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Crowen frowns seeing the Duke from afar.

He looks down and see his father patting his back while smiling at him.

"Crowen, since the Duke is here. I want to tell you something the Clan already decided about it but I still want to hear your opinion."

Crowen frowns.
"The Clan decided about something without consulting me?"

His brother chuckles.
"Dont be so sensitive. Arent we still telling it to you in the end?"

Crowen smiles.
"Oh..Okay. Its not like It's the first time."

They walk to the table with the other Elders in the family.

"Oh, Crowen, you are finally here."

Crowen raised a brow.
He has been here for a while now and even see people around this Uncle smirking while looking at him

"Yes. I havent seen you too Uncle. How are you?"

Everyone looks around and they all smirking.

Crowen sat down feeling weird.

"You see boy, we talk about this in the last conference." Crowen father Calcioda, starts talking softly.
"You know that our Clan is not even thought as an aristrocrat in Universe 32 compare to the other Universe, we are looked down."

Crowen nods. He doesnt understand why this thing should concern him. Or if talking about this will really solve the problem.

"I know father. But our Clan comes from Universe 20 and just migrated here in Universe 32. Its not like we are looked down but we are not well rooted here to begin with."

Crowen response makes the other elders gpare at him. Except Calcioda.

Calcioda smiles.
"I know." He pats his shoulder. "But you did something good. You preserve the engagement between your son and Duke of Wrose."

Crowen frowns.
He didnt want to preserve it.  He wanted to cancel it when Elian disappear but Drake didnt agreed.
He said as long ad Elian's not proven dead, he will never cancel the engagement.

"It wasnt my intention to keep the engagement, Dad. It was the Duke who wants to marry Elian no matter what."

In a way, Crowen raise his chest that his son is well love even by that guy.

His Uncle, Sid rolls his eyes.
"Brother, please get straight to the point."

"Sidrio!" Calcioda angrily glares at him.

"What is wrong?" Crowen frowns.
"Tell me Dad. Do you need me to do something?"

"The truth is...We think that Elian is not a good match for the Duke or Wrose. He get pregnant even if he is a man and he is human, weak and vulnerable. How can we allow a Fredrist with this kind of flaw become Universe 32's duchess and be the mothee of the future Duke? It was embarrassing." Calcioda shakes his head.
"So we decided to nominate Carmen, your Uncle Sid's Granddaughter to be the Duke's fiancee. She promise to take care of Jaden but you have to tell Elian that its not possible to make Jaden the next Duke. It should be her and Duke's first born son."

Crowen paused.
He looks at everyone who has the look that this is just normal thing to say.

"What do you think?" Calcioda asks.

"Oh? I can say anything? It seems you all done the thinking for me."

"Dont be mad. This is for the best. The interest of the whole clan should be consider first. Its not like your son will not have any benefit in this. We are willing to put your son's next marriage in top priority."
Jasmine said. She is Crowen's step mother.

Crowen close his eyes then open one eye.
"So, how are you going to convince the Duke?"

"It'll be hard, true, but if he sees that this option is best, then he will surely be relieve." Sid said laughing.

Crowen crosses his arms
"I never owe anyone in the Clan but you keep thinking I should give up everything for the Clan. That's weird. I do not agree." Crowen stood up. "You all look down on my son, soon, he will be the Duchess of Wrose, let me see how you kneel in front of my son!"

Crowen doesnt know a day will come where he will use the Duke's title to suppress his Clan's mind.

"Crowen, we are just thinking for the good of the Clan. How can that thing be a good match for the Duke?"

Calcioda follows him.

"Because the Duke loves my son and they are now parents. How can the Duke not think of my son's worth?"

All the elders follow Crowen but they all stop hearing Drake's loud laugh.

They watches as Drake left Carmen and walks straight to Elian that is sitting quietly with his son.

"Dad!" Jaden runs to Drake and hugs him.
Drake smiles and carry him in his arms.

"Are you two having fun?" Drake asks Jaden

Jaden frowns and shakes his head.
"They all avoiding Mom. I dont like them."
Jaden snorts and didnt even bother lowering his voice.

Drake lips twitch.
"Then you dont have to stay in this planet. Just return with Dad and Mom. We will play all week."

Jaden eyes sparkles.
"I like that! We can play with the nursery play ground where Godmother Melody is working. I want to meet her personally."

Drake ruffles his head.

Elian smiles as he watches Drake and Jaden's close relationship.

"Elian~" Drake sat next to him and kisses his lips.

Elian blushes but he didnt complain like he usually does.
He just pinched Drake under the table.

Drake chuckles.

"I didnt know you will be this popular in our Clan . They seem not to know me but you are different. You are more welcome." Elian rolls his eyes.

"Its because Im the Duke." Drake smiles.

Elian smiles.
"My Duke~"

Drake was taken aback.
"Are you doing that on purpose?"

"Acting spoiled and sweet? Yes." Elian admits, chest held high.

"No.." Drake covers Jaden's ears. "Making me horny~"

Elian blushes and looks at Jaden in horror.
"Keep it in your pants, Mister! Have shame in front of our son!"

"But Jaden wants a brother ." Drake whispers.

Elian face is beet red.
He looks away from Drake.

Drake smiles but only when looking at the shy Elian.
He is glad Elian doesnt know what this Clan is thinking. He doesnt want Elian to be unaware but he can atleast hurt him a little less after he closed a few Fredrist company operating with the military. He will start with that. If they stupidly continue and doesnt get the message then he will mess them very thoroughly.

Drake smiles when Elian looks at him
"Marry me first before you plan a second child." He pouts.

Drake wants to get married now. Sadly, Crowen is good at finding a stupid 'special day'. All his requirements in his wedding date is Elian and Jaden are there.

"Okay. Ill be patient."

Elian smiles.
"Good boy."

"Meow." Drake response.


Not my lucky day.
Hope you all have a good day though.

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