Not Appeased

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Duan looks at his brother and Drake in the dining area. It's the first time Drake stayed this late at their home and also the first time he was in the dining area. The maids and servants are all hiding in their quarters. Only the cook and the cook's helper are serving the food one by one and retreating immediately.

Elian is very mad at Drake yesterday but now Elian is fussing about Drake.

"Do you like to eat this? How about this one?"


"Don't worry about me. Eat." Drake said smiling tenderly at Elian.

Elian feels depress.
"You are sick, how can I not worry you?"

Duan was scared.
Drake is sick?
How sick? He is perfectly sitting there right?

Duan looks at his parents and see two different reactions.
His dad is looking at the Duke as if he was the biggest joke and his mom is looking at Drake with soft smile as if she is looking to a happy thing.

Duan sat down. Next to Eliza.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." Eliza smiles and greets back. Crowen nods at him but put his eye sight back to the Duke.

Duke smiles slyly at him.

"Brother, good morning~" Elian smiles happily.

" two are okay now? No more fighting?" Duan asks Elian.

Elian eyes widen. Then he crosses his arms and pouts. His eyes are glaring at the Duke.
The contrast is too huge from the previous careful attitude.

"I am not! Just...He is sick and I can't ve too harsh." Elian flicks Drake's forehead as if he is the big man who is accomodating Drake.
"Until he is no longer sick, I need to care for my fiance...or...or what kind of fiancee I am. Hmp."

Duan saw Drake smiling at Elian sneakily.

"Ah." Duan understand now. His brother is being fooled!

And it seems his father already tried to tell Elian and failed.

Drake coughs.
Elian looks worriedly again.

"How about soup? You really should eat. And don't go to work today."

Drake sighs and nods.
"I'll listen to you."

Elian puff his chest and grins.

"Listen to me. I will make you better soon! You won't even feel you are sick!"

'Cause he is not!' The three people listening says unanimously.

They all slowly eat breakfast.
Elian serves Drake the whole morning making Crowen lose his appetite.

But Elian is concerned and make Crowen eat more. Son slave Crowen eat a few spoonful food for him.

Crowen and Eliza went to work.
Duan is about to go back to his work. He has been at home for a month. His one week vacation turns into a month long but it was approved thanks to the capable Duke.

But now he also needs to go. Leaving Elian to the wolf like Drake at home. Drake walks behind Elian. He has a blanket drape on his shoulders thanks to Elian who insist it was cold outside.

"I will go home once in a while. Call me if you need me." Duan said holding Elian's hand and kisses his hand softly.

Elian almost cried. He nods his head and hugs Duan.
He already misses him. He is used to Duan being near now. He is very reliable and strong. He carries him in his arm so well too.

Duan kisses Elian's cheeks and reluctantly let go.
He looks at the Duke.
If he can even leave his work to coax his brother, then it means he really put his brother in his heart.

"Please take care of my brother."

Drake smiles.
"Do you really have to touch him and kiss him? Just go. It's not like you are leaving for good."

Elian is shocked.
"How can you say that? How can being near and far be the same? We finally hic* getting closer...Hic**"

Drake eyes widen.
So easy to cry?
He asks himself, would he really want a partnee who easily cry?
Damn, he wants!
He can't take women who cry in every turn let alone a man. He always believe that men are inheritedly stronger so men should be more tougher.
Yet now, he will marry himself to a cry baby and he is willing.
But also unwilling that those tears are not for him.

Duan sadly touches Elian's cheeks. Making Elian looks at him.
He feels distress as he looks at the clear hot watee flowing out Elian's eyes.

Elian is so beautiful. There is heartache as he watch him like this.

"Don't cry Elian. We will still be close even if Im at work. Ill call you everyday. Watch you sleep. I will...."

"Call your own girlfriend." Drake sneers.

Elian watches Duan's space craft left until it is no longer visible in the sky.

He sniffs as he trembles. His reaction toward Elionora and Duan's departure is because of how much Duan pampers Elian. They even share a bedroom and Duan loves him wholeheartedly, even if he is not a good one. Duan loves him unquestionably. Such love is very problematic bit also touching.

Drake walks to him.

"Come inside. Didn't you say it's cold outside?"

"I...Ill just watch a few more minutes."

Drake feels sour.
"It seems that you are very close."

Elian nods.
"We sleep and eat together. He carry me in his arms and watch me when Im sleeping."

Drake feels even more sour.

"He sounds like a sweet husband."

"...????" Elian frowns. "How can he be called a husband? He is my brother?"

Drake knows that but he likes it when Elian says it.

"There is a planet under Universe 32 that doesn't care about blood relation and if they want, siblings can marry and have a family."

Elian eyes widen.
"Oh! Wow." Elian thinks it's not disgusting thing. It's their choice anyways. But a lot of people in the country he once live in will be in state of panic if they heard. Its a taboo thing but Elian thinks why would other people care so much about other business? It is not like it was them who will be in the relationship.

Drake stilled as he looks at Elian's reaction.
Angrily, he grabs his hand.
"What are you thinking?"

Elian blinks.
"I think that it's their own matter if they want to marry their siblings."

"!!!!!" Drake can't even use his mana to make Elian suffer so he wants to vomit blood internally, in his anger.

Elian thinks Drake is weird.
"What's wrong?"

"You are not thinking of marrying your brother right?!"

Elian is shocked.
"My brother has a fiancee! What are you thinking?"

Drake is not appeased!



Oh thanks for all who wishes me well. Im fine. It doesn't hurt me now. ♡♡♡

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