You Exist

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Eliza stood up after hearing what the other relatives telling her.

"Maybe you all are on board about this, ofcourse you are, first, it doesnt matter to you and second you can make fun of my son. But Im not going to let you all suceed." Eliza angrily stood up.

"Who does she thinks she was? This is about family not an outsider."

Eliza turns back.
"What did you say?"

"What's wrong? Am I not right? Father never accepts you in the family. He just compromise for Brother Crowen's sake!"

Eliza laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Isnt it because Crowen is the most successful and without his help everyone of you are just debris in his path?" Eliza sneers. "You think the Fredrist is so prestigious because they are nobles in another Universe? Then go there, maybe you'll get a whip of the nobility."

"That's enough Eliza! Watch your words." Another said.

Eliza glares at her.
"Me? I should watch what I said but You dont have to? I mean, really? What are you all so proud of? All of you are all married into the family too. You are not accepted by father too. But you think you are 'that'because you are not a human like me? Good grace? Wake up! Im a human that Dad hates the most but Crowen married me and proudly protect me in front of everyone. What about you?"

Eliza doesnt know where their confidence came from. Just because he was hated for her race? But Crowen always been vocal that if the family will deny her or the family keeps rejecting her, he will just leave the family for good. Cleanly cutting them off, but they are the one who refused.
First,Crowen is the most succeessful, he is strong, smart and he has capable son and daughter.
Now, even his youngest that they all make fun of will be marrying the Duke.

Eliza smiles.
"Admit it, Im the winner in life and all of you are losers. Losers that sticks together to talk about others because you cant talk about your miserable lives!"

"You!" Two woman jumps on and grabs Eliza's hair.

Eliza also fought back grabbing their hairs and  roots.


Eliza slaps her face.
"Your the b****! Ill hit your sorry face till you become a sorry ass pig!"

Duan and Elionora are bored of their lives when they saw their mother being surrounded.

"Fuck!" Elionora angrily run throwing her heels somewhere. Duan makes sure the young boys his age will not jump in to help their mothers/Auntie or Sisters against his mother.

Elionora jumps in and uses her hair braid to strangle her Auntie that choking her mother.

Crowen is shocked to see that in the middle of the fight, his Wife clothes is being torn away.

"SHAMELESS!" Crowen punched his brother. He cant hit his wife but he will plummel his brother instead.
Crowen kicks him to the face. Another cousin jumps to him angrily but Crowen uses his vine like arm to whip him back.

Elian smile stiffens.

"Mom! Dad!" Elian stood up. He gives Jaden to Drake.
"Dont interfere. Hold Jaden and stays there!" Elian said.

Drake smiles.
He never seen Elian change expression to anger.

Elian helps his mother and slaps the one grabbing their Mom's hair.

Drake is amaze as he watches.
Jaden is also gaping.

"That's how powerful is your Grandfather. Everyone is attacking him but he can make them think twice before they can fight him seriously. On the otherside. Your Grandmother,your mother and Auntie are all fighting well. Look at how fierce is your mother. I never thought he will be so strong."

"Mom is scary when he is mad. But he is never mad at me. Dad...Why are they fighting?"
Jaden asks.

Drake lips twitch.
"Because everyone wants to be Dad's bride."

Jaden mouth wide open but he closed it seeing Drake's gloating expression.
Jaden pouts.

"If we didnt return earlier..Mom would have married Uncle June though."

Drake chuckles but slowly his lips flattened.


"I told you about the three Uncles that take care of us in Planet 600? One of them is Uncle June. Mom depend on Uncle June alot and if Uncle June will stay kind to me, to us, Mom told me he would have agree in marrying him."

Drake hears this for the first time and felt all the veins in his body is heated. He feels irritated inside and out.

"He has no memory of me...I keep appearing i  his dream and he says he will marry someone that isnt me?"
Drake voice risen but he tried his best not to shout at his son.

Jaden sneers.
He only want to say that his mother also have a choice. But he choose his Dad. So he shouldnt be gloating that others want to be his bride.
They only want his power, his mother was desired because he is lovely.

"Meow?" Jaden tilts his head and blinks innocently

Drake didnt let it go.
"Tell me now Jaden Zaliope!"

"Muuuu...." Jaden uses his 'paw' to cover his face that is obviously smirking at his father.

Drake sneers.
"You aren't cute. This side of you, you definitely get that from the Fredrist clan!"

Jaden uses his 'paw' and slap it to his father's face.

Elian gasps as he finally defeated one Auntie.

Not knowing his cousin is going to attack him with a wooden chair.

Drake kicks his face.

Elian looks up and smiles at Drake.
"Thank you~"

Drake looks at Elian. His clothes is missing some buttons.
Drake puts his coat over his shoulder.

"Ohhh...You are so sweet Drake." Elian kisses his cheek.

Drake snorts.
"Am I as sweet as June then?"

Elian blinks.
"June? Is that a new name of a candy?"

Drake rolls his eyes.
"Im talking about the June that you would marry if I dont exist!'

Elian suddenly gasps and burst into laughter.

Drake glares at him

Elian continue laughing

Jaden facepalm.
"How can a sweet sentence turn sour using Dad's tone?"

"What?!" Drake asks.

"I would...I anyone else if you dont exist. But you do.So Ill choose to marry you." Elian kisses his lips. " Dont get jealous. Pffttt ahahhahaha."

They aren't done fighting yet but somehow, they all lose interest in fighting.

Crowen fixed his coat.
"Since it seems my family is not  welcome then we will leave you all so you can continue being delusional on your own."

Crowen covers his coat to his wife.
"Are you hurt? You look beautiful as you raise your fist to smash Step mother's face. I think Ive fallen for you all over again!"

Eliza blushes and pushes his face away chuckling.
"Its not that beautiful but I love you too."


I will be the one to love you...
I love you...

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