Dead Set

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Duke smiles at Elian.
Elian looks at his father.

Crowen is too mad at the moment.

"Crowen, son,calm down. What happen is beyond my hand." Calcioda said sighing.

"This is your wife's doing!" His stepmom shouted.

"That is right? And you..Instead of telling her to submit you even join and help her. Have you lost your mind?" His Uncle shouted in anger.

Crowen rolls his eyes.
"If you want to steal my son's marriage then you are my enemy. Who do you want to replace my son? Carmen, of all woman in the clan, the one who talks like the world owes her is the one you deemed...perfect? If she is not treasured by her parents, she is nothing. Thanks to her genetic, she can make medicine, so what? Even the non genetic normal plant tribe can make medicine if given resources. Isnt she just a pretty face?"

They all look at Carmen who sorrowfuly on the floor sobbing.

"Uncle, it was the Clan's idea not mine. How can you talk about me like this? Im still your niece."

"You think I didnt hear it when you and your cousins talk badly about my son, Elian? Now that Im talking badly at you, do you know how it feels now? Is it unpleasant to hear the truth? Using your own words, 'I am just telling the truth, if he has a problem with it then say it to my face but in the end, trash is trash'."

Carmen face paled.
"That...Its not me Uncle. How dare you, who lied to Uncle?! I am not like that Uncle. I respect your wife and your son."

Carmen family is not that rich. Though they aren't poor their company rely on the help of his Uncles and Crowen is the best in business. She still needed the resources to get a favorable marriage for her. If not the Duke then she still need to aim high. But sadly, his grandfather is not as insightful as her.

"You rotten brat! You think so highly of yourself. Do you even recall how you struggle to become who you are now? If not for the money my brother gave you!" Sid shouted.

"Gave? Money? Dad, what is Uncle talking about? I do recall I struggle alot and the first people that want to crush me are my own relatives but for blood sake I forget everything and start over again with you." Crowen raised a brow.

Everyone looks at Calcioda, he used to scold Crowen infront of them saying if he never lend him money, he wouldn't be who he was.
How would they know that Crowen is that good at handling business?
Everyone is jealous of him.
Calcioda is speechless.
He doesnt know that Sid will expose him.

When Crowen stands up for himself and didnt succumb to his threat, he let Crowen left without a single cent. But he still able to build himself an empire in business world. He tried ti sabotage his business a couple times but it deemed useless. Before he knows it, Crowen's company is bigger than the Clans. He went to Crowen and ask for forgiveness.
It was a dark memory he doesnt want to recall.

Drake snickers. Though he doesnt like how Crowen is trying to sabotage his wedding, he can say that Crowen is a good father that he wanted to copy how he would raise Jaden and Elian.
But he also can tell that Crowen doesnt have the kind of father that he would even consider calling a relative if he met him in the same road one day.

Elian taps Drake clothes.

Drake and Jaden in his arms look at Elian.

"What's wrong baby? Does anyone harm you? Tell me and Ill make them disappear." Drake rubs his cheek.

Elian giggles then slaps Drake's hand away.

"I still dont know why we are fighting." Elian whispers.

"Pfftt..You take down your Aunt without knowing?" Drake thinks Elian is the best person in the Fredrist. He doesnt know why they would even think that that woman is better than Elian.
With cuteness alone, Elian is his #1 to # 1000 choice.He can't love that many right?

Elian grabs Drake's waist growl at him with a snort.

"Tell me, tell me!" Elian try looking for Drake's tickles side but failed.
"People without ticklish side are aliens!"

Drake flicks his forehead.
"I am beast race, not alien race."

Elian gasps. He forgot that part.
He pouts.

"They are fighting because they want to nominate a different person to be my wife." Drake said looking at Elian's funny reaction.

Elian tilts his head.
"They can vote for that here? Then who did you vote? You should vote for me, we have a son!"

Drake gapes at Elian and laughs so fiercely that Jaden got sick of it and jump to Elian's arm.

"Why is your dad laughing? It's just right to vote for me!"

Jaden looks at Elian and face palm.
"Mom! You are embarrassing me."
Jaden hugs his neck and hide his face.
"What vote? What nominate? The Fredrist Clan just doing their own thing because they are crazy!"

Elian eyes widen.
"Ohh...So they want me to step down? Would you marry anyone just because I step down?"

Drake stops laughing and hugs Elian.
They are huging Jaden in the middle.

"Dont be silly. Im only marrying  you. Its you or its no one." Drake smiles and rubs his cheek with his thumb.
"Seriously, the only vote that matter is my vote. And you are right, I vote you."

Elian grins and kisses him
Then he paused.

"Why dont you tell them that? Isnt that stupid to be fighting with them then?"

"It was stupid but If you dont put people on their own place, they wouldnt know where they belong."
Drake eyes flashed in anger at the guy that jumps on his Elian.
"Like this guy, if he successfully harmed you, Ill kill him on the spot. But they have this wishful thinking that Ill marry anyone they want. Haha."

Elian frowns.
"Its like...They would try if it works and if it doesnt then you might feel disatisfied with me and break up engagement with me..But why would they want to ruin my engagement? Wouldnt they benefit too if I marry you? We are in the same Clan."

Drake carried Elian in his arm.
"Dont think about thier dirty thoughts. They wont succeed. Im dead set on marrying you.No matter what"

Elian smiles and holds Drake cheek.
"Umm..Me too. Im sure I want to marry you."

Carmen, not far away from them heard the whole conversation using her borrowed ear from the wooden table near Elian and Drake.

She clenched her fist.

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