I Am Here

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The small space craft only has 5 crew member and Elian and Jaden was sitting on the floor. Elian is not tied but he obediently sat down hugging Jaden.

Everyone in the space craft are tense.

They are engaging in aerial fight.

"Mom. Should we try escaping?" Jaden whispers.

Elian hugs him.

"This space craft is too small and it was engaging in a fight. We cant get out of the craft without a suit and they dont have that here. Also if we start agitating them they might take drastic action and harm us to immobilized us. If we will go and try to run away we need to land safely first." Elian says to his son. Ofcourse he has limited options because he knows nothing in fighting or space craft driving.  His chance of escaping is low. The possibility of risking more chance of dying on land is higher that in space but the chance of survival for his son is also high on land.
Elian is not much of a gambler.
And the stake is too high for him.

Elian looks at his son.

"You have to promise me something baby. If there is a chance. You have to leave and run away. Survive no matter what."

Jaden shakes his head.

Elian gapes at Jaden decisive head shake.

"Baby, you have to listen to mommy. Bad children will make their mom angry."

Jaden shakes his head again.
"Dont be stubborn mom. I will get mad at you." Jaden snorts

Elian cant help but think that Jaden is in a rebellious pace at such young age.

His self reproaching stop when the space craft was hit and they all throw by the force.
Elian's left arm dislocated after bumping in the table but he successfully cushion his son colliding on it too.


"The engine is down!"

"We need to call the head quarters."

"Call Ms. Satchel, we need to land in the nearest headquarter. If she wants to see the prisoner before we kill him off then she should go to the head quarter herself!"

"F*ck! I saw the tracking device!" The merman grabs Jaden's chest pocket.
Elian grabs Jaden arms back. They are in deadlock until the merman's claw torn Jaden's clothes.

Jaden was force back to Elian arms and they fall to the floor.

"Fu*ck you!" The merman raised his foot trying to hit Jaden's tiny stomach. Jaden crouch to protect his tiny body but Elian blocks the kick.

"Urgh!" Elian eyes turn  red from pain.

The merman left them after their space craft wobbles.

"I knew there is something wrong."

"F*ck, you should have check then. We almost bring them to our headquarters with open arms."

"Sh*t ,Im so mad. I will kill that brat later personally."

"You can have your fun later. We need to survive first."

The mermab spits.

Jaden looks at his mother.
He doesnt know where he can touch him so he wont be in too much pain.
His mother is a normal human being. Being kick in full strength by a merman , not only it was painful, he even heard that crack in his bones.


Elian smiles and rubs his head. Kissing his forehead.

"Mom is fine."

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