I love you Mom

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"Lately, Jaden is trying to touch my quantum device and he even learn to pretend to be asleep now." Jerome was not sure why his son is getting naughtier.

He always tell him that he uses his quantum device for something important but he just won't listen.

"He is still a child. He is smarter than kids his age so you don't have to worry. Maybbe he is just interested about it because it looks cool for him." Joshua said.

Jerome sighs.

"You are right. Im sure Jaden will get this obssession over the quantum device soon. Where is he anyways?"

"Cello brings him out to play."

"Oh, so that's why the house is too quiet." Jerome smiles.
Jaden frowns.
He know he was too hasty. But seeing his mother being so hard on himself, not even buying a new pair of shoes yet he has a new pair of clothes and a cotton gloves that's obviously expensive makes Jaden heartaches.

"Jaden look. That is the amusement park." Cello said.

"Are we playing there?" Jaden asks.

"Yes." Cello only let Jaden play in the safe rides.
Jaden was so bored but at least he has time to think of a new way to grab the quantum device of his mother.

"Jaden, do you like Uncle?"

Jaden looks at Cello and nods.
He is kind to him so ofcourse he would like him. Plus he save his mother from pirates.

Cello smiles.
"Enough to be your daddy?"

Jaden smiles disappear. His father is still alive, thank you very much

"You don't like me to be your dad?"

Jaden is about to answer but he paused.
"My Mommy is my Daddy. I don't want anyone else."

Cello chuckles.
"Silly, your mommy needs someone to help raised you. Though Im always here for you and your mom. I want to be able to hold your mom and.."

Jaden glares at Cello.
'What is this fool want to say in front of a child?'

Cello sighs.
"I just want to hug you and your mom at night so you two will not be cold."

'Okay. Me liking you just went from.80% to 60%.'

"I don't feel cold. We have a thick blanket. You are silly Uncle. Please don't talk to me."
Jaden looks out the window.

Cello helplessly keep quiet.

"Uncle! A quantum device!" Jaden shouted and stood up the ferris wheel.

Celli catches him when he almost fell.
"Haha. Don't get too excited. The ride is still on going."

Jaden blushes. He waited and waited. And when their ride stops, Jaden rushes outside immediately.

"Wait Jaden!"

Jaden saw the quantum device lying on the ground. He rushes over it but someone pick it up first.

"Mister, is that yours?" Jaden frowns.

"...If this is not mine. Is it yours?"
The angry man said.

Jaden didn't want to say anymore.
He thought he can finally have a communication device to call his maternal relatives.

Jaden didn't know why but he just cried.
He was actually am old man inside but he helplessly cried due to his emotions.
It seems even if his mind is old, his body is not trained enough to cope with his brain.

"What's wrong?" Jerome takes Jaden from Cello's arms. The baby refused to show his face and he was still sobbing though there are no more tears.

"He saw a quantum device on the road but the owner pick it up before he can take it. He refused to show his face now."
Cello smiles wryly.

Jerome blinks.
"Why are you so obssess with quantum device? You fool." Jerome rubs Jaden's hair.
"Okay. Stop crying and let's go inside."

Jaden just clings to his neck not saying anything.
In his mind, his mother should not be worried about money. He should only be worried what he would do the next day and be able to sleep if he wants and stay in bed if he wants.
Why is it that the evil person from before can do that while this kind and loving mother can't? Isn't it unfair? The kind people should be the one enjoying life.

Jaden once again cried.

Helplessly, Jerome take off his bracelet and gives it to Jaden.

"Here. See? This is mommy's quantum bracelet. It was a bit old but it's still working fine. It's abit expensive so mommy will teach you how to use it okay? Come on, hold it."

Jaden gapes.
If his mommy is here, how can he use the device to call their relatives.. in the first place, how can he contact them? They are not just anyone plus he doesn't have their contact number.
Jaden burst into another tearful moment.

Jerome was so confuse what to say so he just carried his son in his arms.
"Jaden, Mommy doesn't know what to do with you. Are you feeling ill? Should we go to the hospital?"

Jaden shakes his head.
How much does it to go to hospital in this under develop planet? It's too expensive.
Why is it so easy for Jerome to bring him to the hospital for stupid check up but not buy himself a decent shoes?

Jaden hugs Jerome's neck and sobs.

Jerome pats his back.

"Rock a bye baby..Down the tree tops. When the wind blows, the craddle will rock....hmm...hh.mm..hmmn h.m"

Jerome softly stop humming and watches Jaden as he lay him to the bed.
Jerome kisses Jaden's forehead.
"I love you my cub. Sleep well."

The next day Jaden almost cried again.
His mother bought him a child version of a quantum bracelet. Though it can access internet, there are alot of restriction so the reason why he wants it in the first place is destroyed and on top of that. His mother bought it for a very huge price.
Jaden teary eyed thank his mother. If he says he doesn't want it, his mother will not only bought something he likes but spend money for nothing so how can he tell him?

Jerome laughs.
"You like it so much you are crying? You are so cute. You take that after me.Hehe."

Jaden thinks his mother is stupidly caring.
Jaden hugs his mother.
"I love you Mom."

"Oh." Jerome smiles. " I love you more, my cub. I love you the most."


Thanks for reading hahha.

Thanks to all who greets me if I can't greet you back.Im trying to thanks all of you back but if I missed some I don't want to sound ungrateful since I force you to greet me in the first place hahahahhaha. Chuuuu~~~

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