Wedding Date

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A lot of things happened.
After the kidnapping and Drake taken down a large criminal syndicate. Plenty of the syndicate patron surface. Ofcourse including Satchel family but only Marian Satchel was involved.
Despite the clearance of his name. General Satchel steps down on his position.

"You dont have to step down, General." Duke unfeelingly said. Though he is holding a grudge. He still maintain a leader's reasoning.

"There will always be a doubt if I stay. And honestly. Though I havent say it as a father, I hold a grudge against you,my excellency. For killing my daughter's fetus and cutting off her legs and arms. I know that it wasnt your fault and it was tha ks to your benevolence that she is still alive though in prison....planet 27 is the worst prison to be living in and she has no legs and no arms. She just there waiting to die. How cruel is that? As a father, he cant even help his daughter and clenched his fist and teeth.

Drake make sure to tell the guards to give Marian Satchel food and water only enough so she would live another day. She will suffer a life worst than hell.

Drake smiles.
"If that is your decision. I wont be keeping you then. I hope Satchel family and my family...will never have to clash again... or else... I will have no choice but to take all the roots out to make sure my family will be safe..You know me General..I am not going to be at ease if there's danger."

The general trembles. Its an open threat. The Duke will take all the Satchel into prison once they made one more attempt in his family. Though the General has no intention, his body trembles in that threat.

Drake smiles at the trembling General. As he walks out the door,Freed saw him out.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Having happy thoughts." Drake grins. "What's wrong?"

"The preparation to your wedding is complete. Only the date hasnt been set."

"......Crowen Fredrist.." Drake rubs his temple.

Freed chuckles.
"You cant blame him. He misses his son and he loves his grandson. I even have a report that He is doing his work at times when Jaden is taking a nap at home and barely left the house without his grandson."

"I dont understand. Jaden looks like me but he likes him alot."

"It was a flesh that fall oit of his beloved son. Even if it was a a rock, he would still love it." Freed chuckles.

"I wanted to bring Jaden here in my office but I almost look like a kidnapper in my in-laws eyes. Once we get married I will travel with Elian and Jaden to make them realize my own lonesome." Drake snorts.

"Maybe they know what you are thinking and would set the wedding date ten years later."
Freed grins

Drake rolls his eyes.
"Elian is sweet boy who believes in his father's decision without questioning it. You think Crowen Fredrist will let his son learn his ugly side to spite me? That soncon?"

Freed nods.
Its true that everyone knows Crowen is stalling except to Elian. Even Jaden looks like he knows. Because of that Crowen Fredrist will find a date that is still a limit of sanity to preserve his face infront of his son.

Freed thinks Elian sweetness has saved the Duke from Crowen a couple times.


The wedding date was set.

It was 2 months from now.

Elian happily circled the calendar and watch it with glee.

Eliza giggles as he pats Crowen's shoulder

"Silly old man." Eliza giggles.

"Thanks Dad. I like this date a lot!" On Earth before, December 25 is a special day as Christ birth but religion in this place are not that diverse. There is no religions but everyone believes in one God, a nameless one. There are some planets that believe in some Gods and put tmsome church to praise the named Gods but they are minority.
For Elian, who was once living on Earth as Jerome, it was still a special day and he will share that special day.


Drake came home tp the Fredrist house like before. The house of the Fredrist was rebuild and it was now a bit bigger.

"Jaden will sleep with us?" Drake is shocked to see an additional boy in their feather bed.

"Jaden said he misses me so Dad and Mom reluctantly allow him here." Elian giggles.
"How is your day?" Elian walks to Drake and help him remive his coat.

Drake kisses Elian lips in the process.
Elian daze while Drake grins.
"I want to kiss you a bit deeper." Drake whispers.

Elian blushes and looks at his son.
He shakes his head.
"Dont be naughty. Jaden will wake up!"

"Just a kiss. He wont notice."

Elian fidgets.
Drake 'kisses' involves alot of sucking and touching. He cant help moaning when he does that. He doesn't want his son to see him like that.

Elian suddenly has an idea.
"I know! Let's go to the bathroom?"

Drake raised a brow.
"Are you sure?"

Elian frowns. Why wouldnt he be sure?

"Jaden will not hear us there. The bathroom blocks the sound inside. Its convenient."

Drake laughs.
Yes, its convenient.

Elian learns that Drake is a real opportunist.
Since he came back, it wasnt the first time Drake had sex with him but it was the first time Drake do it out of the bed.
Elian is still ashamed to do this kind of activity.
But he always feel pleasure and lustful when Drake starts mobing inside of him.

"Let your voice out...The bathroom is convenient~" Drake said after licking Elian's lips.

Elian's back is pasted on the bathwall and his legs on Drake's sturdy waist.

His hands are on Drake's shoulder as he pants heavily.

"Uhhh.....You said....Kissing...Ahhh~~"

Drake puts Elian to bed after drying his hair and putting a new adult rabbit onesie on him.

Jaden eyes flutters as Drake brushes his arms on his finger.


"Sleep." Drake kisses his forehead

He hides the snickers on his lips.


His parents stayed too long in the bathroom,
He even need to hold himself from peeing his pants. Child's body is too honest.

"Oh..Come I will help you pee."
Drake said without any guilt.

Jaden shakes his head.
"I can do it alone!"

Drake chuckles. His son has conscience. His Dad has none.


I havent eaten yet....Im not hungry though

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