To Each Their Own

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“Varga, Do you think I am sincere in helping?” Elian asks softly.

He is sitting on the chair next to Varga’s bed.

Duan and Elionora stand behind him.

Varga nods slowly.

“I…I know.”

It’s been a few days with the Fredrist and they showed them nothing but kindness. Even though he is supposed to mistrust anyone after what he went through he felt like he can’t mistrust these people.

Elian smiles.

“Thank you for trusting me. To be true to you, I help you guys without much conviction. I just feel like I can do it so I should reach out my hand. I didn’t know it'd turn out like this. I’m sorry If I have a half assed reason. I feel like a hypocrite.”

Varga looked at Elian’s face and felt sad for him.

“That is not true, Elian. Even though you did not think much about it at first, aren’t you trying your best now?” Duan panics at the back to cheer him up 

Elionora pulls him.

“Don’t jump on every opportunity to baby him.”

“But…” Duan looks at Elionora with sad begging eyes.

Varga looks down at his hand.

“My Lord, truthfully…I did think of leaving them a few times too. I…I felt like they are a burden to me and I…I can live a better life without them.” Varga raises his head.

“But I did not. I know I would regret it. So I stayed with them. My Lord, the reason is not important, we are grateful for your help. It wasn’t easy to go down a sewer and find sick kids and help them. Most people will be scared to even be near us. Thank you.”

Elian tears fall down.

He felt that Varga is too mature and too admirable. 

It really hurts someone’s heart when a child is too mature for their age.

Elian hugs his head.

“You are brave, Varga. You and your siblings are brave. Let me help you. I will help raise all of you. All other kids! You will all have a bright future.”

Varga can’t breathe as Elian hugs him tighter. The tighter Elian hugs his head, the more he feels his trembling body.

Varga remembers what his father told him about good samaritans who help people out of the kindness of their hearts without asking for anything in return.

He wanted to see one at first but after growong older, he knows that there are very few people who can be called a good samaritan. And Elian and his family are good examples of them.




“Young Ma–Leader, you really think I can study later?” Leon asks.

A few children with regular names came to the orphanage a few years older, those without human appropriate names were raised as babies in the orphanage.

Jaden told the children to call him Leader instead of young master. After all these children are not servants of their family and just guests.

“I heard my mother will raise a fundraiser to open a children care foundation. There you will be raised until you are able to live on your own as an adult. The foundation will support children who want to study and in return the graduates should help the other children.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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