Huh? Who are you?

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"He is physically fine. All his lab results show he is healthy and his baby. Based on your words, the patient suffered a lot of emotional struggle these past few months and it can be the cause for his memory loss."
The doctor says.

"Doctor, you think my brother's mental instability is due to his depression?"
Duan asks.

"Right now, the patient doesn't know what happened before his memory was wiped out and the medical report says he is fine. We can only think of mental trauma and depression as the cause for his memory loss for now. We will keep monitoring the patient but since his memory loss doesn't cause him any problem. I suggest we don't force him to recall his past and just slowly let him remember on his own." He looks at Elian. "You said you can remember some fragments of your memory? How does it feel when you recall them?"

"Well...It just came like I remembered something. Like it's always been in the back of my head resurfacing in my memory." Elian said.

"If you don't feel pain and it is not hindering your life. I suggest the best thing to do is let yourself recuperate properly. Stay with your family and have more fun and happy times. Don't worry yourself and be surrounded by people that care for you."

Elian nods.
"Thank you doctor."

"Duan, you bring your brother outside and buy him a drink." Eliza said.

Duan looks at his parents and nods.
"Let's go."

Jerome nods.

After the two went out, Crowen and Eliza faced the doctor more seriously.

"You didn't see a sign of being harassed in his body? No wounds or bruises?" Eliza asks.

"There is none, Madame. I specifically scan every nook and cranny. To make sure. He is not harmed or hit. His physical condition is really fine."
The doctor says.

"He is not….rape?" Crowen worriedly asks.

"There is no sign of forceful penetration in his anus. But we can't tell for sure if he was sexually abuse because some people are good in hiding their nasty acts. The use of lubricant for example will not leave a trace of harm and would normally heal. Do you have any thoughts of going to a psychiatrist? They can give him some therapy.Going to a therapy can help him remember more of what happened to him but I don't suggest it because looking at Young master, it's really best to let his memory come slowly on its own. It's also a way of self-coping."

"We understand,doctor. We will be back in a month to check him again." Eliza smiles but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I understand your worry. But more than past memories. His future is our best interest. Stay with him and make sure he is occupied. Don't let him be depressed. If you show too much concern about his memory loss maybe he will force himself to remember, opening wounds that are not yet healed."

"Yes. We understand."

"I also understand your worry. Something surely must have happened for him to totally forget everything. It's unscientific to just wipe out your memory unless he underwent some malpractice of memory erasing devices. Actually I first thought of this when you told me his memory was wiped out."

"Don't joke, doctor. That thing, only the military have access to that thing. It's also just a rumor and nobody knows if the memory wiping device in the military hand is real or not." Eliza clenched her bag strap. 

"Ofcourse I know. I'm just thinking. Since your family is rich, Young Master Duan and Young Miss Elionora are both important people in the military. Sorry. I am just being delusional since the Young Master Elian  case is very unique."

Crowen takes a deep breath.
"Till next time doctor."

"Yes Sir."

Crowen hugs Eliza's shoulder. The two of them are just ordinary citizens. They are wealthy business people but their children both went to the military for protection and power. As business people, they will encounter some ill handed people and Duan and Elionora decide the best thing to do is to use the might of being military people to help their parents have a worry free life of doing businesses.

Something like a memory wiping device. It's a military scandal. Nobody knows if it's real but if it was then why would they target Elian? Elian doesn't have any military secrets. He hasn't even graduated from college yet.

"It's just the doctor being too gossipy. Don't mind it." Crowen said.

"I know. I just don't know if we should really try making Elian remember or just let it heal by itself(memory). Making him remember, we can understand the danger he experiences and we can easily protect him. But is it worth it? Would opening wounds make it beneficial for him? Or is it just my personal conscience I want to soothe.?"

"Don't think like this." Crowen kisses her hair.
"We will protect him. We won't let anything happen to him again. The doctor is right. His future memories will be filled with his family supporting him. If he can't remember the past then forget it. We will be able to make more pleasant memories."

"....." Eliza wipes her tears and kisses his husband.
"If I forget anything about you someday. Don't leave me,okay?"

Crowen chuckles.
"You'll get sick with me as I'll be your shadow until you love me again."

Eliza slaps his shoulder dotingly and grins.
Her friends in college discourage her from accepting Crowen's courting. 
She is a human being. A pretty vulnerable woman.
But she followed her heart and loved him.
Not a single day did Crowen betray her trust. She did face a lot of jeering, insults and shameless accusations. Crowen's family doesn't like her either.
Crowen is from a powerful clan, rich and powerful.
There are times she is insecure to stand beside him but she endures everything as long as he stays true to her. And to love her.
Their eldest son is already 26 years old.
And everyday is still like the first day Crowen shyly comes in front of her. Timidly asking if he can court her.

That day, what did she tell him?
"What did I tell you when you first talked to me?" Eliza asks while riding the elevator.

"You said, 'Huh? Who are you?' You look so cute as your eyes widen looking at me. You are eating fries so elegantly in that fast food. I thought you were some sort of a fairy race or an angel."

Eliza blushes but giggles.
"Who remembers something from 2 decades ago?"

Crowen smiles.
His look is not something the human race will appreciate.
But he clenched his fist and decided to tell her how he felt. He has always been watching her from afar. He thought he would get shut down immediately but he still doesn't want to give up. Just say it and after being turned down, he will finally be able to move on.

But Eliza laughed at him and made fun of him.
He thought nobody could be as beautiful as her.
He subconsciously sat down and watched her eat.
He doesn't know what she is saying after eating her meal. She asks him if he wants his contact number.

That day was one of the happiest days of his life.
Feeling his face hotter.
Crowen tightly hold Eliza's hand.

Pahiram naman ng charger.
17 percent nalang eh. 😅😂😂😂😭😭😭

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