You Know?

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Elian face blushes.
He knows this man.
The memory of the previous Hossei about this man is so strong it is hard to mistake him. From his white tiger appearance upto his human form. He looks very handsome.

Remembering again the memory of this man made his heart trembles.

When Elian hears Drake's comment he moves forward and looks at him with a smile. He doesn't know his eyes are twinkling as he looks at him.

"You already know? I thought we will meet in later days. Im glad. I wanted to see you."

Drake is stunned.
Why would they meet?
This guy gives him.a different vibe than the last time they met.
He only played with him a little before. Making irritating guy submit is not hard to do and it's fun until it lasted.

Somehow he feels like this is the first time he meet the guy.

Elionora is so shocked she forgot to greet her boss.

Duan hides Elian behind him.
"He doesn't know." He said.
He feels heartache as Elian looks covetedly at Drake.

Drake can give his brother attention as someone who can give him children but if it's love......then they feared it might be impossible.

Drake blinks. Those words finally made him raise a brow.

'Are they indirectly telling me that it's my child?'
Drake counted the last time he met this guy.
'I forgot.' He doesn't know which month was it.

Elian try looking at Drake but Duan is staller than him..

"B-boss, we won't hinder you anymore. Enjoy your meal." Elionora pulls Duan and Elian.

Drake nods and move away.
But he stops and look back.
Coincidentally, Elian is also looking at him.

When their eyes meet, Drake had the urged to pull this person in his arms.

If the waitress didn't bump on him, Drake won't notice that Elian is no longer in his line of sight.


Elionora finally breath out.
She is so nervous she is holding her breath unknowingly.

"Why did we leave?" Elian asks.
Drake is already in front of them. They should already tell him.

"This is not the right place. And there are so many people who might heard. There are so many people who wishes to be Duke of Wrose partner. For worse or for good.
If people find out about you, your life will be in constant danger."

Elian eyes widen. His dad already explained this to him but he forgot. When he saw Drake he feels that the baby inside his body is lively. Also, he feels the need to rub his body against Drake.

Realizing his shameless thought, Elian blushes.
The doctor said that the baby of high mana user are different from normal babies. There are cases when the father needs to constantly pour his mana on the pregnant woman's womb to strengthen the baby inside and there is no best way to fo that but to have

Elian once again feel his face is red. He thought he wouldn't have such shameful baby.
But he just realize that the baby is not reacting because its not feeling his father near him.

He feel sad again and rub his tummy.

Seeing him like this Duan and Elionora tried to cheer him up.
They got successful when Elian forgot about Drake when the food were served.

Drake on the other hand is still inn daze. Why does he feel so weird when he is near Elian just now? Could it be.....did he put a mental spell on him? As high level as him? Did he not notice it?

He feel his body is emitting cold air.
His friend frowns at him.

"Oi, you are scaring my wife. What's wrong with you?" Henry angrily said.

Drake sighs.
"I think someone just mess with my head."

"Oh? I'll check it for you." Henry's wife is an S class mana user that especialize in mind control.

Drake smiles but that smile is just a friendly volunteered smile.
Would he really let just anyone mess with his head? His friend is Henry, not his wife.

Henry also frowns.
"Anyways, go back and check it out."

"Yeah. I will be going now." Drake didn' even take three spoonful of food before he left. He gave face to his friend only, no need to extend his goodwill to others.

He feel at lost when he went out and not see Elian. He frowns and went home.
He really thinks he was brainwashed.
But accprding to the palace doctor, he is not attack.

Drake made the doctor check him all night. The doctor is fed up but he patiently comply.

After coming home, on his bed, he looks at the ceiling and saw Elian eyes staring at him. He sat up and called the doctor again.

There is another news in the internet, the great Male God  Drake is sick but nobody knows what his illness was.

Everyone is concerned.

Even Elian find out because of the uproar.

"Dad, what would happen?" Elian worriedly asks.

Crowen tried his best to cover the smile in his face.
"I guess he won't be able to attend the meeting in a month's time if he really is sick."

Elionora needs to go back to head quarters. Her boss is sick so everyone is in uproar. Seeing her father gloating happily as he think her boss is dying, she feels conflicted.

Elian sadly looks down.
"I should have talk to him when I had the chance. What if he died not knowing he will be a father? What would happen to our baby?"

Crowen finally unable to smile.
He rubs his son's head.
"Don't worry. Even if you kill him, that thing won't die. I'm sure he is just being crazy. Or escaping work. He is too carefree."

Elionora wants to say the Duke is not that type of person but she doesn't want to make it sound like her father is a liar.

Elian sighs.

"Baby, your father is sick. What should we do?"



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