Mother and Son

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Jerome looks at the closed door of the clinic he came from.
He sighs sadly. 
He thinks his 'amnesia' is causing too much mental stress to his family.

He even thinks maybe he should just tell them the truth. But how can he tell them about Elian? He doesn't know why he is in Elian's body nor where Elian's soul is.
He sighs.
If only Elian left him any clue.

"What's wrong? Tired?" Duan asks and puts his arms around his shoulder. "Just let your body rely on mine. I'll bring you to the chair."

Jerome smiles.
If they are not outside. His brother would probably carry him in his arms.
"I'm fine brother."

"Don't act tough." Duan frowns.

"I am not. I'm really fine." He smiles.

"Then why are you sighing?"


Duan pouts. He pinches his cheek.
"You keep teasing me. Why do you think I like cats? I'm a dog person."

"Woof?" Jerome blinks his eyes. Making him look like a begging puppy.

Duan lips twitch.
He looks around then hugs Elian's head.

Jerome laughs.

Sitting on the chair. Duan keeps teaching Elian how to use his quantum bracelet.

Elian nods and presses where Duan told him too.

"What a cute couple." One patient taps Elian's shoulder and smiles. "How lucky. Are you two newlyweds?"

"......" Duan looks at the woman with a serious expression scaring her to go away.

Elian feels dejavu.
"He is my brother." Elian smiles.

"I-I'm sorry."

Elian looks at Duan's wronged expression.
"Don't be sad. Dad was also mistaken as my partner yesterday."

"!!!!" Duan blinks.
He feels sad and hugs his shoulder.
"Brother will always be here for you."

Elian blinks and tilts his head.
"Woof? Woof?" He looks confused.

Duan pouts saying nothing.
He thinks Elian is just too cute for his heart.

Jerome sees Duan doesn't want to tell him so he obediently sits next to him.
"Ah!" Finally realizing. Jerome smiles. "I am not sad that I don't have a partner brother. I like being with you."

Duan didn't look at his sticky brother. He just rubs his head slowly.
Feeling that his face is burning hot.

Eliza and Crowen watches their two children sitting so closely and watching something online.

"What are you watching?" Eliza asks.

"Mom." Duan stands up.


"Mom, tell him to stop." Duan said.

"Cute!" Eliza rubs her face to Elian's.
"Woof woof."

Duan is startled by his own mother and looks at the equally stunned Crowen.

"Woof~" Jerome grins at his mother.

"Woof woof?" Eliza uses her paw…..her clenched hand like a paw, to point at the open screen.

Jerome grins.
"Woof!" He then opens his mouth and shows his pink tongue.

Duan closes his mouth hurriedly.

Seeing his angry expression. Jerome whimpers.

Duan gasps and moves away.
"I'm sorry."

Still whimpering like a dog.

Duan angrily walks away.

Jerome and Eliza look at each other and laugh.

"Hurry hurry. Your brother is already mad."
Eliza giggles and pulls the frozen Crowen away 

"Teasing brother is too fun." Jerome giggles.

Duan in the spacecraft touches his heart.
It's still trembling and beating too fast.
He wanted to kiss his brother's face and hug him tightly but he feared he would harm him instead. When he is excited, he can hug a rock and pulverize it in a second.
What would happen if he suddenly hurt him...or his baby?
He would hang himself!

After calming down.
Duan waited for his parents and brother to come back.
Waiting, he became anxious. He is not really mad at Elian. He is just….too happy and thinks he is so cute that his heart can't handle it. But what if because of his harsh action his brother stops acting sticky and stops talking to him?

He is so anxious he clenched his fist in fear.
When they arrived they saw Duan glaring at his fist.

Crowen blocks the view of Eliza and Elian.
Right now Duan is emitting an aura of emotional outburst. If not careful, Duan might lose his mind and attack them.

"Dad?" Elian looks at his father's back.

Duan looks at the door and sees his father looking at him solemnly. Blocking his mother and brother from seeing him.
Duan realize he is releasing his killing intent and slowly calms down his emotion.

It took him 5 minutes to fully calm down.

"What happened to you?" Seeing him calm. Crowen walks to him and places the back of his hand to Duan's forehead. "Sick? Tired?"

Duan shakes his head. Then he shyly looks at his mother and brother.

Elian is looking at him.
Duan became angry again. But this time he is still calm and not using any mana.

"Woof?" Elian uses his paw to scratches the back of Duan's hand 

Duan looks up and sees Elian grinning at him.
He feels all his worry is stupid.

"Still acting like a dog?"

Elian pouts.
"I'm a puppy, thank you very much."
He sat next to him.

Duan smiles and grabs his hand.
"I think you are a chicken!"

"Coo? Coocoo?" Elian tilts his head.

Duan blushes again.
How is he doing this? 

Eliza laughs at Duan's startled face.
Who said her son has face paralysis? He just doesn't care about other people!
Look at him now?
Doesn't he look so cute?

"You two, behave." Crowen said and started the engine.

"Meow?" Eliza looks at Crowen.
Crowen brushes and drops the craft's key.

"Darling…." Crowen touches her face.

Eliza laughs.
"Silly! Drive properly!" She threatens her with a glare but it looks like she is seducing him instead.

Crowen silently blame his lovely wife.
It's not fair to be this cute.


Ayuko na!!! Masakit mawalan ng charger. Sana kau rin 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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