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Elian knows that there is a time where he has to step forward and claim what is mine.

Elian did just that.

"You can't just nominate anyone. Drake is marrying me not because I am a Fredrist but because we have a son."
Elian said. His two hands are put on his waists.
Drake and Jaden are both in his left side behind him.

Drake whispers , "Also because I love you. You tell them."

Elian blushes and also whispers to him.
"Y-you tell them..You are embarrassing."
Elian glares at him with his round wide eye.

Drake thinks he is the cutest thing.
Jaden covers his face on his father's chest feeling shy for his mother.

"Also because I love him." Drake said softly and full of longing. His eyes bore to Elian alone and he is smilong happily.

Elian blushes but that only adds to his confidence.

"You hear? He likes me. Me. Not your clan or whoever woman you deemed worthy. Also, Im gone for 2 years and 2 months. Why didnt your girl make a move back then?" Elian crosses his arms.
"Oh I know! Cause you all have no confidence that Drake will be interested.Where are your confidence? Its obvious that you all just want to ruin my engagement and make sure my father will not be any more stronger cause..."
Elian looks at Drake that keeps whispering to him.
"Really? Thats their motive? They want Dad to fall out of favor because they are afraid that wants to be the next clan head? How shallow!"

Elian angrily pouts.

Drake stops talking and grins. Hugs Elian shoulders.
"They are shallow people. Still talking about the prestige of their far away noble relative in Universe whatever. There are only reason why a Clan member will be sent away, it means they have fallen or they are vanished. So either way...Nobody will take them seriously." Drake's words agitated everyone. But they didn't say anything. Who made Drake a Duke? His words are equivalent to a law.

"I dont care if they are royalty but my marriage has nothing to do with them."
Elian snorts.

"You insolent!" Calcioda points at Elian. Such spoiled boy. He doesnt even defend his clan. He stood there as if it has nothing to do with him and even questioning their Clan rules.
"You think the clan has nothing to do with your marriage? Do you even understand your situation? You are going to marry a Duke. Without us youe family, who would support you when you needed it? Who can you run from if you got bullied?"

Elian moves back hugging Drake arm.

"And you will help me if I got bullied and you will support me? I think the first people that would gloat in my misfortune was you." Elian rolls his eyes.
"Dont think that everyone is stupid."

"Is this how you raise your son, Crowen?" Sid shouted. "He has no respect for his own grandfather! He hasnt married yet but he is already thinking of suppressing his own Clan!"

Crowen crosses his arms.
"Yes." Crowen rolls his eyes.
"Why is it that when the younger generation is telling the truth, the oldee generation where too scared to accept it? Isnt it true? What's the use in feeding a Clan that you know will bite you in the hand eventually? We are going. And dont need to keep me and my family in your Ancestral book. Ill apply to have my own. From now on, we are not part of your Fredrist Clan!"

"Crowen Fredrist!" Calcioda and Sid shouted.

Crowen snorts.
"If you never think of taking advantage of my son, I would never care if you take advantage of me since I am your son." He said to his father. "You raise me and love me when I am little. You have high hopes at me and I ruin it when I married someone you dont approved. But you are wrong dad. Look at my brother who married the woman you want for me. Is he any better? I am the man I am now thanks to Eliza. She supports me. She helps me. She is there for me despite the struggle. And we made it big together. She is the best wife I could ever had. I dont even deserve her. But you keep your prejudice because of your bad ideas aboyt her race. She is not a representative of her whole race. She is my wife! And if you cant accept her or my son, why would I keep you in my life?"

"What about Duan and Elionora? What about them? Do you think you are being unfair with them? For the sake of Elian you want to broke off with us and making them in solitude!" Crowen step mother shouted in anger.

"I dont mind." Duan glares at them.
"You hurt my mother...You hurt my brother. You dont take seriously of us, me and Elionora. Why would we want to stay. Are your Clan that impressive?"

"Duan Fredrist! Watch your tone."

"Why? And what solitude?" Elionora flips her hair. "We aren't welcome in your clan saying we are half human. You always exclude us when there is a good event and only invite us when there are troublesome things that needed Dad helps." Elionora rolls her eyes. " I never like you but you feel like its our privilige that you inviting us." She chuckles. "If not for Dad I would have ask to separate along time ago so if today is Elian's sake then.." she turns to Elian "Thanks bro."

Elian smiles and thumbs up.
"No problem sis."

Elionora rolls her eyes.
"And we have other friends...No...We have real friends. I wont go to this Clan if I ever had any difficulty. You will even help my problem go bigger. My real friends will at least help me or think the best for me. That's where Ill be if I have difficulties."

"That's enough! If you want to leave then leave!" Calcioda snorts.
"Dont beg us when you have no one and everyone has left you!"

Eliza steps forward and hugs Crowen.
She looks at her in-laws.

"If that happens we will solve it like we always do. Sticking with each other. Oh and just remember that our Fredrist Inc are cutting off all our cooperation with your Clan and we will expect the payment for all IOU's you all issued or see you in court."

"Human! How dare you?!" Calcioda clenched her first.

"I dare! I am Fredrist Inc Vice CEO. Why would I not dare? You think you all are that? What makes your roots so privilige? Even if I cant turn into a tree, I can still be a mother of two!"

Eliza turns around and they all left

Drake chuckles carrying Jaden. He is the last to exit the door with Jaden on tow. He turns around

"Maybe you have to run away from different Universe again. Cause I wont let you off so easily."


"Let's go baby. Your Mom is a bit sad so we have to play with him all night~" Duke said ignoring the wails behind him.

Jaden looks at Drake and smile.
"Mom will be happy if you turn into your tiger form and act like a cat again."

Drake lips twitch.



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