White Tiger

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A week after the incident, Elian feels like he doesn't have any strength. Cause Drake carries him even in the bathroom. Not letting him touch the ground.

"Did I turn invalid?" He asks Drake.

"I just realize that I haven't given you anything yet I am asking so much from you."

Elian smiles and blushes.
"Oh? You want to give me all your money. I heard you are very rich."

Drake smiles.

Elian was taken aback.
He pinched Drake's side.

"Smooth talker!" He angrily said and looks away.

Drake frowns.
"You don't like that I am willing?"

Elian looks at him, sneakily.

Drake doesn't understand. Is this the mood swing?

"Elian, Im sorry."

Elian giggles.
"Im just joking. You really thought Ill get mad?"

Drake is even more confuse.


Watching a television, Elian happily eats popcorn.
Drake went inside and saw him.
Drake smiles and kisses his lips.

Elian pushes him away.
"Look what have you done! I didn't know what Krystelle answered to Jeff now cause you block my way!"

"You can search it online." Drake said shrugging his shoulder.

Elian angrily walks away.

Drake waited and realize that this is not 'a joke'. He followed him to his future in-laws room crying.

'For a fucking television scene!'
Drake tried his best to call himself a fool for not being considerate enough.
Luckily, Elian 'forgives' him.

Crowen is laughing on the side.
Eliza is smiling at Drake.

Drake realize that whatever Elian feels....is the right one.


"We are visiting a farming planet with Clara. I want to go. Can I go?" Elian asks Drake one night.

Drake nods.
"Okay. I will give you 10 guards. Who will come with you? Mom or your sister?"

Elian shakes his head.
"Don't send so many guards. 5 is enough. Last time, Clara is so conscious we didn't enjoy pur tour outside. Don't worry. I researched and this planet has less crime and very visitor friendly. You can check." Elian happily shows Drake.

Drake looks at Elian.
"Im still more relieved if you can go with Mom."

"Mom is busy at work." Elian pouts.

"Then go with my brother's wife." Drake said.

"Don't you have so many brothers?"

"I only called Loren, my brother."

"....The King???!!! It means I will go with the Queen? No no no. I'd rather go with 10 bodyguards."

Drake smiles and kisses his lips.

Elian feels that Drake taken advantage of his lower IQ.

Elian pouts and ignores him.
But when Drake went to bed and rolls next to him, Elian forget about his anger and snuggles.


"After chasing the Pirate Thieves space craft, it just suddenly exploded. 67 hostages of the space craft, the pilot and the crew are said to all died in the explosion...including the fiance of the Duke of Wrose-Elian Fredrist."

The small space craft continue to fly faster away from the incident.

"Boss, why did you bring the Duke's fiance with us and let Pochi dies?" The angry pirate glares at the sleeping Elian.

The pirate boss laughs. "What's wrong? Don't you hate Pochi? The G*dd*mn bitch got pregnant from his young boyfriend even though Im so good to him. So I exchange him and this fat cow. Even if we only steal small amount of money. This one.." he grabs Elian's hair. " Will be our staircase to being rich!"
He laughs loudly.

"But if they believe that Pochi's body is this guy's they wouldn't believe it was him."

"Fool!" The boss slaps him  away back to the small spacecraft.
The boss snorts.
"Don't you just have to show her face? And if they are grieving to the death of their love one then suddenly, someone told you he is alive. Would they really need proof? They will just jump in in happiness even if it's the craziest thing. With that, the Duke will surely be so crazy, he would even offer us money himself." They all laugh loudly.

"You really smart boss!"

"Also, if we make sure the mother and the baby survived. The Duke will be more generous." The boss rubs Elian's hair.
"Sleep well little bitch. I will make sure to pamper you."

"Boss, you want to touch him?" They all feel their boss is risking so much. How can anyone stay inlove with a man tasted by others? They will feel disgusted and the Duke will not take the man again.

The boss rolls his eyes.
"Would he be able to tell? If I touch him, he is the first one who will help us hide it. Ofcourse he wouldn't want his beloved Duke to be disgusted. And if that happens, we can use it to ask money from this guy even when we return him. So? Do you think I should touch him or not?"

They all smiles.
"Boss, I don't mind touching him after you."

"Just thinking makes me eager boss."


The boss laughs.
He looks at Elian and licks his lips.

"Okay, we will land to one of the small planet along the way. Find the most backward planet around. It needs to be a place with less contact with any major planets in Universe 32."

"Okay boss."

"Here. Planet 600. Its so backward that they just recently obtain electricity 10 years ago."

The boss licks his lips.
"I haven't tasted a pregnant man yet."

They all look at Elian with the same eager feeling.

Elian wakes up feeling someone touching his body.
He looks up and feel horrified to see the pirate who killed Clara and the others passenger ruthlessly. If he didn't say he is fiance of Drake, he  would be dead by now too. But why is this man naked?

Elian wants to move back but he was tied.

Tears falls his eyes.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noises outside.

His heart beat so fast.


"What's the ruckus?!" The naked pirate opened the vine and suddenly he stopped moving.

He fell down and his blood on the ground.

Elian stares at the white tiger in front of him.


Elian slowly lose color. This tiger....seems to be....a real wild animal!

Elian lost consciousness from fatigue, exhaustion and fear.


Thanks for reading.
The cliche kidnapping!!!!
Yay hahhaha

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