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Jerome found out that he was transmigrated in the world more advance to the era he was living. Not only Earth...No it seems Earth is no longer existing. He is in Universe 32 under the rule of one King. Currently, he is on a planet under Universe 32 rule, a small planet name 600.

He was saved by the Pirate Hunters.
Led by a white tiger, Boss Thunder but his real name is June, Cello and Joshua.
The three didn't see a quantum bracelet on him so they have no idea how to look for his parents.
Jerome also doesn't know this body's real name.
On top of that, According to them, he might be pregnant with the pirate's seed. If so, there's high possibility that he won't be welcome back to his home.

Jerome has no choice but to stay.
Even though he thinks the dumpsite is not a place for a pregnant person like him to stay. He can't be too picky.

"Can I find a job?" He asks. He is freeloafing right now. But he is a pregnant man. He atleast need to save for the baby's arrival.

"Don't worry. We already sold the items we collect from the pirates that kidnapped you. The money is not much but here, its enough to be able to give birth in the hospital in town." Joshua said.

Jerome feels bad.
"I...I didn't do anything ..."

"It's fine. Those guys done so much to you. These is not even the whole money from selling their stuff. Just accept it. It's boss Thunder's decision."
Cello grins.

The white tiger swings his tail lazily but didn't open his eyes.

"Thank you boss Thunder." Jerome smiles.
Somehow he can recall the white tiger face. But there is also a face of a blurred someone.
"Ah." His head hurts everytime he tried to recall about it.

"You are trying to regain your memory again? You are hurting because you are forcing it. It will come to you slowly. Don't hurt yourself." Cello reprimanded him.

Jerome smiles.
"Thank you."

Everyday the three will go out and hunt for anything precious in the trash or look for pirates. Jerome will be alone in the house.
Jerome is glad that atleast the house is not build on the very center of the dumpsite. So atleast it is not as stinky.

Jerome is bored so aside from cooking ,cleaning the house and washibg the clothes, he also gather  plastic bottles,cans and  old tires. Filled it with soil and fertilizer and ask Cello to look for seedlings of fruits or trees on the trash if he sees one.

So far Jerome already living in the Planet 600 for a week.
There are nights he will wakes up and look for feathers to cover his face. Jerome doesn't know why but it affects his sleep. Cello found him some chicken feathers. Though they are rough and not soft to touch, Jerome can still fell asleep.


Freed looks at his boss that hasn't sleep for a week now. His eyes are red and swollen.. He must have cried again.
Freed thought, Drake finally learn how to love someone.
The huge changes from a man who go around flirting with anyone to a family man who was excited to go home to see his wife.

Freed is happy for him.
But then this incident happens.

The huge fight between Drake and the Fredrist.

He can still hear the thunder like cries of Duke as he angrily destroyed the main house of the Fredrist.

Everyone thought Drake will soon arrested all the Fredrist family but he didn't.

Knock knock.

Drake has dark eye bag  but he didn't mind as he glares at the door.

Freed hurriedly walks to the door.

"Insolent! Why the hell are you knocking like this?" Freed angrily said. He just saved this stupid subordinate's life.

The subordinate is not anyone. It was Elionora. Her eyes are red too.

"Duke!" Though Drake destroy their main house. Drake never hurt anyone in yhe mansion. Also he just doesn't eant anyone to live  in the house full of Elian's memory.

Drake looks at Elionora and stood up.

"What's the result?!" Drake shouted. There's even growl in his voice.

"Negative! Negative!" Elionora trembles and cried.

Drake falls to the chair.
"Elian's alive.....He is alive!"

Drake doesn't care how much. He build a team to get the dna test to all the ashes in the spacecraft to see if anyone will match Elian's dna.
But there is none.

It could only be one thing. Elian miraculously get out of the spacecraft.

Drake doesn't know how but he would rather take  that answer and search for Elian all his life than to accept he was dead.


"Jerome, are you a fairy? How can you make these trashes into beautiful food resources?"
Cello happily claps his head in happiness.
"You, not only cooking, you can even plant vegetables and fruits. You are amazing!"

Jerome chuckles.
"I am not that amazing. I think you are just si.ple minded."

Cello didn't mind Jerome calling him simple minded.
He really thinks Jerome handicraft are the best.
Though he may not look like it. He was thinking that if he had a chance. He would pursue Jerome. Not only is he handsome and very kind, he is so skillful.

Not only Cello, Joshua is also happy that Jerome is hardworking. Just the three of them,.their house are worst than the dampsite, now they can smell detergent in their clothes.

But the one who Jerome likes spending his time the most is their boss, Thunder.
Jerome often ask him if he wants Jerome to comb his fur and Jerome really likes touching his fur.

"Maybe you are pregnant with a tiger cub." Cello once teased.

"If I can choose. I wish my baby can become a strong Beastman like Boss Thunder." Jerome bootlicking really sound so sweet.

Thunder stood up and pushes Jerome and Cello face away with his soft paw.

Jerome smiles.
"Don't be annoyed,Drake."

"What did you call boss?" Cello asks.

Jerome finally stops laughing.

"No I feel like you called him in another name." Cello said.

"Oh! June."

"....Oh okay." Cello didn't bother.

The two followed June to tease him. Their boss is very easy to get shy.


Its the next day now here so it's my early update for today. Good day hahhahahah.
Thanks for reading ^_^)v

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