Am I right?

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Elian is quiet in the couch.
Though he likes biscuits and cookies.
His jaw hurts already(from chewing).
He feels bored.

Softly he calls.
He doesn't want to disturb him but he has no choice. Because he feels like he needs permission from him first.

Drake is looking down at a paper reading it intently when he heard a soft call.
He lifts his eyes and see Elian blinking and smiling at him.
His lips automatically curved.


"Duke of Wrose, can I call my parents and siblings? I'm sure they are worried about me." Elian said. Truth was, he wanted to ask when is he going home, but he feels that if he asks the Duke might be displeased with him and send him away never calling him again. Plus the Duke is very busy. If he is not here, he might forget about him and their baby. He decided to stay as long as he can.....for the baby.

Drake really look displeased.
Elian lowers his head avoiding his gaze.

"Drake. Call me by my name."

"Ah?" Elian looks up with astonishment in his eyes.

Drake grins.
Elian's eyes shines brightly when he is happy.
He is glad he doesn't feel repulsive calling him by his name.

"Call me."

".....Duke Drake." Elian blushes.

"Not like that. Just my name." Drake said crossing his arms and looking at him from his office desk.


Drake nods.
"I will tell the maid to retrive your quantum bracelet. You can call them from here."

"No way. Won't you get distracted?" Elian shakes his head.

"I don't mind. I also need to talk to your parents later anyways. About our wedding."

Elian blushes.
He pretends he is not conceen but his lips twitch into a grin.
He turns around blocking Drake's view so he won't see him grinning.

Elian sighs before turning his quantum bracelet on.

Crowen sneers at the people in the internet.
Before the Duke 'apologize' in the public and them, the people attitude to them are obviously malicious.
Even their businesses taken a hit with it.
Some investors wanted to pull out their investments and even slander the family.
Some employees claiming they were abuse and more things blackening the Fredrist name.
This timing is too good and it successfully aroused masses attention.
Many people who only follow the trend was displeased and though they don't know much about the issue all jump in to give one oe two bad reviews.

Crowen and Eliza and too busy.

Suddenly, the Duke of Wrose team, release an apology letter in the public. Calming the they are all scared of it.

Freed even calls the PR department of the Fredrist and help them to control the black material and also giving warnings by sending them trial(court) notice scaring not only the people who made the slander but the entire Universe 32.

Everyone that is trying tonuse the commotion to take the Fredrist out of the game was not only  face slapped and was beaten down too.

Who would understand why the Duke is helping the Fredrist so much?

Crowen feels a bit satisfied with Drake's way of handling things but he is still not happy that he is taking his son away without even telling them what he plans to do in the future.


"Dad!" Elian happily exclaims seeing his father.

"Elian, baby, how are you?"

"Oh." Elian looks at Drake, who went back on signing papers.
"I am fine dad." He softly answered. His cheeks are flushed red and his lips are smiling.

Seeing his happy expression the heaviness in Crowen's heart was lifted.
'At least he knows how to make my son smile.'
"Is there any discomfort? Is the Duke good to you?"

Elian didn't hesitates. He nods his head.
"Du...Drake is good to me." He whispers.

Crowen raised a brow.
First name basis? Is the Duke that kind or is his son being led by nose?

"I want to talk to the Duke about his plans for you and the baby. If you see him, can you tell him my message?" Crowen said.
He is sure the Duke will at least visit his son right? And they are living in the same house. His son can mention is when they have dinner.

Elian nods hurriedly not disappointing his dad.
He looks up and see Drake being busy. But his dad is right. They need to talk about the future. Promising him and promising his parents are two different things.

"Du--Drake," he called.

Drake is actually listening to their conversation so he easily look at Elian's worried face.
He smiles.

"Dad wants to talk to you."

"Didn't I said to tell them my desire to talk too? Invite them to dinner."

"Oh." Elian eyes brighten. "Dad, Drake said to invite...."

"I heard." Crowen eyes are in disbelief.
"Son, where are you right now?"

"In Drake's study. He is working Dad so I am whispering. Can you hear me clearly?"
Elian asks.

Crowen looks at Elian and chuckles.
'Haha. So even someone like that can also pamper  someone. Good.'
He feels more relieve.
"I see. Don' t bother him too much. He is a vert busy man." Crowen said seriously.

Elian nods.
"Yes Dad. How is Big Brother Duan and Big Sis?"

"Your brother is sulking and staying in your room so we decided to go back to the main house instead of staying in the side mansion. You should call him to make him stop sulking."

"Don't worry Dad. I will call them."

"Yes. Your sister is fine. She just call me today."

Elian smiles.
"That's good. But will shw be able to come tonight? It'll be nice if we all can eat together." He looks at Drake.

Drake lifts his head up and smiles at Elian.
"I'll call your sister over."

"Really?! That's great." Elian grins.

"As long as you are happy." Drake said.

Elian pouts while his face blushes.
"Don't say that all the time." He looks aggrieved.

Drake grins.
"What's wrong? Aren't you happy I will call your sister over?"

"....Happy." Elian said looking down.

Drake smiles.
"So am I right or wrong?"

Elian looks away.

"So I am right. Good." Drake nods his head in approval.

Elian pouts but says nothing.

Crowen just gapes.
His son is being tame by this man!


The light in our bathroom is fixed! Hahhahahha.

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