Night talk

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Drake looks at Elian.

Elian looks at Drake.

"Is there something wrong?" Drake asks as he remove his uniform accessories one by one.

Elian crawls from the middle of the bed to the edge. But he didn't step down.

"That's not what you are wearing when you left."

"Yeah. I need to fly and deal some pirates hunting so I need to wear a uniform. So they know that Im not just killing people, Im working." Drake kisses his lips.
"What happened at home?"

Elian blushes.
"Nothing much. Just chatting with mom. She will bring me to a party tomorrow. It's her friend's birthday."

"Bring bodyguards with you."

"Toffer is enough." Elian said pouting.

Drake sat next to him and hugs him.
"It's not. One person is not enough guarding two people."

"Okay. Ill ask one more?" Elian asks hugging Drake's arm.

"Ask 20 more. If the Fredrist doesn't have competent one, I'll send my men."

Elian eyes widen.
"Abusing power!" He giggles.

"What's wrong? That's why I have it. So I can abuse it." Drake grins.

"That's not right..." Elian refused to look at him but Drake grabs his chin and he kisses his lips.

Elian gasps for air and weakly pushes Drake away.
Drake reluctantly let go.

"So? Anything else?"

"Oh...Are you happy at work?"
Elian asks playing with the quantum bracelet in her wrist.

"Am I happy? Nothing makes me happier than to hunt pirates."

Elian eyes widen.
"You are such a hero."

Drake rolls his eyes.
"You seriously believe that?"

"Should I not believe you?" Elian asks confused.

"Pfftt ahahhaha." Drake laughs.

Elian blinks and tighten his grasp in his arms.
"Since you are in good mood. I wanna make you hear something."


Elian played his recording.

Drake face darken. He already gives the Sachel lots of face, even if it's for the sake of the 'God'.

Elian smiles and put his two fist on his non existent waist at the moment.

"What can you say? Your bride-to-be is so cool right?"

Drake gapes at him.
"Let me hear the recording again. I think I missed the part where you are cool."

Elian frowns and really play it again.
"There! Hear this. This part when I raised my voice slightly."
He patiently tell him.

Drake lips twitch.
"That's you being cool?"

Elian unblinkingly looks at him.
"Aren't I?"

"I am not sure. Let's hear it again?"

Elian crosses his arms.
"Am I not cool?"

"I think I just missed it. If I hear it one more time, I think Ill get it."

Elian looks at him suspiciously.
"How can your hearing be so bad? Don't you think you should check it out first?"

Drake lips twitch.
"It's not."

Elian played the recording again.
Everytime the recording plays. Drake feels like wanting to crush something.
He even give so much face so his baby won't get cursed because of him yet someone like this still dare to talk like this?
Yet every time the recording ended.
Elian angelic face will look longingly at him. Asking to be praise. Its like after hell, there's heaven.
Iit feels so addicting so he tried to do it again.


"So cool." Drake smiles and rubs his cheek.

"Hehe." Elian grins. His teeth are evenly white and lovely.
Drake leans and kisses him again.

"You are so cool. But next time don't answer their call. I'll handle it." Drake said.

"It's the first time unregistered number calls me. I got curious. It's my fault. I won't do it again."

"Good boy."


Drake chuckles.
"Good dog."

"Woof, woof!"


Drake takes off his clothes and changes into sleepwear.

Ofcourse Elian shyly watches him.

Drake went to bed with him. Collecting him in his arms.

"Want to do it?" He asks.

Elian face flushed and shakes his head.

"Why not?" Drake asks. He feels like Elian likes him too. He allow him to kiss and sometimes, he touches him when he is asleep but he should have knows right?

Elian covers himself with feather.

"I...I want to get married first."


Elian blushes as if he is reading Drake's expression.

'Isn't it to late to protect your chastity?'

But he refused and turn his back on him.

Drake pulls him back to his arms.
"Don't do it if you don't. Do I look like I will force you?" He chuckles and kisses his shoulder.
"Don't worry. Before you give birth, I will be your husband."

"You are preparing now?" Elian turns to look at him.

Drake smiles.
"Ofcourse. You think I will let your father delay the marriage date anymore?"

"You! My dad wants me to get married sooner you know. It was because the dates are not lucky enough so he choose the luckiest date for us."

Drake rolls his eyes.
"Your Dad luckiest day is if it will never happen"

Elian turns away at him making a 'hmp'sound.

Drake grins.
"Are you mad?"

"You are saying bad things about dad. Should I be happy?" Elian didn't turn to him and said with a pout.

Drake sighs and massage his temple.
"You believe so much in your father."

Elian closes his eyes refusing to back down.

Drake lips twitch. In the end, he needs to back down and admit that his father in law is right.

"I was muddle headed. I just want to get married sooner. It was really a lucky date."

Elian looks at him and smiles.
"Dad only have our best interest."

Drake smiles.
"I envy your dad. You believe him so much."

Elian frowns.
"I believe you too."

"But you believe your dad more?"

"I didn't know you are very jealous?" Elian rubs his shoulders. "Silly man, you are so funny."

Drake chuckles.
"Okay. Sleep. Tomorrow, I will go and find a flower full of pure mana. You can play with it and decorate our room with it. It's good for you and the baby."

"Such good thing! You have to bring many flowers then!"

Drake chuckles

The said flower is actually a gem that looks like a flower. One piece is cost one small planet's worth.
But Drake thinks it's something that will be good as a decoration.



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