Good Samaritan

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Elian is on the bath thinking about what happened today.

"He attracts so many flies!"
Elian smacks the water. It splash in his face making him frown even more.

"Its the title alright...But its also because of that face! That irritating handsome face!" Elian snorts.
"I should buy him a mask. Oh? Isnt that a bit shallow of me if I do that? And besides everyone knows what he looks like....ooooohhh, What should I do? All the girls that likes him are crazy."
Elian stood up andtake the bathrobe.

He went out with a pouty lips.

He decides to talk about Drake's face.

Elian stopped on his track when he saw two tigers lying lazily on the feather bed.

The tiger cub is even lying on top of the larger tiger making it looks like a perfect comouflage yet its too cute.

Elian heart starts trembling.

Drake lazily opens his eyes and saw Elian. He stood up not shaking the little cub on his back.

"Meow~~" The tiger walks lazily and starts meowing.

Elian froze on the spot.

The tiger lifts its body and its two front paws are on Elian's shoulder.

"Meow~~" the tiger long tongue licks Elian face.

Elian trembles hold Drake's arm.

"What's wrong with you?! T-turn back! We need to talk."

The big tiger tilts its head.

Elian covers his mouth and nose, checking it he is nose bleeding or salivating.

The small cub rolls around it's father back making 'nyaaa...nyaaa' noises.

Elian glares at Drake.
"Come on. Lets talk!"

Elian sat on the edge of the bed and pats the space beside him.

Drake grins and pounce on Elian, making Elian fall to the bed.

Elian panics.

"Oh..Oh no, you beast!"
Elian struggles.

Drake chuckles in his tiger form and licks Elian face.

Jaden also jumps to his father's head to the top of his mother's head.

The two keeps licking Elian's face..There's even a skillful tiger that licks his nipples when the robe tie 'accidentally'undone. Elian immediately hugs his body in fear that Jaden will see his father stupid act.

Elian runs back to the bathroom.

"Immoral beasts! Im now covered in drool! You two are cruel!"

Drake chuckles and bite Jaden's back of the neck and toss him gently to the bed.
He then jump next, walks around before sleeping comfortably in the bed.


Elian and his family went home that same day so they are too tired to wake up early.

When Elian wakes up, Jaden and Drake are no longee beside him.

Elian washes his face and went to the dining area. Only Elionora is there drinking coffee.

"Hey~ Morning." Elian sat on the chair.
"Where is everybody?"

"I just wake up too. The maids said they all had an early war. Who to bring Jaden to work." Elionora chuckles wryly.

Elian laughs.
"Who won?"

"Of course, it's Mom." Elionora rolls her eyes.
"How are you? Last night is amazing right?"

"Yeah. They are so unreasonable. How dare them really let us fly back. Its too far."

"That's not what I mean. I mean Carmen."

"Carmen who?" Elian tilts his head.

Elionora laughs.
"Carmen who, that's the best! Hahaha."

"Im serious. Who is that?"

Elionora laughs.
"Carmen Fredrist. The one who wants to be your 'proxy'. "

"You mean replacement!" Elian rolls his eyes. "I dont blame her, Im sure she is just force to do it. I mean who would want to be the third wheel in a healthy relationship."

"Fool!" Elionora flicks a rolled bread crumbs to his forehead.
"Of course she is eager. She is so excited she even make a move to your fiance. Does anyone need to be force to marry Drake Zaliope?" Elionora rolls her eyes.
"Dont be stupid. Thinking about good thing about others shows a good attitude but not helpful. Always think that everyone who come close to you has bad intentions. If they prove they are not with their action then they are to keep but of you are right then isnt it solving more problems?"

"Oh...You was really harmed while growing up. Who hurt you sis?"

Elionora clenched her fist.
"Want my fist?"

"Hahaha Im sorry. It was me who is at fault."

Elian knows it wasn't him but he cant help but admit Hossei's mistake. Because even if he hates it, he is his past now.

Elian frowns.
"I think I need to show my good side to the world. So they wont think that Drake is that easy catch. What can I do to be like that?" Elian asks.

"Why dont you finish your college first. Seriously, the next duchess didnt even finish college."

Elian gasps he forgot this part.
Hossei is just all about love, love that he didnt care much about education.
For him, as long as he is rich nothing is important.

Elian nods.
"Okay, Ill study."

Elionora laughs.
"Im just joking and you will really do it? Aren't you busy with the wedding? And Jaden will be in school later."

Elian clenched his fist.
"It sounds troublesome now but I want to finish college. Is that bad?"

"Not bad. Thats good." Elionora smiles.


Elian decides to shop around.
He has some guards following him, they aren't even actual guards but military men.
Elian walks to the shops.

"It looks like Earth too though. Just like a big cosplay convention."
Elian smiles.

He only stop when he saw some street kids begging on the side of the street. Though they are not walking around begging, they are still calling out to people to toss some coins for them.

"There's still some beggars even if we are in a capital planet?"

The guard answered him.
"Well, they could be immigrant who wishes to change their lives by smuggling themselves in the capital only to be used, fooled and thrown away. Children are the easiest to smuggle. Even if the rule and regulation are strict there still some people that can use the loophole of the law and this cause their lives to be like this. Dont worry about them. Kids like those are only good at playibg scared or pitiful but they are all used to killing and stealing."

Elian gasps.
"......Isnt that more pitiful then?"

Elian suddenly feel the urge to be a good samaritan.

"Boss, just so you know, those kids wont even blink to harm you. Forget it."

Elian smiles.
"I know at least that much. But if in 20 people that would lie to me. 1 of them really needed help? Isnt that worth trying?"

Elian walks to the kids.
"Hello, Im Elian."

Elian will become a Duchess someday. He might not be able to help in politics but he can use his pocket money that he saved to help. Start from 50 children maybe. If only 5 is a good crop then he gain 5. Then if he help 100..maybe he can saved 10. This is good.

Elian smiles happily.

The children was scared of his smile.



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