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Drake is carrying the sleeping Jaden in his arm while Elian is contemplating about something while walking.
Though they are both not saying anything. Elian is holding Drake's shirt making them look very close.

After putting Jaden to the feather bed.
The two walk to Elian's parents room.

"Mom, Dad, Varga told me everything." Elian started. "Oh, Varga is those children's leader...Or eldest brother."
Elian explains.

"Let's talk in the study room." Crowen smiles and rubs Elian'a head.

Elian frowns.
"Dad, Am I hurting you?"

Crowen sighs.
"No. On the contrary, Dad is very proud of you. You are helping people on your own way."

Elian smiles.
"Ill make you more proud, Dad. I plan to go to college and get a degree!" Elian slowly looks away and continue," I wont promise an award though."

Crowen laughs.
"Good! That's very good. How about you finish college first before you get married?"

Elian eyes widen.
He didnt know  that him, not graduating from college, is that big of a deal.
"S-should I?"

Before Crowen can answer Drake puts his two palm on Elian's shoulders.
"The invitations and the event hall are all been prepared. Or are you saying that people that didnt graduate in college cant get married?" Drake said asking Elian with a sad expression.

"Ofcourse not! How can that be a requirement in loving someone?" Elian said seriously.

"Right, also cant a married person go back to college? After getting married, that does mean you cant go back to school?"

"No way!" Elian feels that Drake is right. "Its fine Dad. Ill go to school after our wedding!"
Elian smiles.

Drake sneers at Crowen.

Crowen snorts.

Eliza rolls her eyes at her husband.
"Stop that."

Crowen sighs.


Everybody is inside the study. Crowen is sitting with Eliza, Elian with Drake and Elionora and Duan.

Elian is happy that his father and mother will help seek justice.
But also feel bad toward his father.
In the end of the day, they are his family that loves him and he loves. But he chose them. He chose what's right.

Elian stood up and hugs Crowen.
Crowen smiles and rubs his hair.

"Dad, Dont worry. We are the one in the right!" Elian said with a determined clenched fists.

Elionora chuckles.
"We are not sure yet though. We cant just base on the children's testimony. Fredrist Medicine Institute has a lot of enemy. They can plant these evidence to put the blame to the Fredrist Clan. "

Elian looks down.
Actually, he thought about it. He just feel sorry for Varga as he cried telling him his story.

"I will investigate. But Mom already want to separate with the Fredrist Clan. Even if this is a false accusation..Its best if this is just a false accusation of people who want to see the Clan fall down." Duan said.

Drake smiles.
"I will find out. Tomorrow, I will give you all the people that contacted those children. Match it with the Fredrist employee."

Crowen nods.
There is no one more effective to move than the Duke.

Elian hugs Crowen.
In his heart he knows. That it was really the Fredrist. Because in his opinion, they are bad people.
But there is still a little hope that they are not that bad.


"Good Morning!"
Elian looks at the pink haired girl wearing a maid outfit.

"Oh. Hello. Why are you dress like that?"

The girl blushes.
"P-please let us stay here! We will work hard. My siblings are small but we are very efficient. Before in the orphanage, we all do all the cleaning, cooking and gardening." She said and bows her head.

Elian paused.
He thinks they are too young to work. At first he is thinking of adopting them but Drake disagree. He said he had given up of the thought of adoption since he found out that his disappearance was involve with  Marian Satchel.

Elian cant help but laugh at first but Drake eyes made him unable to laugh at him.
The pain he gone through, the pain Drake experience, he cant tell him that his worry is nothing.

Adoption is equivalent of any taboo word now in Drake's vocabulary.

Elian realized at this moment. Those children who were begging money on the side of the road. Is not asking to be taken care of. They want to work. To live.

Elian smiles.
"I will ask Dad."

Crowen paused seeing two tailed cubs polishing his car.

Crowen looks at Toffer.
Toffer smiles wryly.

"These children want to ask something."

"Oh?" Crowen smiles.

"U.m..." the Lion cub transformation is not yet as complete as Jaden so they still have ears and tails of their beast tribe.
"Can we...Can we work here? So we can eat well and sleep well?" He said softly.

Crowen eyes were squinted.

The squirrel kitten hides from the bigger Lion cub.
"We dont eat so much. Just a little bit like this." The squirrel kit said motioning a small bowl.

Crowen smiles.

"Really?!" The two smiles happily.

"Ofcourse." Crowen sighs when he enters the car. He feels sad that some of those cute little children was no longer in this world. He really hope, wishes,that its not his Clan.
He still remember his father and mother laughing with him when he was young.


Jaden wakes up shaken.
Its not that he never seen so many children before but this is the first time he will eat breakfast with 26 children.

They keep calling Jaden ,Young Master.
Jaden rolls his eyes.
These children just keep chatting and eating at the same time.

"My name is Pink." The pink haired girl said.
"My name is rat."
"My name is Che che"
"My name is Doggy."

"Enough! Enough! Is Varga the only one with person name on you?!" Jaden said shocked.

"Varga came in the orphanage when he is already  6 years old. We grow up in the orphanage and so the director named us. I am Pest."

"I'll ask dad to name you all."
Jaden said.

"Why? Our name is easy to remember." Pink said.


Elian saw Jaden being very talkative toward the children.
Jaden usually very quiet and reserved.

Elionora chuckles.
"Maybe if he also see children, he would try acting like them too."

Elian smiles.
"Im glad. He is even thinking of going to school already. I feared he will grow old early."

Elionora rolls her eyes.
"Why does it feel like you are having a culture shock?"

Elian laughs.

A/N :

Eating pork chicharon♡

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