Sister Shaina

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Finally, the family safely came home.
Jerome was really tired. He is sure he is not the type to get tired so easily but maybe Elian's body is not that healthy as he thought or it's because of the baby in his stomach that is making him easily tired.

"Brother, I want to start exercising tomorrow. Just a walk outside or jog? What do you think?" Jerome asks as he walks out the bathroom.

As he walked out the bathroom he saw his own brother doing push ups on the floor with ease.

He is only wearing a muscle shirt and not even sweating.

"Ah?" Duan stops what he is doing and sits on the carpeted floor and looks up at Elian.
He smiles.
Like what he said, he planned to sleep with Elian for 2 weeks.
Now that his little brother is no longer scared of him, he doesn't mind how childish he sounded and just to what he pleased.

Jerome looks at his brother's muscular shoulders.
He remembers hearing that his brother is a mechanic and in this era, mechanics are known for being 'small,weak and thin'. He does think his brother's body is something a man should strive to have but he is not jealous. 
Only a bit.

"Exercise? Will that be good for you?"

"I watch it on the internet. It does help, it says. Mothers easily gain weight when they are pregnant and if I don't move around maybe I'll get bigger and it'll be hard ...or something like that?" Jerome sat on the bed and said.

"It's the first time for me to hear someone scared of getting fat. Don't you just need to visit the hospital if you want to remove excess fat in the body?" Duan smiles and sits next to Jerome.

Jerome blinks and grins.
He didn't think the technology was that advanced. 

"I still want to exercise. Can my brother look up what a 5 months pregnant woman can do without risking any problem?"

"First we need to call Dr. Hyene. If he allowed it. I'll check all the exercises you can do."

"Good." Jerome smiles and then he yawns.
"Brother, I'm tired."

"Sleep then." Duan checked the time. It's only 2pm.
His brother feels so fragile sleeping in the middle of the day as if he is back to his childhood.


Duan watches Elian sleep.
Then he called the doctor. After hearing dos and don'ts, he planned Elian's morning exercise.

He is seriously looking it up when he remembers turning off his quantum bracelet.

He turned it on but it made a loud noise making Elian frowns in the bed.
 Duan unfeelingly turns it off in an instant.

After making sure Elian went back to sleeping, he went out the veranda and made sure the glass door to the veranda was closed before opening his quantum bracelet on again.

His quantum bracelet rang nonstop for 5 minutes.
Until it finally stops.
He just stayed at home for 2 days and his assistant already called and messaged him 60 times each.

There's also people that are not registered, he directly blacklists them without confirming who they are. Duan has always been cold and everyone already used to it.

Duan accepted the video call from his girlfriend.
Shaina is a bunny beastwoman.
She is a direct member of the Duke of Wrose special squad.
Though...Bunny sounds cute and soft and fluffy, Shaina is the opposite of that.
She hates weak, lazy and cry baby.
The team always thinks Shaina is the last to be in a relationship with her character but she has actually been with Duan since College.
They are not really hiding their relationship at first but since their relationship is so low profile,nobody thinks they have a partner.
In the end, it feels like they are in a secret relationship.

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