Warm Hugs

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When Jerome gets out of the hospital he feel the cold chill of the night breeze.

He hugs himself and was startled.
"Where is my house? Or do I have one?"

He try checking himself of what he have but aside from his wallet there is nothing more.
There are no address in his wallet.

"Elian, is he so poor that he doesnt have a phone?"

Jerome sighs and looks around.
He saw people of different race walking peacefully in the walk way.
There are some grosteque type that wears clothes and have some suitcases.

"It feels like the movie M*B, where aliens and human are working together."

In the corner of his eyes, he saw a teenager woman with brown skin, she has bat wings and angrily talking to the  floating screen using her wrist band.

He looks at his wrist and find the same thing.

He looks at the woman intently and then see the woman glaring at him.

"What are you looking at, pervert?"

"No.no. Im--"
Jerome covers his hand in his tummy in one hand and waves his hand forward in the other hand.

The woman paused and see his huge belly.
"Ah? You are pregnant? Um...How many month?" The woman ask in embarrassement for her accussation.

Jerome smiles seeing the woman calm down.
"5 months. Very strong baby."

The woman smiles awkwadly.
"Ah, okay. I hope it grows up as a strong baby." She wants to move away but Jerome stops her.

"Actually, I am looking because I want to know something...." he smiles.


They end up in a fastfood chain.
The doctor said he doesnt have any food he cant eat but he still doesnt want to risk it and only order a cold water.

"You only need to use your fingerprint here. Then the computer will open after a while."
The woman patiently teach him.

"How can I check my address and personal information?" He asks.

The woman look embarrassed.
"I will teach you but you have to check it somewhere else. Much safer than here."

Jerome gasps and looks around.
"I see. Thank you."

"If you want to surf or watch, you can go here. Oh you have Verseface, add me as a friend. If you need other questions you can ask me right away."

"Thank you Melody. Im sorry for taking too much of your time." Jerome smiles.

"Its nothing. Just promise me you will make me the cub's godmother. I will not take no for an answer."

"Ofcourse. The cub would be happy to have such a pretty Godmother."

"Ahhaha. You knows how to talk. Keep in touch with me...Ehh..Elian? I thought your name is Jerome?"

Jerome blushes.
"My name is Elian but I prefer Jerome now."

Melody looks sadly. It seems another abandoned mother. And Jerome doesnt know a lot of things. Maybe he came from different Planet and brought here offering him a good life but was then left behind.
Melody feel very distress for his new found friend .


Jerome went to the comfort room like Melody secretly tell him and check his account and address.

There are some money in his account but when he remembers the food Melody bought it seems he is not too poor. He have 100 thousand dollars in his name and a set meal of food in a fastfood is worth 200 dollars. Its not a small amount if he can make sure he get the government to shoulder his medical bill.

He first check his address and then call a cab.
First, he needs to be under a roof.
If he is living with the tiger.....What would he do? His card says he is single but that can also be because he is newly wed and hasnt change status yet.
He cant be sure since no more memory is given to him.

He looks at the huge gate and check again with the cab driver if this is the right house. It looks like a house of some rich people.

The cab driver assure him its the right address. He paid for the cab and press the doorbell.

A screen appear in the doorbell slot and a picture appear.

"Young master?" The butler looks young. He frowns looking at him.

"Ah..." Jerome doesnt know what to say.
"Can you open the door? Its cold out here."

"Sorry Young Master. Master and Madame strictly inform us never to allow you inside the house."

Jerome is shock again.
It seems not only the father of this child, the father of the original owner of the body was rejected by his own parents.
How pitiful.
Jerome feels Elian is very pitiful.
His eyes reddened and doesnt know what to say next.

"Um....Do you know where I can live?" He doesnt have anyone to help him.
This person is not allowing him to enter the house but he doesnt sound harsh and cold toward him so he try to ask his opinion.
"I have some money but I dont know if its enough to rent a house."

Toffer looks at his young master whom he had not seen for 3 months. He looks lonely and he lose a lot of weight.
He doesnt have much affection for him but he doesnt hate him either.

"Can Young Master wait for me?  Ill go out and help you if you want."

Jerome smiles happily.
"Thank you. Thank you ah...." he doesnt know the butler's name

"Toffer, Butler Toffer, young master."

"Yes Toffer! Thank you. Ill wait. Take your time."
Its cold outside but he can wait.
Its better to ask someone knowledgable than to wonder around.
He needs a place to stay.
If possible, somewhere with a heater.

He patiently waited outside hugging himself.

A car arrive and the wide gate opened. The car is tinted but if Jerome has Elian's memory, he will remember that its his father and mother's car.

"Madame, its the young master."
The driver informed.

The madame only give Elian a quick look and went back to reading her magazine.
Elian is such a hard headed guy.
She already sent him money secretly so she is not worried. But he still came home? She want to see what kind of fuss he will do again.

The gate closed.
Jerome remembers his parents.
And think maybe Elian did something bad and that his parents are mad at him.
He too, even though he was always praise as kind and obedient, once made a mistake. He used their car and drive around secretly, luckily he is not driving too fast, he hit a concrete barrier in the road without anyone hindering him, he was so embarrassed while his parents are too worried for his well being. He was grounded for a month.
He really thinks he use all his luck being safe back then.

Thinking about his parents made him smile.
Though they are no longer alive, he will always remember how warm they hug them back then.

El's corner :

Someone's cornered.
Ahhhh Im sorry for that hahahhaha.

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