Story Time

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Thanks to Joshua, Jerome learns that a cellphone is not as advance as a quantum device. Cellphone can be use to watch and make a call but it can't access internet. But Quantum device can. It is multi functional and it is more easier to use because it can be any form. The most common form is a bracelet.
Somehow, Jerome knows how to operate one when he got one.

"You bought such expensive thing? What are you thinking?" Cello reprimanded him.

Joshua knocks on his head.
"We already give him that money. It was his to use."

"But we give that money for the baby delivery." Cello frowns.

Jerome smiles.
"I was thinking of joining the internet to earn money. I can't possibly not do anything here and somehow I have the idea that I can earn money using this method. Am I wrong?"

"You are right! I heard one of my buddies do it too. He do stunts that are very dangerous and film it. People that likes it gives him small amount of money. If he collects it after a week, it's a huge sum of money." Cello becomes excited then he paused. "You are pregnant, what are thinking?"

"There are other channels. I already applied in three companies. Im waiting which one will accept my application." Jerome said.

"What are you going to do?" Joshua asks. He also thinks of asking Jerome to work.  Though they have money now, baby's not easy to have. But he also can't bring himself to say it to Jerome because his stomach is so big. What kind of job will he do?

Internet anchor is so far from people like them.
But with Jerome face, he can do anything?
Eating, recommendation of thing, dressing up.
Joshua shakes his head. All of that involves more money. They dont have that much.

"I will read a night time stories. I was told, my voice is soothing and calming."

Cello blushes.
"Shut up. I only said that once and you are using it against me?"

Jerome laughs. "Im not using it against you. I just like your compliment and realize that I can use it. Some people are too tired to read their children bed time stories, I can do it for them. If they are happy, they will recommend me to other people and I realize that if I have constant huge biews even without gifts, the companies will still pay the anchors monthly wage and I can even signed contracts. Well that's for the future if im lucky."

"But reading bed time stories are so boring. You think you will earn back the money you bought  for the quantum device?" Cello frowns.

"I hope so. I also bought some papers and other materials to make a colorful story telling." Jerome.

"I think you will be fine. Just have guts and don't expect too much." Joshua said.

"Thank you."

Jerome works in his story book.
Draws here and there.
Cutting and glitters.
He also uses yarn and cloth to make real clothes for the characters.

After making a book, Jerome checked and his application was accepted by the third internet site he signed up. It was not the most famous site but it still has 100 Million subscriber and for Jerome it was big enough.

Jerome signed in and then prepare to start filming.

Jerome didn't show his face but the book he made.

"Hello, I am your story teller,Jerome. I will tell you the story of the prince bunny and a pauper bunny based on/interpretted  the story written by M.Twain."
Jerome voice is soft and it sounds peaceful.
He is in the kids section. Children doesn't have money so it was not popular section. But if the child likes it, he will have a stable watchers. That was Jerome's target.

There are few things that children can watch on the internet. And usually, parents won't give them free will to access internet. That's why it wasn't the most desirable to do for online anchors.

"Oh no. The Pauper bunny said. He cried and cried. He was so scared he won't be able to see the Prince bunny again."I have to delay the coronation. I am not the real prince. I won't accept it. The Pauper bunny said."


Lorece : Oh no. Please find the Prince Bunny.

Jerome blinks and see that he got his first message.
And there are 20 people watching his program.
He smiles.

"Don't worry Lorece. Pauper Bunny will wait for the Prince."

Lorece : Oh..I am glad.

Jerome went back to the story.

"The Prince Bunny shouted, "I am the Prince of this Planet! Everyone gapes at him. The Pauper bunny jumps up and down. "The Prince is here! The Prince is back!" Everyone looksat the Pauper Bunny wearing the Princely clothes and the Prince Bunny wearing a Pauper clothes. They are very confused. But the Prince Bunny hop on to the the throne and the Pauper Bunny bow to him.
"Your Majesty!" The pauper bunny said. The Prince bunny nods and sat on his throne and everyone cheered for the new King."

Jerome uses a cut up color papers to make a confetti.

"The Prince Bunny knight the friend that helps him for his courage and for his unwavering heart that believe him. He also knight the Pauper bunny for his bravery and for his honesty. All the people that harmed the Prince...the new King, served their time in prison.The King Bunny become the best King, for he knows how it feels in both worlds, he knows the feeling of richness and the feeling of the poor. His heart can decide better because he is impartial. The end."

Jerome closed the book.

There are 50 people watching his program now. Jerome becomr happy.

"What did you learn in the story? Who do you like the most? Do you  like that the Prince return and get back to his original life?"

He is just asking randomly.


Jerome looks at the series of comments.

Lorece : Im happy.

Kent : Im glad he punished the Pauper Bunny's dad.

Irene : The guards are rude to the Pauper that is disguised as a Prince. I hate them.

Ellie : The Prince doesn't have mana?

Lorece ; I think they don't have mana.

Irene : If they have they will blow the soldiers.

Kent : I like the Pauper. He is not blinded by money.

Irene : True. The Pauper did well.

Jerome feels happy.
The children enjoys his story telling.

"Thats all for tonight. Good night to all of you. Tomorrow the same time.I will tell you the story of the Bunny and the turtle. Sweet dreams."

Jerome ended the program.

He looks at the time and even though he shorten and change some part of the story, it still take him an hour and half to finish one story.

He still feel fulfilled even though he doesn't get a hundred views. He downloaded the video so others can watch it

A Guy who always SmileWhere stories live. Discover now