Baby Killer

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Drake slowly walks to the bedroom.
Elian is waiting for him.

"Drake! What happened? Why are you just coming back now? Did...did you decided you want to marry that woman instead? Are you here to break up with me? Should I call Mom  and Dad?"

"Hey. Hey. Stop worrying. I just went to work after my meeting."

"You went to where?" Elian rolls his eyes. " Wow Mr.Carefree. Aren't you suave?"

Drake lips twitch.
"I just have alot of time and I need to work anyways."

"How did your meeting goes?"

"Well, you don't have to worry. I heard the baby died."


Drake went to change his clothes but Elian grabs him back

"What do you mean? What happened? And excuse me, who is happy so hear a baby dying?!"

"I am not happy too. I just thought you will be relieve."

"No. No way I will be! What kind of a person I am in your head."

"Wait. Why are you getting mad?" Drake frowns.

Elian grits his teeth.
"Tell me what happened."

"She is confident the baby is mine. So I am not worried and I told her I want to give the baby mana. Though there's no imprint of my mana on the baby I just thought its because my mana and Marian's mana collides making ot impossible for me to tell in one look so I proceed in giving mana. And the baby thought I was attacking and it was hurt inside. They went to the hospital but the baby dies."

" killed it?"

"Wait. What? I ask her and she said it was mine. As a royal blood, we won't be inferior to any mana and won't be harmed so easily by others mana yet it 'attack'her baby it means it was not my baby."

"Maybe she just doesn't know it was yours. Can't you check first before you inject mana!" Elian angrily said.

"Why am I the villain here? I am the victim right? She wants to lie to me."

"Still. It's a life." Elian trembles and cried.
"Such a soft and fragile life."

"It's 3 months? Not even an as big as my hands."

Elian glares at him.
"How can you say that? You ...aren't you a parent too? Don't you know how painful it was to loose your baby?"

Drake is stunned.

"If you are like this and God hears you. We lose our child so he can teach you a lesson. I will kill you myself!"

Elian went to bed and cried.

Drake is stunned.
He isn't really the one that killed the baby. It was by his hand but it was not by his device. And this God is so malicious that he would kill his child so spite on him?

After changing his clothes, he climbs to the bed and hugs Elian.


"Im sorry. Im just heartbroken for the baby. You have to make sure the baby have a decent burial okay? So pitiful ah."

Drake wipes his tears.
He thought....Elian is too fragile right?
There are what...20 fetus that is dying every 1 minute in the entire Universe 32. As someone like him who has lost comrades and friends while fighting in the war, he really doesn't feel anything.

But maybe it was because it was not someone he values?
'If it was our child',his mind is full of that question.
He slowly slips his hand on Elian's belly. Elian is already asleep with a tear in his eyes.

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