Duke of Wrose

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"Jerome, you should atleast go to the hospital. To check how months old is your baby." Joshua said.

"I also think about that but where can I go for check up? Will they ask for identification card? I don't have one."

"They won't ask. In this planet, it's even counted to 1000 who has computer in the whole country. Think how poor planet 600 is." Joshua smiles. "So it's impossible to check every immigrant."

"I see. That's not safe but convenient for me."
Jerome wryly smiles.

Joshua went to the hospital with him.

"Seven months?" Joshua looks at Jerome's belly.
"That's why it was so big."

Jerome finds his reaction funny. He rubs his belly.
"Doctor Hyene, how is my baby?"

The doctor looks at him.
"Im doctor Toby. Do you have a personal obgyne? You can refer him to me so I can check the babies past record.Right now, base on the results, the baby is healthy. You can give birth in 2 months so your check up will frequent. But if you are too far and there are no major issue. You can just ckntact my secretary and relay your condition to me.  But the last month, you have to come here personally."

"Yes doctor." Jerome blushes. Why did he call him in different name?

After leaving the hospital, Joshua brings him to the market. There are sea of people in the market. It's smelly and noisy.
Jerome also seen this kind of scene on his past life. This is exactly how wet market looks like.
Jerome fears to go forward. He has a big tummy and even if the doctor said he is fine he feels that  one mistakes will make him lost his baby.

"Let's go." Joshua said.

Jerome bites his teeth. Why did he feel aggrieved that nobody is coming to carry him. It feels like he gone crazy!
Why would a pregnant like him be pampered enough to get carried around?

Jerome slowly follows Joshua. They bought some fruits, vegetables and meat for dinner.

Though Jerome is not holding anything. He is still too tired he collapse in the chair.

The white tiger jumps beside him and roar.
Jerome learns that Boss Thunder has no ability to change back into human form but he learned to speak in his animal form. Just, it uses alot of his mana so he only speak one word sometimes hoping everyone will get what he means.


Jerome smiles wyly and nods.

The white tiger pats his head with his paw. It was squishy paw.
Jerome smiles and grabs it.

"I don't know why but I feel like I have seen a paw before too."

"Sleep." June said and walks away.

Jerome went to the second floor. His bed is made out of make shift matress from a cotton blanket stuff with hay and feather.


"Who are you? Please don't hurt me!"



Jerome wakes up clenching in the blanket. His skin are sweating. He feels so stuffy and scared but he can't remember what he dreamed about. Just recall that it was scary and violent.

The white tiger walks to him.

"Oh boss....I think I had a nightmare." Jerome smiles.

The tiger tail wipes the tears in his eyes.


"It was bad. But I can't remember anything."

The tiger pats his head and he was put to bed again.
The tiger lay next to him making Jerome feel more comfortable.

He feel asleep.

Jerome is preparing meal when Cello rushes inside the house.

"Bad news!"
Cello played the cellphone.

Jerome stares at the man in the projection.

"We brought you live from the Central Planet, the Duke of Wrose given his final verdict to all the Space Pirates in Uniberse 32. Death on sight. I repeat, death on sight. For the last 100 years. The law of killing on sight was abolished because of its inhumane outcome. Alot of people, killed for false charges, but today, the former 4th Prince of Universe 32, The Duke of Wrose once again declare its position against the outlaws in the space. Will this be the end of their tyrany or another black history for Universe 32's savage law?"
The reporter made an expression of urgency and the scene flips to the dashing Duke of Wrose.
Even Joshua and Cello whistle upon seeing him.
Jerome frowns. Why does this image pop out in his head closely? As if he has seen him close up?
He can even tell how angry the man was despite his cold expression.
"Any pirates in the space within the Universe 32 will be shoot,kill and destroy according to the new law. Anyone who sheltered, hide or help any pirates will be consider as accomplished and may also be considered as a pirate depend on their stance and cooperation to the military."
Drake smiles wickedly. "This law is not going to be mistreated or use to bring chaos and panic to the citizen. Because the only people allowed to officiate this law are my direct soldiers."

There are few more questions according the new law. And why would the king gives the Duke a power to indescriminately kill anyone with a reason in his hands?

But Cello turn the phone off.

"We are doomed. This is the Duke of Wrose we are talking about. Even in this far away planet. His name is like law. Who is stupid enough to keep doing piracy? Our work will decrease now!"

Jerome snaps out of his nostalgia and looks at Cello. They are feeding off Pirates loots to live. Without pirates, their means of survival will greatly decrease.
Jerome feel bad and guilty.
He doesn't knnow why but he feels it was his fault. Maybe because he was freeloader in this house.
To cheer them up, Jerome cook a delicious soup for them.

Jerome thinks he can't possibly do nothing in this house. Now that it possible to not have any more pirates to hunt. The family will have less and less income. As the newcomer, he could help them solve this problem but how?
His parents are both journalist and news reporter. They travel alot and takes a lot of pictures on any thing that interest them. Usually crimes, accidents, natural calamities. But he doesn't share their interest.
He can make stories and draw at the very least. But his a business administration student because his parents left him some businesses to handle and he wants them to be proud of him nit because he likes it.

Jerome recalls the phone Cello brought. It shows projection of the people talking inside the video. It looks more realistic. He decided to ask Joshua about it.

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