Duke of Wrose House

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"I saw Elian, outside?" Madame Eliza looks at Butler Toffer.

Toffer bows his head.
"Young Master wants to come inside but I told him he can't. I will go help him find a lodging."

"He is too hard headed." Madame Eliza sighs.
"I remember we have a condominium complex in the 3rd street?" The madame asks.

"Yes Madame." Butler Toffer nods.

"It doesnt seem like a bad place. But Its a bit far here so I wont be using it for a long time."

"I understand."
Butler knows the Madame acts tough and uncaring but she always try her best to help out the young master.

The Madame walks away.
"Also, I bought some jacket but it doesnt fit your Master. Throw them away."
And she left.

The driver gives the newly purchased paper bags of famous brands.

The butler accepts and understand what it means.

After waiting for a long time, the butler finally went out.

"Young Maste---"
His eyes are immediately looking at the huge belly.
Maybe it was too dark for the Madame too see but it was so obvious up close.

"Young master, are you....are you???"

Jerome blushes.
He rubs his tummy.
"Well...5 months."

"5 months?" The butler quickly counted on his fingers.
"Thats before you got kick out."

"Uh... y...eah.." he doesnt know.
"Um...I wont stay long. But can you introduce me to a place to stay? I have a bit of money..."

The butler nods.
"The 3rd street condo is too high for a pregnant man...Though the elevator never fails it doesnt mean it will never happen. I will tell the Madame about it....Ill send you to the 1st district. The hospital and supermarket are near. Itll be a better choice."
Though the butler doesnt have affection for Elian, this black sheep of the family, he always admire the Master and swear his loyalty to him, the Master looks scary because he is from Plant race, he still looks forward to having grandchildren.
Suddenly, his affection for Elian soar to the clouds.

"I dont have much money."
Jerome thinks the butler will give him a big house that he cant afford.

The butler first cover Jerome with the expensive jacket.
"Young Master, Madame and Master kick you out after you try to embarrassed a lady on her birthday and even have a sex scandal on the internet. But if you will think about it, it was because the Master and Madame care about you that you can still use your debit card even being kick out the house."
-The Madame even send money to you directly.

Jerome smiles.
It seems Elian is not an abandoned child.
But sex scandal.
He remembers the tiger.. That kind of person will film himself doing it with him? Impossible!
It can only be a false accusation.
Or why else can he recall that scene if it doesnt have much effect on the real Elian?
Or could he be a lose man?
Jerome hopes he is not.

"Im sure Master and Madame will be visiting you soon. Ill bring you to the house now so you can relax."

"Ah. Okay." Jerome takes a deep breath.
He finally have a house to live.

Being rich really have a lot of advantage.
He is also from a well-to-do family. They may not be as rich as Elian's but he is not too bad either.
Though his parents are news anchors they also have a small business and it earns them alot.

"Young Master, I already inform the maids that will take care of you from the time being. I  will wait for Madame's further instruction."

"Um.." Jerome thinks the most important now is to thank his parents. Elian must be a black sheep but all black sheeps have their own stories too.
Still, he is a child love by his parents.
"Can you tell my mother, Can you thank her for me? This jacket is warm. I like it very much."

Toffer nods.
He feels that the young master change alot.
He looks like a weak thing that needs protection.
Toffer clenched his fist trying to fight the urge to rub his head.

Jerome looks at Toffer.
"Butler Toffer, thank you for helping me."

Toffer was smitten. His transformation was undone due to his unstable emotion. Though he didnt completely turn into a wolf, his  wolf ears and tail puff out.

Jerome is shock again.

Toffer cough trying his best to calm himself.
"Its my job, young master."

Jerome eyes stares at those twitching ears and he wanted to touch them but he paused.
Its real wolf ears and not a decoration.
It means he would be touching someone's ears. That is very rude.
He just watch them and suddenly a tail is waving  up and down distracting him.

"Im sure Young Master and Young Miss will also come home if they found out that Young Master is pregnant."
Toffer said and looks at Jerome.

It was the same moment when Jerome grasps his tail.

Toffer shouted.


"Please do not grab someone's tail without permission! No. Dont grab them at all." Toffer said  angrily as he try to remove the blush in his face.

Jerome is looking down. He was trying his best to avoid the tail but its waving up and down in front of him.
Its too cute that he lost his mind a bit.

They finally arrive in the 1st district mansion.

Toffer introduced the 8 maids that will serve him for the mean time. There is also a Chef and his 2 assistant, there are a gardener and his personal driver.

Jerome smiles at them.
"Please take care of me."

"We will serve his Young Master to the best of our abilities." They respectfully respond.

After they left, Toffer leads him to his room.
Then he dismiss the maids following them.

"Young Master, can you tell me who is the father of your child?"

Jerome doesnt know now if its the majestic tiger.
But the doctor confirms the baby is really from beast race. But what if its a different beast race?

"I think...Its the tiger."

Toffer almost fell down in panic.
"Y-young Master, you cant be serious!"

"Wha-why? Is it bad?" Toffer's reaction make him nervous.

"The only Tiger Race, young Master had met is.....The Duke of Wrose House!"

Jerome is not sure if this Duke is a title the same as those in his previous life. If its the same then its a title only lower to the royal family!
Jerome smiles.
'No way, right. Must be some kind of aristocrat title given to a rich family or the likes.'

El's corner;

A/N na nga lang.

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