A million times

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Drake sat on the bed and smiles at Elian tenderly.

"What's wrong? You cried?"

Elian pouts and hugs Drake.

"I dream that...I dream that I forgot about you and you are sad and I am so far away."

Drake paused and rubs his cheeks.
"How silly. How can I allow you to be far away from me?"
Drake kisses his lips.
"You are this Duke's duchess."

"But it felt so real. It felt so real." Elian hugs himself and shakes his head. "I don't want that to happen. Nothing will makes me forget about you. Cause I love you."

Drake paused from taking off his clothes and turn around.
"That's the first time you said you love me."

"...... I didn't say I love you. You are hearing things." Elian giggles and turn away.

Drake put his clothes back and follow Elian.
"No. I heard right. You said you love me."

Elian glares at him
"And? When are you saying you love me too?"

"I always say I love you."

Elian rolls his eyes.
"Maybe you said it to someone else.Hmp."

Drake chuckles and hugs him from behind.

"I love you Elian Fredrist. I love you. I love you. I love you."

"Pfftt ahahhaa. Are you a broken recording. Okay okay. I heard you I heard." Eliann giggles and jokingly punch his chest.

"I said that every night to you. You just don't hear me." Drake whispers.

"Oh...it was my fault that you are saying it when Im sleeping?" Elian rolls his eyes and laughs. "Those words should be said when I am awake and I can hear you."

Drake smiles.
"Okay. From now on. I will say it a million times. When you can hear it.

Elian smiles..
"I love you Drake."

Drake lips curved but suddenly the place distorted and now Elian is lying bloodied in his arms.

"Drake.....Am I going to die?"

"NO....NO....NO....NO...NO...No......No..Please no...no.....Elian don't leave me. Ill give up anything. Just don't die."

Elian raised his hand and touches Drake with his bloodied hands.
"Take care of our baby."



Drake looks at his empty arms and saw a crib in the distance. The baby is crying. He needs to feed the baby.
But he walks and walks but he cant reach the baby's crib. And the baby's cry is getting softer and softer.

Drake runs and runs. But the crib disappears.

Drake looks around and there are nothing but darkness. Only he can see himself standing all alone.

Drake turns around and see Elian's dead bofy on the ground.

"Elian!" Drake kneeled in front of him. He wants to hug him but he feared that if he lifted him, Elian's body will get ripped.
"Elian...I love you.. we will be together forever. I will tell you....that I love you when you are awake.....I promise....I will never anger you again.. If you are going anywhere. I will come with you. I promise. I promise." Drake looks at Elian's face but it was bloodied and Elian's head was severed from it's body. Drake gapes and just stare at it.


Drake turns around and see a baby's body chopped to pieces like it's a bloodied doll.

Drake just stares at it as tears blinded him.
He gathers the baby pieces and try to fix it together.


Drake wakes up from Freed shaking him.

"Your excellency! Snaps out of it!"

Drake saw everything is white....No everybody is bloodied and his office is destroyed....by him..
Drake was shot and stab but he was  too strong.

Finally Drake fell down. Today is supposedly...the expected date of Elian's child birth.
Drake was in too much pain that he lost his mind.
Causing 100 million dollars damages and 3 thousand injuries.


Jerome was supposedly going to give birth in the hospital but there is a super typhoon and it was dangerous to go out with all the flying metal roofs and falling trees.

Jerome has no choice but to give birth at home and he only have three untrained men to help him.

Jerome almost lost his mind. He wanted to die from pain but he didn't give in.

Joshua is the most capable one and he is the one that held the baby....no the cub in his arms.

Joshua looks at Jerome in horror

"What ..what'a wrong?" Jerome asks.
"Why is the baby not moving?" Jerome was in hysteria as he saw the panic in Joshua's eyes.
"Give my baby to me! What is wrong with my baby? Give it to me!"

Joshua never seen Jerome so aggressive.
He doesn't know if he will give the dead baby to him.

"Give my baby....please..."

Joshua looks at the boss.
June nods.

"The baby is not...breathing."
Joshua puts the baby in Jerome's arms.

The cub is red and weak. It has no heartbeat.
".....N...no...." Jerome rubs his cheek to the sticky cub.
"You little demon....Why......Mommy loves you. Please wake up.. Mommy is here...Mommt wants to see you...Please...."
Tears drips down his eyes but the cub didn't move.

Jerome made a noise and he keeps hugging his cub.
"No....no....Please wake up."

June pats Joshua and Cello's back and shakes his head. They all left the mother and son.

Jerome rocks the baby in his arms. Gently, gently.
"Baby....Are you mad at mommy because we didn't go to the hospital? There's a sudden typhoon outside and the hospital is 3hours away. Its dangerous. So don't get mad okay. It was mommy's fault but I will do my best to get back to you. I will always bring you to the hospital from now on. No matter how small or big is your illness...So please....please open your eyes. Breath for mommy...Please...ahhhhh ahhh.." Jerome cries .

He blames himself. If he knows he should have stayed in the hospital. He should have.


Jerome looks down and see the cub's moving.


I have unlimited tears apparently. My nose is full of unwanted liquid.
Thanks for reading.
I hope you cried too to be fair.
My eyes stings daym.
The baby is alive don't worry. He is a cute cub.

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