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Drake already knows that Elian forgot everything but being ask face to face. He was rooted in his place unable to know what to do or say.

Elian opens his mouth but the door was pushed open.


"Jaden!" Elian happily hugs Jaden.
"Are you alright? What did the doctor said? How is your test?"
Elian worriedly asked.

"I am fine Mom. Im very healthy...It wa syou who has a lot of broken bones and look at your body!" Jaden  starts crying.

Elian smiles and wipes his face.
"Didnt I told you? As long as you are fine. Mom will be alright."

Duan sats on the bed and takes Elian's hand.

"Brother~ I miss you brother." Elian hugs Duan.
"Baby, this is your mightiest, strongest and smartest Uncle in the whole world!" Elian said happily.

"Elian~ Jaden~" Duan face his palm and start sobbing. Elian and Jaden hugs him.

"ELIAN! JADEN!" Eliza opens the door so much and saw her two sons and grandson.
"Elian! Jaden!" Eliza hugs the two and also hugs Duan
"Big brother really rescue his brother! Arent you Elian's superhero?"

Duan blushes and looks at Elian.

Elian nods "Woof!"

Duan flinched and hugs Elian tight.

"Wait....for ..haaah...Me...." Crowen finally reaches the door gasping for air but when he saw his son and grandson he suddenly forgot he was tired. He runs to the hospital bed and grabs Elian face.

Elian tears up.

"Dad~ Dad,Its me. It's me Elian."

Crowen nods.
"Um...Yes....Uhhhh....Elian...My son..." Crowen hugs him tight. " Im so happy. Im glad...Uhhh...Uhhh." Crowen cries.

Jaden wipes the tears in his eyes.
He is glad.
His grandparents are alive. They are alive.
In his past could be the same culprit. Marian Satchel could also be the reason why his grandparents died in that hijacked. So Elian will lose support and he will be an easy prey tp Marian Satchel.

Jaden grits his teeth and clenched his fist. Such human doesn't deserve to live!

Jaden turns around and see his father gaping at Elian as if he was in deep pain.

" Why are you there?"

Everyone turns around and see Drake standing on the foot of the bed like a statue.

"Duke? I thought he is a room decoration." Crowen said and Eliza elbowed him.

Drake looks at Elian alone.
'Why am I the only one you dont remember?'
'Am I less important to you?'
'I love you Elian.'

Right, why is he scared? What if Elian remembers everyone and forget about him? He is still Elian's fiance! And if he can make him love him once. He can do it again!

Drake walks to Elian and kneel.

"Elian Fredrist, I am Drake Zaliope, Duke of Wrose."
Drake smiles and looks up.

"Pffttt..." Elian burst into laughter.
"Oh...Ahahahha...Im sorry...Ahahahahha."

"Why are you introducing yourself?" Eliza asks.

"He is even kneeling, If It was me, I will kill myself in embarrassment."
Crowen said.

Jaden looks left and right confused.

Elian is laughing so loud at the bedroom.

Drake slowly stood up.

"Ahahhahahhaha. Ahahhaha. Im sorry...I forgot. It's a joke. I remember...ahahha. I remembe---"

Drake grabs his hand and kisses his lips.

Elian eyes widen.

Drake smiles.
"I love you."

Elian blushes and looks around.

Duan takes Jaden in his arms and walks to the door.
Crowen is glaring at Drake but Eliza pushes her away.

When the door close.
Elian faced Drake's teary eyed eyes.
His heary softened even more.

"I love you...." Elian voice is small and hoarsed but it was full of his feelings for him. "I love you too."

Drake hugs him.
The two shared a deep kiss. Enough to make Elian gasps for air.

After calming down, Drake hugs Elian as he traces the bruises in his arms.

"Ill make all of them pay....Ill kill all of them....Ill destroy them." Drake angrily said.
He wanted to remove Elian's pain and take it all to him.

Elian smiles but soon he looks at Drake seriously.
"It was me who forget you..."

Drake shakes his head and hold his cheek.
"You are not at fault. Its everyone's fault but not yours."

Elian chuckles.
"I dream of you day and night. You keep torturing me in my dream. Torturing me of the pain."

"Its my fault. " Drake holds his hand and kisses it. "I shouldnt have worried you."

Elian grins
"You learn how to sweet talk now. You changed."

Drake shakes his head
"I didnt change...I just learned a lot...So the next time..I will never anger you again."

Elian smiles.

"Silly cat~" Drake kisses his cheek.

"Did you see our son? He looks exactly like you." Elian said.

Drake nods.
"It must have been hard..."

Elian smiles.
"I will tell you all the story about him. Do you want to hear? The sad ones, the happy ones, everything. So even if you are not there, you will be able to say, 'I know my son better than anyone.', okay?"

Drake nods.
He patiently listen...Grits his teeth, cursed, cried, laugh...Drake learns about Jaden through Elian's story. It was so alive. Like every pictures Elian says become alive. And it feels like he 2as watching Jaden with his own eyes.

Jaden and Duan peek inside the hospital bed and see Elian and Drake sleeping side by side, holding hands.

Duan smiles and looks at Jaden.
"Come with Uncle, grandpa and grandma?"

"Can I stay Uncle? I want to sleep between them.

Duan nods.

He enters the room and softly put Jaden. Slowly Drake opens his eyes and accept Jaden in his arms.

Jaden eyes open wide.

Duan and Drake nod at each other and Duan left.


Drake kisses his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Drake asks softly.

"Umm.Im good...You...You are my dad right?"

Drake nods.
"I am your Dad."

Jaden smiles.
"So...You know...I heard you are rich? Mom was always worried about money. He always bought me lots of things but he only has 3 pairs of decent clothes and 5 sets of indoor clothes. You will provide for us from now on?" Jaden blinks his eyes.
He can tell his Dad is in love with his mother but a little guilt tripping is also good if can add for more benefits his mom will get right? And it was true that Elian only has so few clothes. He is not a Liar.

Drake nods.
He looks even more distress.
As his Duchess, there is no need for Elian to worry about those things. From now on, Drake promises that everything should be given and provided for his wife advance of time!

Jaden happy hugd Drake neck and kisses him.

Drake smiles.
"You are good at currying favor little man."

"Meow?" Jaden learns from his mother that things you dont want to answer should be answered cutely!


Im so tired today....I want milkshake but it was closed when.I return from cleaning....I did well varnishing our main door hahahhaa..

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