Human Partner

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Jerome is humming as he stirs the pot of soup.
Wearing a colorful patches apron he made with the old clothes.

The tiger jumps to his side and made a small growl.

"Good morning to you too,boss." Jerome smiles and blow on the stirring spoon. "Have a taste?"

The white tiger licks the spoon and gives Jerome a satisfied nod.

Jerome smiles.
"Im glad you like it."
Jerome continued stirring.

June stares at Jerome.
He knows two men can also make a family but there are few male who would want to get impreganated and in all planet he went to, men who are in the receiving end in relationship are treated badly. They are treated like worthless people who can't even stand for their own and need another man to feed them.

Plus June can't turn into his human form.
So he never think of having a human as a partner. He had some nights with other races but it was just to relieve some steam.

Jerome looks at June and rubs his head.

"What's wrong boss? You want to eat?"

June turns his back from him  and walks away.

Jerome tilts his head ,confused.

"Hello Everyone. Im glad to see you again. I am your Story teller, Jerome. Tonight, I will read you the story of the Bunny Rabbit and Slowpoke Turtle a story based on Aesop fables the Tortoise and the Hare."

Jerome just opened his program and there's already 6k people online.
He thinks sweet kids must recommend him to their friends.

"Once upon a time, in a far away land, there are two friends who likes to compete in everything. Bunny rabbit and Slowpoke Turtle. They are good friends but also great rivals."

The story went slow and the narrating is also alive.

"The bunny rabbit hop and hop and hop until he hits the baskets of lettuce that Slowpoke Turtle harvested in his garden. "Slow down, Bunny Rabbit. You hit my basket and now all the lettuces are scattered in the ground and dirty bevmcause of you. Don't you owe me an apology?" The Slowpoke Turtle asks politely.  "Hahaha! It's because I am fast and strong. Even the basket of lettuce can't stop my speed!" Without remorse, Bunny Rabbit said proud of his speed."


Jerome smiles at the comment notif flooding the program.
To make sure that he won't get distracted. He paused until the intense notif slowly died down.

"That is not the problem, Bunny Rabbit. The problem is your  speed causes disturbance and inconvenience to me. Properly, use your speed to be helpful to you and yourself is the best way to cultivate yourself." Patiently, Slowpoke Turtle said. "Pfft! Haha. You are just jealous of me. You are so slow you never experience this kind of speed. And you inconvenience others with your slowly walking in the street and doing things. You should also reflect! The bunny rabbit crosses his arms and waited for Slowpoke turtle to apologize."

Ding* Ding*Ding*

Lorece is a cute bunny Rabbit, she is 6 years old.
She learn how to change in her human form at the age of 3 and was called a genius by her parents. She likes playing house and tea parties with her friends and also likes stories. But there are limited story books for kids that is fun. She doesn't like fairytale stories of a princess and a prince too.
She is a noble and she knows that Princess and Prince don't marry like that even from young age.

"How can this bunny  be so arrogant!? He is a disgrace to all bunnies!" Angrily she shouted.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you say you want to watch this Story telling anchor? Why are you so mad?" Her mother walks in the room.

Lorece pouts.
"The bunny rabbit is so irritating. He is ruining bunny race tribes name!"

"It was not that bad?" Her mother chuckles.
"It's just a story."

Lorece pouts.

"Then stop watching?"

Lorece eyes widen and didn't allow her mother to turn the computer off.
Instead, she pulls her mother to listen to the story.

"The Slowpoke turtle reaches the end of the race while the Bunny rabbit stumbles and fell. He doesn't want to finish the race anymore and cried.
"Bunny Rabbit, let's finish the game." The slowpoke turtle said.
The bunny rabbit shakes his head.
"You won, I lost."
"You only lost if you finish the game. Losing is better than quitting."
The bunny rabbit stands up and he hops and hops and hops. He finished the game and apologize.
"It was my fault. I am arrogant." He said.
"I accept your apology. I am also sorry that I get mad and accept your challenge. There could be a better way to tell you but I choose the easier way. I hope we can still be friends?"
The bunny rabbit smiles at his friend Slowpoke turtle.
"Well, let me think about it? As long as you give me some fresh lettuce I will forgive you."
"Okay. As long as you help me pick them too."

"The two, bunny rabbit and slowpoke turtle are friends and also rivals. Though bunny rabbit is arrogant, he learned to apologize for his mistakes and accept his defeat. Slowpoke turtle wins but he is not arrogant. In the end, he still wanted to stay friends with bunny rabbits. There are times that you have friends with arrogant behaviors that inconvenience you. But they are not bad people, you just have to think if you are a friend that can accept their irritating side or not. Because if not, you have to stop being with them before it become painful for both sides. But if you can...Then that is real friendship. This is just my opinion. They are not applicable in every situation. There are many ways to interpret the story. What's your interpretation?"

After a paused.
Jerome said his goodbyes.

"Good night everyone. I hope you have a sweet dreams. Tomorrow we have the story of the Lion and the mouse another story basing on Aesop Tales. "

Latice sniffs and wipes her tears with her daughter Lorece.
When Lawrence came home he saw his wife and daughter smiling happily as they wipes each others tears. Apparently, there is a story teller who talks about a very naughty bunny rabbit but in the end the bunny rabbit is still their favorite character.

Shaina can't understand his brother's story but it was funny that a tough woman like Latice will cry over a children's story.

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