Remember me?

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Jerome is still in daze when they heared a knock on the door.

Everyone looks at Jerome.

Jerome blinks and coughs.

He slowly went to the door and opened it.

Jerome blinks at the curly hair puff out in the air. No its someone's hair.
An alien slime-like, purple in color has a black thick afro.

"Hi." His eye brows are thick too and bushy. And it moved everytime he speaks. " I am officer Kentaro from Planet 600 management department. I will escort you to Planet Ash to met the Duke of Wrose."

Jerome heart trembles.
Duke of Wrose.
He always have the reaction with this person. If he saw him on the television. He will stop and watch him. When he hears his name being mentioned too in any radio. But that person is actually....the father of his son!
Such a powerful man.

Jaden smiles.
"Mom, is he my dad? Duke of Wrose?"

Before Jerome  can answer officer Kentaro starts talking.
"Ofcourse you are the Duke  of Wrose son! We already checked your hospital records. Why didnt he  in the hospital record when he was born? This wouldn't be delayed if you only register him properly. The Duke's been looking for Elian Fredrist and his son like forever." The officer sighs.

Everyonr gapes at the chatterbox. He sounds like he personally know the Duke and his intention.

The Officer smirks and brushes his hair with his slimy  whip like hands.

"I am the Duke of Wrose......Number 1 fan!"

Jerome feels like he was in a comedy gag.


"Be careful on your way there. Make sure to follow what they are telling you and don't stray away from your mother." Joshua cries as he keeps reminding Jaden. Jaden is a younger brother Joshua never had. He likes him the moment he hold him in his arms. Even if he is not breathing then. That is why he is more affectionate to Jaden moee than Jerome. Because he had seen Jaden at his worst and love him anyways.

Jaden also hugs him.
Joshua is very kind to him. Though everyone likes him. Joshua in particular loves him more. He can feel it. The other two had fallen to his mother but Joshua never had those affection. Just a fatherly feeling, that's what Joshua making him feel.

Cello is crying holding Jerome's hand.
"I... I know...I..You never like me...the same way...But To me....I...I really love you. You are kind, sweet and you are beautiful."

Jerome blushes and he wants to say something to make Cello feel better
"I like you Cello. As a brother."

Cello wails even louder.
Jerome was shocked.


"If..No Duke...Me...You?"

Jerome asks himself if there is no Duke...

Jaden pushes Joshua away and seriously look at his mother and the Boss.
Jaden likes this person. He obviously likes his mother but he never had a bad feeling toward him despite that.
Though Jaden doesn't know how much his Dad likes the Elian now...His Dad will never like someone who likes someone else. So he is waiting to hear...if he will have a complete family or not.

"I will." Jerome honestly nods and smile.
"You are sweet. Kind and you are always there when I dont know what to do. When Jaden is sick and all I can do is cry. You are there not only for me but for my child. I am actually considering it. That if in the future...You stay like this...I will accept your feelings. Because you are not hard to like Boss....June."
Jerome smiles.

A Guy who always SmileWhere stories live. Discover now