Get Out

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Elian Fredrist become an instant celebrity.
His name was already the same as talking about the Duke of Wrose.
This made a lot of people disatisfied.
One of them is Marian.

"How is it Dad? The Duke should have heard about my pregnancy. How can he promise that Elian so easily? If I knew, I should have tell him the moment I found out I am pregnant!" She angrily grits her teeth

The man looks at his daughter.
"Are you sure it was the Duke's son?"

Marian glares at his father.
"Who else? I never had an affair with another man. So how can't it be the Duke's son?"

The man sighs.
"Come. We will talk to the Duke. I will fight for the baby's rights. Don't worry so much."

"Dad, I want to marry the Duke!"

"Marian, you know what kind of person the Duke  was. We will see how he will treat you and the baby then we will try to  see how we will proceed."

"Dad!" Marian angrily grits her teeth. She walks near his father and the video call appear.

The Duke is as handsome as always.
Standing behind the lazily sitting on the throne-like  chair Duke was Freed,His trustworthy assistant.

"Good evening, Duke." The man is a military general, Gustavo Lin. Gustavo and Marian kneel upon seeing the Duke.

Drake nods lazily.
"What do you want General?"

Standing  up. The general looks at his daughter first. His daughter nods at him with a smile.
He sighs.

"My daughter is pregnant with the Duke's child. Please ses and confirm."

Drake and Freed have an astonished expression.

"Suddenly, it feels like I can have children so easily." Drake laughs.
"Good. I will greatly reward Lady Marian's effort. What do you want?"

The general sighs. It was hard to face the Duke.
And if he is this carefree it means he is not going to investigate and just take the baby as his own after birth.

"My Duke, I am pregnant...." Marian looks up and smiles happily. Showing her coy expression and fluttering eyelashes.

"Good. I see." Drake nods and smiles at her. "I didn't know you have this talent. Don't you want the planet Treese? I will reward it to you."

Marian blushes. The Duke still remembers what she wants. She become braver.

General sees his daughter's eyes and grabs her hand warning her.
But Marian slaps his hand away.

She doesn't appreciate how cowardly her father was.

"I want to marry the duke!"


Marian looks heartbroken.

"You think so beautifully." Drake snorts.

"Why? I am not different from that Fredrist man! I am also pregnant with your son."

" .......I see. I will see you later." Duke said and looks at the general "I hope you will have a time in the end of the month."

"Yes Duke."

The video call ended.

"Dad! The end of the month! Do you not see? The Duke is not treating me fairly!"

"Shut up! The Duke is such a busy man. For him to see us this early means he place great importance about your child. Look at me. Isn't really the Duke's son?"

"Why do you not believe me?"

" was all my fault. I never remarry after your mother died in fear that you will get bullied but it made you unable to grow up with common sense. If it was not the Duke's son....The duke will kill you."

Marian snorts.
"Im pregnant with the Duke's son!"

"....good then."

Marian grits her teeth.

Marian immediately called Chester Brandy.
Chester is the Duke of Solice.

"Your Highness...Are you sure the Duke of Wrose will not find out? That this is not his baby?"

The Duke is already 80 plus years old and looks like a 30 year old man. Still handsome and strong. His face is also bewitching.

"There are only few people that has a level 8 gene around you. Besides, who would let their children recognize other father?"

"....." this is what Marian is feeling strange. When she first learn that she is pregnant, she thought the Duke of Solice will take her and marry her. But he tells her to say it was the Duke of Wrose child instead.

But she only need some encouragement, in her opinion, it was really best to marry the Duke of Wrose.

She finally become relieve.
"Don't forget not to call me these days. You need to let the Duke marry you soon. Dispose that Fredrist and his son."

"Yes, ofcourse!"
Marian happily turn the video call off. Her eyes are sparkly clear.

Freed followed Drake before he board his space craft.

"What would you do?" Freed asks.

"Didn't I said it? I will reward her a planet she desires and met her in the end of the month."
Drake lazily said. He wants to go back and sleep with the little liar.

"Don't you think that Elian would be displeased?"

"Displeased that I will have another child? The child will recignized him as a mother. What else would happen? It was been the tradition that the wife will take care of the husband's children."
Drake looks confused.

"It's not the ice age, Duke. There are people who wouldn't be please if you bring another woman or child in the house."

Drake frowns.
"Marian is a woman I had before I become engage. It is not called cheating...And the baby is mine...I will not abandon it."
He thinks for a while.
"Okay. I will ask Elian about this."

".......Will it be alright?"

"Why do you look more scared than I am?"

After coming home, The duke walks to the bed and watch the sleeping Elian.

Usually, Elian is awake waiting for him.
He happily kisses his forehead and Elian wakes up.

"Sorry, did I wake you? Go back to sleep."

Elian frowns and rubs his eyes.
"So late?"

"Busy.." Drake stood up and remove his military coat. He sat on the bed and touches Elian's forehead.

"I didn't know when I fall asleep. How is work?" Elian smiles happily.

"It's good." Drake kisses his lips.

Elian blushes and smacks his palm to his face.

"You! You are getting more shameless." Elian blushes and scratches his cheek.

Drake grins. Grabs his hand and kisses the back of his hand.
"There is something strange today."

"Oh?" Elian leans his body to Drake's chest.
"What happened?"

"Apparently, I made someone pregnant too. So I have two babies now."
Drake chuckles.

Elian gapes

".......are you angry? Freed said you will not like it."

Elian looks at Drake's confuse face.
"Please get out of the room."


"I don't want to see you."

"I....I didn't cheat you. I had a relationship with her before but after we got engage I never see anyone else."

"I am not mad.. I don't think you are cheating me." Elian said.


"Get out."
Elian said coldly.



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