Love Crisis

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Jaden never seen these men before.

Is what Jaden first thought as he saw a white tiger and Joshua.
The white tiger lets him on his back.

Jaden thinks that this man is smaller than hhis father. His father is way bigger and meanier  but he never ride his back before

Jaden wonders why Elian is here.
Did he has to run away from something  or someone?

Did his grandparents still dies and with no one yo go, this Elian has to hide and go to a far away planet to hide?
But his father is so powerful and influencial, why would he not help this Elian?

Jaden gapes.
'Could he not know that I am Duke of Wrose son?'

Jaden is still thinking when he arrives at home.

Jaden never lives in such a small house before.
His father easily gives him planets to play with. Like they are some sort of jewelry.

"Hello Jaden, wow! He really is a baby. He is too powerful." Cello carries Jaden in his arms.
"Do you remember Uncle Cello?"

"Quit joking. The baby just been gone for a day. How can he forgets?" Joshua snorts.

But Jaden really doesn't remember Cello and Joshua and Ceo starts panicking.

Jerome chuckles.

"You.Fine?" June asks.

Jerome smiles.
"Im fine Boss. Don't worry about it. As long as he is fine, I will be alright."

June tail pats Jerome's back.

Jaden eyes widen as he saw how intimate the tiger is looking at his mother.

He knows that his father and mother is not in love with each other. His father never even ask his hand for marriage. But he still wonders if he can have a warm complete family in this life. Sadly, it seems like his mother has chosen another lover.

"What's wrong? Why are you sad?" Cello asks.

"Uncle, when did my mom  come from this planet? Is he a native here?" Jaden smiles sweetly and innocently ask.

"2 years ago. You grow up here but your mother is from other planets." Cello said rubbing Jaden's head.
The cub is also cute but it always try to bite his hand.

"Oh? Where is mother's original planet?" Jaden eyes sparkles.

"I don't know. We only rescued your mother from the pirates. Your mother is being ra---"

Joshua angrily hits his head.
"What are you tellint the baby? Are you stupid?"

"Ah right! This is not good for baby to hear. When you grow up. Let your mother tell you." Cello said.
"Whoever your father was. And how bad he was to your mother. You are different. We will love and care for you."

Jaden didn't listen to  him.
His father is a good dad.
He is also a gentleman.
He would never harm or hurt anyone without a reason.
And he would never rape anyone.
And this pirate thing......How could a person carrying Duke of Wrose baby be abducted by pirates.
He wanted to know more and learn his current situation.
Sadly, there are no computer in the house and Jerome is the only one who can access the internet.

Jaden keep bothering Jerome to let him play with the internet but Jerome disagree.
The quantum bracelet is still too expensive for them. Jerome can't let the only source of income to disappear even if he loves his son to death.

"Don't bother mom okay. I will make a book now."
Jerome said.

Jaden smiles.
"Mom, you are an anchor?"

Jerome smiles.
"My baby knows what anchor means?"

"I know. You are like the uncle in the television."
Jaden pretends to be stupid.

Jerome is so shocked that his baby is so smart and hugs him.
"My baby is really the smartest. Yes. Mommy is an anchor that earns money from  talking to people. But it was different from Uncles in the televisions. That is why baby can't play with mommy's computer. It was expensive and we cant afford it."

"Then ...why doesn't mom ask your mom to buy you?" Innocently, Jaden asks.

Jerome paused then he rubs Jaden's head.
"You know baby, Mommy has amnesia. Mommy can't remember her past. I don't even know who is your father......We are rescued by Uncle Joshua, Uncle June and Uncle Cello. You are still in my belly back then. That is why Mommy doesn't know where is Mommy's mommy."

Jerome said.

Jaden eyes is looking at Jerome intensely.

Jerome frowns.
"What's wrong?"

Jaden looks away.
"Sorry mommy. I want to play outside."

Jerome smiles.
"Don't go out the house this time or Mommy will really get mad."


Jaden runs outside. He feels suffocated.
Jerome...this guy....he should be with the Fredrist but get abducted. Then...he was living in this planet for 2 years, only has a small house and a single old model quantum device to his name...even having a troublesome son to care?? Elian Fredrist?!
And he looks so fat and healthy.
If that is the former soul......He would definitely abandon him in that situation.

He try to use his mana and check his body.
And there he was.
That soul. He proves it and tease it. Trying to learn about this soul's real identity and purpose.

It still has an ego that is why it was hard to dissolve. But slowly, this soul will be a good nourishment for his body.

Jerome is busy in his story book making and everyone else in the house has work so he is left alone to watch the television.
He is bored and changing channels all day when he stops.
It was a news report about the death of Elian Fredrist.

Jaden looks at it intensely.

It was not a local news program and the report is just a few minutes long. But Jaden finally understand his mother and his situation.

He needs a way to contact his grandparents. Luckily, in this lifetime, they aren't dead.

Contacting his father is impossible.
He never accept calls from unknown number and Uncle Freed is very strict.

"You look happy?" Jerome smiles seeing his son watching cartoons.

Jaden didn't know when the program turn into one.
But he is happy.

In this lifetime, his father and mother are engaged!

Wait...then how about Uncle June?
Right now Jerome forgot his dad.....So he can possibly fall in love with someone else and conveniently, there is a tiger resembling a bit his dad. What if Jerome's feelings for his dad get transfered because of this amnesia?!

Jerome sometimes fears his son is too impressive that he thinks way too much.
He always have this deep in thought expression since becoming a human boy.


Love Crisis.


Tomorrow is my birthday, Feb 6. Can you please greet me tomorrow? Ill pretend to be shock.

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