Duke has lost his mind

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The Fredrist family has a lot of businesses.
They are very rich family though they are not from a noble family they have even better life than most minor nobility in Universe 32.

Crowen Fredrist is a very influential man. He's been invited in the palace a couple times making him like a minor Celebrity in common people's heart and even nobles need to give him face.

But ofcourse there are many that wishes his downfall day and night. Grumbling and eyeing their possession.
But Crowen and His wife, Eliza are people who don't easily show their weakness. Aside from their children, who else can shake them?

Until today, the warrant of arrest issued by the one and only Duke of Wrose to all the Fredrist children shocked the whole Universe 32.

Crowen demands an immediate call to the Duke of Wrose office. Of course he knows that his children will not be harmed and will just be called for questioning but Elian is pregnant! How shocked and frightened would his youngest son would be?
Eliza is beside him. Praying to who knows who. Asking a great spirit to make sure nothing wrong happens to her children.

The assistant accept the call finally. He just received a call from the Duke. He doesn't know how that woman, duke's admirer, have a direct line to the duke!
He has to call the police to report illegal video call   interuption.
If he handles the task swiftly, nobody will have to know that a noble woman is using illegal way to connect calls to powerful people's line. But if it's the police, people will know and a scandal will spread. It was the assistant's way of getting back at them as he got reprimanded by the Duke severely.

Freed answers the call.
"Good day Mr.Fredrist." His tone is polite and respectful. He never puts an air as long as he is not agitated.
He has a good reputation and thus the Duke made him his secretary. At first, Freed is thankful but as years went by, being use by the Duke, he wants to complain to the past him who happily take this path.

"Sir Freed, I just want to ask about my children's well being. I know the urgency of the Duke's situation but iit was disrespectful to send a warrant of arrest! And Elian, my youngest son is pregnant!"
Crowen  doesn't dare to show attitude with Freed, even if he is just an assistant....he is the Duke's assistant!

Freed apologize and told them he is about to see Elian in the Duke's mansion.
When Crowen finds out his beloved son is not in the military area but in the Duke's mansion he feels relieved and also suspiscious.

When the call ended. Eliza grabs his hand.

"What did he say? How is Elian?"
Eliza asks worriedly

"Elian is in the Duke's mansion."
Crowen is still in daze.

Eliza gapes for a while then nods.
"He finds out then."

There is no other logical explanation for why their son be in the Duke's mansion unless the Duke finds out that their son is pregnant with his own seed.

Crowen grumbles.
"He is abducting our son using law as a shield!"

Eliza smiles and rubs his shoulder.
"Sooner or later, the two needs to get closer. If they won't for themselves. At least for the baby."

Crowen can only hold his wife's hand to be appease.

Freed looks at Elian as if he never seen him before.

Elian just wakes up from a light nap.
His eyes are squints as he yawns.
The Duke is actually.........sitting on the chair watching him.

Freed wants to turn around and leave but the Duke called him back.
Standing on the foot of the bed. He watches as the  Duke helps Elian to sat up in the side of the bed.
Helping Elian to smoothen his clothes that got wrinkled.
And touching his belly from time to time.

"It's the Duke's baby?"
He suddenly asks.

"You can tell?" Elian finally notice this man. He smiles politely at Freed.

Freed nods.
With all the obvious signs, if won't come up to that conclusion then he would be scolded.
Actually the Duke is glaring at him as if saying : You just notice now?

Freed coughs.
He can't believe that the Duke impregnate the Fredrist son! And the belly is already so big.

"Actually, I just received a call from Crowen Fredrist asking their children's condition. Should I tell them?" He asks.

Drake sneers.
"They are under suspicion of causing the Duke's illness. How come parents can just ask suspects condition so bodly? Do you think you still know your job?" Drake glares at him.

Freed feels a chill. He thought from the Duke's meticulous care with Elian, he would try his best to curry favor to the Fredrist.
How can he be so foolish as to think his boss will be that soft.

Elian hears his father's name and his eyes shines.
When he hears the Duke, that little happiness disappear. Looking at this silly man's expression, Drake waited if he will ask him to contact Elian's parents for him..

Elian will gives him children. This is the first time he actually impregnate someone. As active he was with his nightlife. No woman has even come telling him that they are pregnant. Now, a young man is here.
He will surely grant Elian's every wish. Be resonable and not.
Yet Elian force himself to be contented and smiles.
Not asking for anything.

Freed stands on the foot of the bed looking at the two.
While the Duke is staring intently at Elian.
Elian, who isnlooking down, feels the hot gazes on him.

Elian lips twitch.
"Is there...something wrong?"

Drake frowns.
"You use to be so brazen. You ask me this and that. Remember how we did it? You even ask tell me that I have to pay for any pain you will feel? Now you don't want to ask me anything?"

Elian face blushes.
Hossei is too much.
He can't imitate him.

"A gentleman would not ask. He would know." Elian softly replied and winks at him.

Drake is dumbfounded.
Freed saw his stunned appearance and almost burst into laughter. There will come a day when the Duke will have such a foolish face.
But he too is shock with Elian.

He bows his head and call the Fredrist.
A Gentleman in him knows that the Young Elian wants to assure his parents that he is fine. So he would just do it for the sake of showing him such a funny Duke.

Drake too order to release the Fredrist siblings and Henry and his wife. Release a statement of apoloogy for falsely arresting innocent people.

The Duke who always arrest innocent people actually release an apology statement. The planets are all shaking in fear, worried that the Duke has lost his mind!

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