I am Pregnant?

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After Joshua whistles, the white tiger drags Elian out of the cave.

Joshua smiles until he saw a pregnant man.

"Damn Fucking Pirates! They even impregnate a man!" Cello kicks the dead pirate face angrily. Planet 600 is a small planet , it is only twice the size of Earth. Compare to other planets. The resources of this planet is small and sometimes Parapluie flower can be seen growing in the soil.

Joshua is one of the pirate hunters. They kill the pirates that roam to their planet and collects their loots. Sometimes they bury the pirates or just throw them to the damp site. In a backward planet like them. There are less contact to Major planet so they cant bring pirates there to see if there are reward in their heads.

Joshua looks at the man and feel pity. He can't blame the pirates. He is such a handsome man.

"Why should we do? He could be those pirates slave." Arthur said. Though they have pity, they also don't have much in their name to be kind.

"We will bring him." Joshua said.

"Are you sure? It's hard to have pregnant person. If he dies from giving birth..What will we do? Raise the baby?" Cello, grabs his head.

They are all orphan. These parts of the planet 600 is like a dampsite. Nobody cares for them here.

"Just take him. Boss Thunder, can you carry him?" Joshua asks the tiger. The tiger nods his head as if he understand. Actually he does. He is a beastman. From young, beastman would assume their weakest form and when they become adult, they can change into  their human form. But Boss Thunder never able to change his form. The tiger tribe throws him away. And he went to planet to planet until he got injured and now he become the children protector in the pirates grave hill. From young, Joshua and the others been living with him.


Jerome wakes up and feel his stomach is heavy. When he scratches he found that he have a very bloated stomach.

"Ahhhhh!" Jerome gasps as he stares at his stomach

Cello hears the commution and rush.
"Oh? You are awake? How are you?"

Jerome tilts his head.
Where is he? He just finished talking to the lawyer. He refused to give his relative money. Those money he inherited are his parents blood and sweat.

"I...I am Jerome. Where am I?" He blinks.

"You are in Planet 600. We saw you with the pirates. Are you a wife of one of them?"

"Wife?" Jerome grabs his chest. Though its a bit swollen, it is not passable as a female chest. He also grabs his pants and sigh. He is still a man.

Cello laughs at his reaction.
"Did you even forget if you are a man or a woman?" He giggles.

Jerome frowns.
"Why did you call me wife? I am a man?"

Cello points at his belly.
"Well, you are pregnant."

"Preg....No no...My stomach is just big because....I am...I am fat?"

Cello laughs.
He thinks this guy is funny. He bring a mirror. It is 2 meters tall. There are cracks on it but you can still see your face.
Jerome gasps.
This is not his face. And this is not a body of a fat man.

"I am pregnant?"

Cello frowns.
"Are you....Did you get caught by the pirates and they impregnate you?"

"I do?" Jerome feel disgusted. Rape a man? And make them impregnate?

Cello saw the disgust in his face. He shakes his head.
"You can still abort the baby if it's not 6 months yet. I heard if the baby is already 6 months old, it was legitimate living being already and has rights so you can't take their life away anymore."

Jerome grabs his stomach.
"Not abort! No abortion."

Cello is shocked.
"Even if it's the seed of an evil person?"

Jerome tears up.
He doesn't understand why he was here. He doesn't understand what is happening. But if he is going to be a parent, then he will be a parent his mom and dad will be proud of. Also, he is christian and he doesn't approve in abortion. Well, maybe it has nothing to do with religion, it's his choice.

"Why don't you contact your parents?" Cello asks.

Jerome eyes widen. Right! This is not his body. It must be transmigration? Maybe the original owner of the body died from the pirates evil deed and he transmigrated to continue his life for him. Maybe the past owner of the body doesn't want the baby to be alone so he is now here.

Jerome smiles and rubs his tummy.

'From now on, I will be your dad..or mom?I will care for you and love you. I don't know what happen to your mother but I will never love you less than his love for you. We will be family.'

Jerome looks at Cello.
"What is your name?" He asks.

"I am Cello. Im one of the pirate hunters."

"Thank you for saving me Cello. Can you tell me how I can find my relatives?"

"Oh? You have no recollection?" Cello looks at him, pitying this poor guy.
His face is his downfall. He is glad he is not handsome.

"I...I think I have memory loss." Jerome sadly said. "Maybe the shock from the pirates abuse make me forget my former life."

Cello trembles. He is only 27 but he is still young. He is a squirrel beastman but the was small and weak. Maybe that is why he was thrown away.
He has sharp mouth but he is also soft hearted.

He already can imagine Jerome's humiliating past.
There are alot of people they rescue from the pirates that choose to kill themselves after being rescued. Alot of them are men and women with engagement. After being played with the pirates, they know that not only will their parents will not take them back, the lover that loves them will never look at them the same way. They choose to die than to live. Some who survived but never wish to go back to their own  planet. It's the reality of life.

For Cello, Jerome is the most beautiful he had seen, and he is the only one that can still smile so happily and full of hope despite all his life experiences.
'Maybe its best to have memory loss than wish death.'
Cello promised to be a good Uncle to the baby.


Uncle Acquired hahahahhaha

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