Force to Believe

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Walking on the way back to her post, Elionora fixed the military hat on her head.

"Wow, I heard that the Duke called all you and your sibling for questioning. I thought the Duke trusted the Fredrist enough but it seems it's not true?" Liberty smiles at Elionora. She uses her hand to hide the uncontrollable grin in her lips but the evil glint in her eyes are evident.

Elionora rolls her eyes.
"The Duke trusts no one."
Not only the Fredrist, nobody can be trusted.

Liberty giggles.
She is Elionora's classmate and they fought a lot of times at school and in the end they both graduated and apply as Duke's soldier. But only Elionora passed. Though Liberty is on the same position as Elionora the anger she feels and disatisfaction of not being chosen made her hate Elionora even more.

"That is true. The Duke is partial." Liberty's eyes soften. "Anyways, How is your brother Duan?"

Elionora rolls her eyes.
Ofcourse this irritating bitch won't stop her and let her leave so easily.

"They are still talking to him." She said.

"Talking? Not questioning him? I wonder what will happen soon if the Duke won't get well. Even if you clear your name the people will feel disatisfied with you and your siblings." She said with a sigh.

Elionora sneers.
Like she will believe this woman would care. No. She will care if she fell to the abyss. As if she is the reason why she didn't get accepted.
Doesn't she know why she didn't get accepted? She sure Liberty knows. But she will not acknowledge it. Because if she does, she will also have to accept the truth.

"It sounds like you wish the Duke wont get well." Elionora gasps. Covering her mouth. "Oh no. If someone hears you,you might be under suspicion!"

Liberty glares at her.
"How can I even do that to the Duke?"

"You are right. How can you do that? You dont even have a chance to stand close to him." Elionora sneers and bumps to her before she finally leaves.

Liberty angrily stomps her feet.

Shaina saw Elionora's dark face.

"What happened to you? Did the duke made trouble? I thought it'll be just  a regular questioning?"
Shaina asks.

"It was. I...I saw Liberty on the way. That irritating motherf**ker."

Shaina grins.
"She knows the Duke doesn't want to take love idiots in his ranks and eliminate all woman that throws themselves to him yet she still does it and blames you for not getting in the cut. Ridiculous."

"Exactly my point. But she pretends she doesn't know because what? She thinks if she admits it then it only means the Duke doesn't like her and she stand no chance at all. Still dreaming that she can be the Duchess of Wrose." She rolls her eyes.

"Well, wouldn't she dies in jealousy if she learns that your youngest brother would be the Duchess of Wrose?" Shaina snorts and laughs.

Elionora sighs.
"By now the Duke must already learn about Elian. I just hope everything will be for the best."

"Don't worry. I'm sure the Duke will not treat Elian badly."


Elian looks at Drake.
"Aren't you busy?"

Drake shakes his head.
"I'm not."

"Oh." Elian nods then he looks at Drake again.
"Dad said you are a busy man."

Drake nods.
"I am."

"Then...why aren't you working?" Elian asks.

Drake rolls his eyes.
"I'm in  sick leave."

"Oh I see." Elian smiles. "What do you usually do this time of the day?"

"Signing things. Killing someone. Just the normal things I do."
Drake shrugged his shoulder.

Elian nods. The Duke is like the boss police. So he is thinking that he always fight with evil results from killing someone.
"You work hard."

Drake smiles.
"You think?"

Elian nods.

"Really?"Drake asks again amused.

Elian frowns he rubs his tummy and nods again.
"Yes. I think. The baby agrees too."

Drake lips twitch. What would a fetus know?
"Since we have time. Iwant you to know what you've been doing in the last 5months."

Elian pursed his lips he rather not. The Elian in those time is not him.
Oh, he remembers something he can use as a shield.

"At some point, I had a memory loss. I don't know why but If not for someone's help. I wouln't even know how I can return to my family. Oh.. right, we should make her one of the baby's godmother."

"Memory loss huh." Drake looks suspiciously but he can just confirm what he said anyways. "You even have someone to be a Godmother. You are fast."

"She is a sweet girl. If she doesn't stop and help me. I wouldn't know how long I will be gaping at the road trying to ask for help to people passingby me."

Drake frowns.
"Sounds awful."

Elian smiles.
"Even small kindness should be repaid and not forgotten."

"Hmmm.." Drake nods. "About the woman who calls me."

"Ah? Is she really your good match?" Elian sadly rubs his tummy. It will be hard but if Drake is already in that relationship then all he can do is let his son suffer a bit. He might be an illegitimate child but he would fight for the baby's right. Like the Duke should visit him and play with the baby every few days a week!
"We can set a deal how many times you should visit the baby. I will not agree if you don't visit him atleast 2 days a week. Even if you have a family, your child should not have less of your time!"
Elian said seriously. He looks determined. For the baby's happiness. He should not let him disagree.

Drake looks at the stubborn man and suddenly laugh.
2 days a week?
How generous. And this person didn't even consider that he can take the child away from him instead of just simply visiting.
How stupid?

But Drake doesn't dislike it.
"So I should visit at least twice a week?"
He smiles.

Elian saw Drake smiling and also smile.
He is glad that Drake is not that stingy.
"My father and mother are rich but I am unemployeed so you have to provide for the baby's need. Don't worry, I have the habbit of taking the receipt of anything I purchase so you can be sure that the money you provide will only be use for the baby and the baby only!" Elian said softly. From time to time he will sneak a look at Drake if he is listening then he will lower his gaze as if he is afraid he will notice.

Drake happily agreed at any silly ideas Elian said.

"Do you agree?" Elian asks afterwards.

Drake nods.
"Ofcourse. You plan it so meticulously."

Elian heave a sigh.
"Actually I am thinking before that marrying you and have a family with you.....would be nice. But at least we can compromise."

Drake smiles.
"You think marrying me would be nice?"

Elian blushes.
"J-just thinking. Don't take it to heart."

Drake stands up and sat next to Elian.
Elian feels his face blushing.

Drake looks at him.
"What part you think about marrying me sounds nice?"

Elian coughs.
"My throat hurts."

Drake squints his eyes but Elian looks away. Fake coughing again .

"Can you get me water? If I got sick the baby might get sick too." Elian said as if coaxing Drake.

Drake grits his teeth.
It's not like he believes Elian's clumsy lie. It's just ...he is force to believe.

Drake stood up and get him water.
Elian heave a relieved sigh.



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