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The people complain of the injustice. Their family member were dragged out of the comfort of their home and was taken by the Duke's men. Sent to somewhere they do not know.

Even so, nobody can forced the Duke to release them. Elian isn't his duchess yet. But he was carrying a royal blood in his stomach. Using this. He round everyone who maliciously spread bad rumor and comments toward Elian and sent them to planet 27.

27 is a planet for criminals. It was gard to breath in this planet and everything feels so hard just by lying down. Even criminals who was once strong mana user find this place a living hell. In this planet, criminals are living just like in normal planet. They need to work for food and clothing too. There is no torture but the living itself is hell.

If you want, you can buy oxygen to make it easier for your lungs to breath but it was the most expensive thing in planet 27.

Drake didn't find his new living set up as a hassle.
He went to work before sun rises and went home (to the Fredrist) at night to sleep with Elian.
He can't be with him all day but he Elian talks alot at night making it feels like he is there with him.

When Drake come home one night. He saw Elian carrying a baby in his hand lovingly.

Drake froze and rubs his eyes. He checked the date and Elian's round stomach.

"Did you gave birth?"

Elian smiles seeing him then he suddenly turn sour.
"What are you talking about. The baby is still too small and young. How can I gave birth?"

Drake walks to him and see a baby sleeping soundly in hia arms.
"What's that?"

"Brother Duan gave it to me. It's a high intelligent toy baby that imitates a baby. It's like we already have a baby. Im using it as a training to hold our baby. Want to try?"

Drake shakes his head.
"If it's noy my baby. I don't like it."

Elian gasps and take the baby back to his side showing Drake his back.

"Don't be so mean. This child just sleep. Im so worried and tired. Now you are saying this."

Drake frowns even more.
He took the baby out of his hand and it starts crying loud.

Elian looks like he was defeated.

"Don't tire yourself for a toy baby. Don't you know you will be tired with the real one later?" Drake tosses the toy baby in the small baby crib that is obviously too classy for a toy's crib.

Elian heart trembles as the sight of the baby innthe crib who is still crying.

"That is too cruel...." Elian sobs.

Drake feels funny. It's obviously a toy. It won't die or get sick. Drake carries Elian in his arms and put him to the bed. The feather bed was transfered from the Duke's mansion to the Fredrist.

Elian grabs his arm when he sae Drake is about to leave his side.

"Make the baby stop crying....dont be cruel to him."

Drake grits his teeth.
Why does ut sound like he is a bad father right now?

Drake snorts and looks at Elian crying face. He kisses his eyes.
"Fine. I will make it stop."

Elian is so shocked that Drake kisses his eyes that he forgot to cry.
He watches Drake as it awkwardly lifted the baby using his one hand to grab the blanket around the baby.

Elian thinks Drake is not carrying the baby properly but atleast the baby stops crying.
Maybe it sense security with Drake more than with him.
He saw Drake removing the battery out the baby and tossing it to the crib again.

Elian eyes are wide open.
"You....You turned it off?"

"Yes. You can't sleep if it's too noisy." Drake said.
Elian wants to complain when he saw Drake taking off his clothes.
He blushes but he didn't look away either. Drake changes his pajama in front of him all night. He feels like Drake is deliberate but he can't really accuse him.

Drake puts his pants up and see Elian drooling while looking at him. He grins.
"Do you want to see it upclose?" He asks.

Elian nods his head.

Drake chuckles.

Elian was shocked seeing Drake laughs and realize that he was fooled right now. He looks away pouting.

Drake moves to his side. Not bothering to put clothes on.
"Come on, why are you looking away? I will let you touch me."

Elian closed his eyes and feels his face is very hot.
"Sexual harrassment! Pervert! Shameless!"
He flails, making his hand into a fist trying to hit Drake while his eyes are close.

Drake laughs even louder.
He grabs Elian's hand and make it touch his hard stomach muscle. Elian opens his eyes in shocked.

Slowly his eyes stayed in that hard abs.

Drake grins.

"Do you like it?"

Elian nods then he shakes his head. But his soft nature is unabke to lie long. He slowly nods his head while his face is blushing into the color red.

Drake smiles and think he is really cute.
He lower his head and kisses his lips. Softly tasting his mouth.
Elian can't breath. As Drake licks and kiss his mouth he held his breath and unable to think better.

Drake thinks Elian is bullied enough. He grabs him to his side.

" are a bully." Elian punches him lightly.

Drake grabs his naughty hand and put Elian's hand to his waist.

Elian looks up at Drake and was given another kiss.

Elian blushes.
"I.....I want to chat..."

He always tell Drake what he did all day but realize that all he did was to take care of the baby doll. He frowns.

Drake smiles seeing Elian wronged expression.
"You really don't have to wait for me before you sleep. It takes longer to finish my work today but later there are times I will not be able to finish and sleep at work sites. You need to sleep early to reserve your strength."

Elian frowns.
"Give me a call if you won't get home."


"Give me a call if you are busy."


"Give me a call if you can't go home early."


Elian smiles.
"I'll wait as long as I can wait. I sleep in the afternoon anyways. If Im awake I can tell you stories. If Im not then you won't know,right?"

"You can tell me later. The next night."

"How is that better than telling you the same night? And I might forget. You'll never know. What if someone bullied me? How would you know if I don't tell you."

"Then Ill fire your bodyguards and send them to Planet 27." Drake grins and grabs Elian's cute cheek. "You are so precious. How can anyone try hurting you?"

Elian feels his heart is full.
He smiles and give Drake a kiss in his cheek.
"Okay. Okay. Sleep. You are tired."
Elian bury his shy face to Drake's hard chest.


Im hungry.....

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