Paw attacks

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"Mom, where are we going today?" Jaden asks.

Elian and Jaden are sitting on the bathtub playing on the bath bubbles.
Elian grins. Elian sitting on the tub and his knees are infront of him.

"We are going to see Mommy's biggest fans. Remember to call them big brother and big sister later. They help alot to spread Mom's identity in Major planets that's why Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle and Auntie."

"Mommy's story telling fans?" Jaden eyes are the same as Elian's shape but it was still the color of Drake's eyes.

His phoenix eyes and golden iris shines when excited.

Elian nods his head happily. Their eyes are shining happily.

Drake walks inside the bathroom to 'fish'out his son and his fiancee or they wont leave the tub.

Drake puts his son on the white cotton ingle sofa chair that looks like a tiger cub that's mouth wide open. He is sitting on its tongue giggling.

"Cold,cold, cold"
He said shivering.

Drake puts a warm blanket on his body and another to his head.

"Rub your hair, Ill take the bigger cat out."

"Nyaaa~~~" Jaden made a purring sound as he rubs his cheeks on the warm blanket.

Drake paused to watch his son copying his mom's bad behavior.
But instead of telling him off, Drake laughs merrily. He can afford two cats, so its fine.

Drake slowly walks to the bathroom and scoops Elian out of the bath water.

"Uhhhhh Nyaaa~~" Elian has a huge smile in his face.

"Your son is learning from you. Naughty cat."
Drake grins and didn't complain that his clothes are now soak with water.

Elian grins and wraps his arms around Drake's neck.

"Oh? Are you inviting me for a meal?" Drake asks and before he can sink his teeth on his arms, Elian escaped running away while snatching the towel on his arms.

"Big fat wolf!" Elian shouted merrily.

"Wolf? Im a mighty tiger." Drake runs his fingers to his hair up.
Drake licks his fangs and clicks his tongue
"Almost had a  early breakfast~"

Drake whistles as he walks to the room.

His two cats are too lazy that they are snuggling on the sofa as if they dont want to get dress.

"I thought you want to go to the lunch date early?" Drake asks helplessly.

"Clothes!" Elian raises his arms and begs. The towel slides down his body showing his pinkish beans. Drake eyes remain at those beans gulping twice.

Jaden blinks and thinks that infront of his father, his mother is that trusting of him

Jaden also raises his arms.

"Clothes~ Woof woof~"

Drake and Elian, who are in deadlock eyes turn to Jaden.

Elian giggles.
"Woof? Woof? Woof. Woof!"

Jaden nods.

"Haah haah. " Jaden sticks his tongue out with a smile

Elian eyes sparkles.
"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Elian and Jaden smiles at Drake.

Drake laughs and raises his arms
"I surrender. I will get the clothes for you two."

"Awwwooo!" The two cheered.

Drake laughs loudly.


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