The right choice isnt always easy

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I arrived to the airport and my mind started to overthink everything, Am I doing the right thing? Maybe I should return. As I turned I saw her smiling at me "How did you know I was here?" I told her "I didn't know, I was going to take a flight back to Italy" Stefania said "Where are you heading to?" She asked me "I can't tell you, is a secret" I told her and she hummed "So you are running, from who?" She asked "I am not running I will just go around the world and take pictures of it" I told her "Let me go with you" she said, and I chuckle "You can't come with me, you don't even know where I'm going to" I told her "I don't care I'm sure you are going to a beautiful place, and I know how to take pictures too" she said "Don't you have work to do?" I asked her, I mean she is an actress she must be busy "Yes but I can take days off, and when they really need me I will come back" she said

She is willing to leave her job for a couple of days, she is willing to do what I wanted Lizzie to do, "Fine, I don't know if they have seats though" I told her and she smile at me "Just tell me where we are heading to and I handle the other stuff" she said "We are going to Rio de Janeiro" I told her and she got super excited "Wow I'm in" she said making me laughed "You were already in" I told her "Right, I will buy the ticket and I will see you.." "I will be there buying breakfast" I told her and she nods "Ok then I will see you there" she said and she went to buy the ticket

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing to let her go with me, I mean it will be so much fun that's for sure, but I know how Stefania is and she will flirt with me and if I'm honest I don't want to have anything with someone at least not yet, I know even though Lizzie broke me I still have feelings for her. I bought a bagel and an iced coffee, while I'm eating I decided to call Scarlett

S: You miss me already?

Me: Ha Ha no, I just wanted you to know that I am now on the airport, I saw you too worried about me so I decided to let you know

S: I was not worried, and I already knew you were there

Me: Oh you weren't?, you were crying

S: So were you

Me: You are so annoying

S: You are more, but I need to tell you something that you might not like

Me: What happened?

S: Lizzie called me and asked me if I could convince you to see her somewhere and talk

Me: And what did you tell her? You told her no right?

S: Uhm you told me to not be rude with her

Me: Yes I know I told you that, but tell her no is not being rude

S: Well I might have told her that you weren't here

Me: And what else did you tell her?

S: I had to hang up because Rose needed me but I'm sure she will ask me why you aren't here and where are you

Me: You can't tell her where I am

S: I don't even know where you are

Me: Well tell her that

S: Will you talk to her? Some day?

Me: I have to go now

Stefania returned and she has a big smile I suppose she got a ticket "Guess what" she said making me chuckle "Uhm don't tell me I uh I think you got a ticket" I told her sarcastically and she rolled her eyes at me "Yes of course I did but not only that, I'm going to sit next to you" she said and I looked at her confused "How?, that's impossible the seat was already taken" I told her and she nods "Yes I know but I found the person and she let me sat there" she said "I don't think that is going to be a good idea, I mean is a long flight and being with you it's going to make it longer" I told her earning a smack on my arm "I'm sure it's going to be a short flight for you because I will be there with you" she said and I laughed "Yeah sure whatever you say" I told her as I stand up

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