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Jaden eyes widen.
Marian Satchel?

Who is Marian Satchel?
She is an elegant woman that gives his father a soft smile every time he gives her a moment of his time.
Elizar watches his 'mother' eats envy when Marian's around.

Marian Satchel always wear her best when meeting Drake. Though Drake never married either her or Elian, Drake still favored Marian a little, atleast thats what Elian says.

Cody is also like her.
Cody always look like a real prince in Elizar's eyes.
And Cody is a very easy to love child.
He looks happy infront of the Duke but when he was not around, Cody looks like a withering child.

"You are lucky." Cody used to say when they were little.

He never understand.
But when he grows a bit older, he learns that Cody is not biologically the Duke's son and whatever he does, only Elizar can inherit the title of the Duke.
But Cody never hates him.
He always been thankful.

"Thanks to the Duke, I can have a happy life. He treated me the same as he treats you, only, ofcourse, he could love you more but that's okay with me. Sadly, Mom doesnt want that. She wants me to be the Duke's real son."
Cody used to laugh wryly and helplessly.

"It was her fault."

I told him that one day.
Because I can see some wounds increasing under his sleeve day by day.

Cody looks at Elizar with tears in his eyes but he never let it fall.
He played it off with his laugh and Elizar let him be. They played together.

It was Cody's 13th birthday that Duke cried carrying Cody's dead body out of the tub.
That made Elizar realize that Marian Satchel is a cruel person.
To push his son with a good future.....into suicide.

He can still hears Elian giggling as they attend his funeral.
"From now on, you will be the only son. That supposedly the right thing from the start."

Elizar feels coldness of his mother laughter for the first time.

Cody's death, Marian Satchel uses it to get closer to the Duke. The Duke is not a foolish man but he thought Marian is whole heartedly heart broken and accompany her. To lose a son, the Duke who loves Cody, thinks if it was him who is just an adopted father can feel the pain then a real mother will be so devastated, so Marian successfully plotted to have a night with the Duke.

Elizar and Elian learned of it the next day thanks to the dark face of the Duke.
Duke never let Marian near him again.
And thats when Elian got the idea of plotting with aphrodisiac too.

Elizar felt disgusted and the image of a kind, elegant Marian Satchel in his heart shattered.
He feels that Marian dirtied Cody's death. His brother's death.

Facing Marian right now makes Elizar...No Jaden repulsive. Why is this woman trying to antagonized them? She should be busy with Cody . Cody only transform in his human form when he reach 5 years old.

"I heard you have an amnesia? It turns out nothing is real coming out from that mouth." Marian grins.

"Leave us alone Marian. What do you want?" Elian glares at her.
All his attention is how to let his son escape while buying time.

Marian chuckles.
"What's wrong? Trying to think of a way to buy time? Men, get them!"

"Marian Satchel! It was your plot that killed your own son! This has nothing to do with my son, atleast let him go!" Panic, Elian hugs Jaden tightly.

Marian face was twisted in rage.
"Has nothing to do?! You, I will kill your son in front of you and send you two's dead body to the duke! Because of you...I can never give birth again...My poor baby...He could have a lot of opportunities...He could do alot more. He shouldn't have died."
Marian sobs and her body trembles.

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