Elizar, Jaden's Past

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Jaden looks at Jerome who was on his phone.
He smiles at him and sat next to him.

"I called our neighbor and told him he doesn't have to kill the dog but hope he would send it away. He agreed. Now that you can transform to a baby boy, I hope you stop being naughty and no longer obssess in marking your territory. Is that alright?"
Jerome said in a reprimanding but soft tone.

Jaden gapes.
He just did what?
He is sure od himself. He is a very disciplined.

Then he recalled that he was in the environment before where he can't be naughty.

"Okay Mom."

Jerome smiles and kisses his forehead.
"It must been tired for you. Sleep for now. Uncle Joshua amd Uncle June will come here to see you. Uncle Cello will wait for you at home. Isn't that nice? Everyone loves Baby Jaden. Let say thanks to all your Uncles okay?"

Jaden gapes.
Uncles? He has one uncle in his mother side but he only see Uncle Duan from afar. After the death of his grandparents, Uncle Duan and Aunt Elionora cut ties with Elian because it was him who they blamed for it. And in his opinion, it was really Elian's fault.
But Elian still thinks he is the one who was bullied and neglected.

"Jaden, saying thank you is polite thing to do. Especially for people that genuinely concern and care for you." Jerome said when he saw Jaden not answering him back.

"Okay Mom." Jaden smiles.

Jerome thinks Jaden is so cute and kisses his cheeks.
"My baby is so cute. Cub or human form, so cute cute~"

Jaden wryly smiles.
This Elian is....his original parent right?
That one is just a soul using other people's body. He never thinks of him as a son anyways.

When Jerome left for awhile to process his released papers, Jaden was alone to think of what  is happening.

He was back.
From the past.
He was back and he is now 2 years old cub. And apparently, his mom is calling him Jaden and he called himself Jerome.
But that was strange.


"Elizar, listen to me.."
As far as Elizar recalls, his mother Elian always start talking to him like this.
Always have to listen to him.

When he was little, he tried his best to be liked by his mother.
Elian was a bad person but he is the only one he had.
Elian gambles left and right using the inheritance he get after his parents died.

Elizar is 10 when he first met his Uncle Duan a reknowned Mecha engineer and his Aunt Elionora, a Senior Officer in the military.
They are Elian's only immediate family but they hate him and Elian hates them.
He keep blackening them in Elizar's ears.
But Elizar things the two are respectable people but he never object his mother's words.

Elizar try finding the truth about it. Elian has no backing and if he has his siblings support, he can stand in equal footing with Marian Sachel. But when he learned the truth he also had an impulse to hate his mother.

His mother was once thrown out the house after he mess with a prominent woman's party and for seducing a married man. His parents just want him to think of his wrong doings and to apologize. But because his parents love him so much, Elian uses the money that was being sent to him and played with the rogues and illegal bars, having fun left and right. When he realized that he was pregnant, he is not sure, who is the father of his son. He begs his parents to let him go back. And because of his parents love and concern, they take him back.
But Elian went back with a huge debt. It was so much that even the Fredrist riches, they still feel the weigh of that debt. But Elian didn't stop and still as carefree as he was. When Elian heared that Marian Sachel was pregnant with the Duke's son and the duke gave her a planet as a gift, Elian counted in his mind and also recall that he had an affair with the Duke and says he was pregnant with his son. The Duke easily accepted the baby as his. But Marian and Elian propose marriage.
Duke of Wrose didn't answered anyone and just give them lavish gifts.

Elian focus on doing his best to find trouble to Marian and compete with her making the Fredrist in more debts.
His parents work harder to make sure the company will not collapse. They keep telling Elian to stop wasting money but Elian uses his pregnancy to threaten his parents.

Due to fatigue, Duan told his parents to go on a vacation and luckily, Eliza met a girl name Clara and they hit it off.
Eliza, Clara and Crowen went together in a vacation trip but the space pirates hijacked the plain and everyone was killed including Eliza and Crowen.

Elian blames Duan and Elionora fights him.
After that, Elian never consider the two as his siblings. He clings to Duke of Wrose and when he gave birth, the baby....Him...Is the same splitting image of the Duke. Making Elian more arrogant.
Marian gives birth to an alien raced baby and they found out that it was the Duke of Solice son.
The Duchess of Solice was a terrifying woman, Marian begs Duke of Wrose help and he accepted. Though it was not his child, Drake accept the baby as his own.

Elian is against it. But Drake didn't give him any rights to meddle with his decision.
Drake likes him, Elizar.
He treats him better than Cody(Marian's son).
But that doesn't make Elian's happy. He wants to be the Duchess.

As to help his mother, Elizar agreed to do this and that so he can hook his parents together.
Even using aphrodisiac against his father only for him to die.
The aphrodisiac Elian obtained was tampered and since it was a drink his only son made for him, Drake drinks it without putting his guard up. Only to die.
Drake wants to protect Elizar even with his dying breath and pinned all the sin in Elian but Elian flips and put all the blame to Elizar.

Elizar was sentenced to die.
Loren came to him before he was killed. He gives him his fathers heart. It was a beautiful gem.
Elizar cried hugging it day and night. Until the day of his death.

"I want to go back....and kill that bitch!"
His eyes glows in hatred. No matter what....even if he dies. He has to protect his father.

The gem, his father's heart, shattered and when he regain his sanity, Elizar was inside Elian's belly.

As a baby, he shouldn't be able to use mana oe harmed his mother's in his womb. But he is conscious baby.
After exploring his mother's body, he realize that the soul and the body is not connected. It was like a possession.
He used that and sucks the soul killing it.

"What is happening to me?" Elian shouted in panic.

Using telepathy, he shared all Elizar's past to this soul...

"No!!! What are you doing? We can turn everything back. Together we will not let anything go that way again. Help me instead and we will be a happy family!" Elian shouted.

"Help you? You don't deserve to live. Hossei, you are a body thief. You harmed Elian's family without remorse. For killing my father, I will avenge my old self!"

"Akkkk... Abort! Abort this baby! Abort....abor"

Using all his power, Elizar didn't know what happened after that. He feels so tired and weak...He should have let Elian give birth to him first as he accumulates his strength but he was emotional and he is in pain, he just died for killing his own father while that Elian happily count the money from Drake's inheritance.
He was not able to think rationally but he never regret it...

"Jaden? What's wrong baby?" Jerome sats on the bed and wipes the baby's eyes.
"Arw you in pain? Tell mom."

Elizar.....no....Jaden looks at Jerome.
This is his real mother. The owner of the flesh and the one who gives birth to him.

When he uses all his strength upon reincarnation using his father's life gem, there's only one thing that could happen. It's either he dies being aborted or Elian...no..Hossei dies and he eats his whole soul. Then the body will be soulless.
It's either this new soul is the original owner or someone else. But Jaden doesn't mind who. He just wish that this soul.....will be a better mom...
And he feels that, he is.

"Don't cry mom. I am fine."


I want emojis hahhahahahhahaha😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

So it's a regressor not reincarnator. Thanks Selena. Hahaha. I never used that term before but used that plot couple times now. Regressor sounds tough. Hahha

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