right thing of coaxing me. Cause I would kill you if you hide it and someone else told me.Damn I would commit mass murder." Elian snorts."And even I know I cant get mad of a baby made when I am not your partner. You are not a saint nor in a relationship to 'care' about a future partner's jealousy. I know. I know what's infront of me."

The tiger uses its tail and cover his face.

Elian laughs.

"I actually....feel now that I am not mad anymore. See. I just need time. And I just need you to be unable to speak. So I have the courage to explain...without you trying to talk ahead of me making me angry."

Drake lazily uses his two front paws pushing him lightly on the bed.
Then he turns into his human form.

"So you like talking to yourself?"

"......." Elian looks away pouting.

"You are saying I am right but I am wrong in one breath." Drake sneers and lower his head. Their forehead touches and Drake's hair touching his cheek.
There's shadow in their face that makes them feel there are nobody else in the world but them.

"You said something like...nobody successfully reasoned with jealousy....It appears that....the jealous one is not actually tired and become forgiving but they just realize that they are wrong from doubting on the first place." Drake sneers

Elian eyes widen.
"You are wrong!"
He pouts.

"Hmm....Then I accept it. I am wrong. Will you stop getting mad now?"

"You sounds like this is not important at all. That what I feel is so dumb and you just want to get over with it!"
Elian pushes him.

Drake almost nods himself but seeing Elian's glaring eyes. He backs off a bit.
He rethinks what he is saying and realize that it does sound like he doesn't care about his feelings. Which is awful.

"I care. Just don't want you to get mad." He said softly.

"........" Elian looks at him.

"How about we go out? We haven't bought any baby's thing yet."

"We already bought a lot." Elian eyes sparkles. "A crib, clothes, toys...." Elian keeps thinking if they didn't forget anything.

"........." okay, he successfully divert the topic but.
"I want to buy those things too."

Elian frowns.

"Okay. But after you are no longer sick."
Elian smiles and rubs his face.
"Go back to your tiger form. It so good to touch."

"....I am not good to touch like this?"

Elian blushes
"Not really. "

Drake sighs.
"Fine. Sleep on me."

Elian nods then shakes his head.
"What if I caught your illness? I can't get sick. The baby might get affected. You just stay there. I will sleep here, far from you."


Elian smiles and coax him to sleep.

Elian wonders why he is no longer mad at Drake.
Maybe its because he really think its dumb to be mad. Or its because he keeps trying to explain himself and reassure him that his heart was moved. Or because he just want to believe in him.
He slowly fell asleep with a smile.

He wants to be his other half. Okay, there is no perfect partner. Even the most desirable man has flaws.

He dreams of sitting in the field of flowers and there are children playing around him and singing and dancing. They are laughing and he is laughing.

He wakes up full of anticipation.


He looks around but Drake is no where to be found.
He went out looking for him. The maid said he is using the master's conference room.
Sneakily, he went to see him doing his job while talking lazily with Freed.

"If you didn't pretend you are sick, you can come to work and finish this in one day, your excellency." Freed said sorrowfully

Drake snorts.
"You think your work is more important than coaxing a wife? Get a wife yourself then."

Elian walks away from the door.
He happily went to the kitchen and thinks of making a sweet dessert.
Nobody hates a man who puts you in his top priority list.

"Cub... I, your mommy, realize that...I am really wrong from doubting your dad. He is not good to begin with." He chuckles.


Ahhh...I am already working on this chap for hours....houuuuuurrrssss hahahhahaha.. not because its long.  But just because. Hahahhaha

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