Hope makes you imagine a beautiful life

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We were interrupted by someone entering the room making me surprised "What are you doing here?, leave before I call the police" Lizzie shouted as she stands up from the bed, I had to grab her hand to stop her to go, but she didn't let me "Leave now!" Lizzie shouted again and MK stood up too, to try to calm down Lizzie "I have every right to be here" he said "You better listened to her and leave Guido, I do not want you here I do not want to see you" I told him

He tried to walk closer to me but Lizzie stopped him, putting herself in front of him, I got super nervous because of how close to him Lizzie is, I'm afraid he can do something to her, so I tried to stand up, but I immediately got stopped by Ashely shaking her head, the twins know that I do not have a good relationship with my father but they do not know that he can hurt anyone, he won't matter if he hurts Lizzie I need Lizzie to step back "Lizzie please come here" I requested her but she doesn't move "You should listen to that fucking slut on a hospital bed, that I'm sure she is there because she slept with one of those fucking guys, she always mess around with bad people" Guido said and Lizzie slapped him on the face she slapped him so hard that I know that Lizzie's hand is red but not as red as his face

Oh no he will get so mad, MK already call security, but Guido grabbed Lizzie's arm and started saying her a lot of bad things, he is hurting her, so I didn't care about Ashley and stood up from the bed. I'm feeling a lot of pain, I think I should not be walking, Lizzie noticed that I was now standing and walking toward them, so she hit Guido's balls and that made him let go of her arm. Lizzie ran toward me and hold me "What the fuck are you doing?, you should not be up" she said as she helps me to get back to the bed

Thank god the security is already here and they took Guido out. Once I was back on the bed I grabbed Lizzie's arm to see if he hurt her, "I'm fine baby" Lizzie said but I ignored her and continue searching for some bruise or something "Y/N love bug I'm fine he just took my arm but I don't have anything" she said and I nod. Then I started to feel a really bad pain on my stomach, I looked down to see and I have blood, fuck "Y/N! Ashley call the doctor!" I heard Lizzie shouted as she puts her hands on my stomach "It's fine the stitches must have opened" I told her "I told you to not stand up" she scolded me

The doctor came in a rush "I knew you were going to do something stupid" the doctor said and I chuckle even if I'm in pain "I think stupid should be my last name" I joked earning a glare from Lizzie "I think our little sister wants it to be Olsen" Ashley said but I could not say anything because the doctor made something that made me winced in pain "We will need to stitch you again" he said "No way really? I though you were going to leave me like this" I said sarcastically "Y/N!" Lizzie said "Are you doing it here like right now?" I asked him and he nod

Oh no that it is not good "You are losing so much blood, we have no time" he said and it clearly made Lizzie more nervous and worried "We need you to all leave" a nurse said "Doctor can I stay?" Lizzie asked but the doctor shook his head, I'm glad because I do not want Lizzie to see me like this "Sorry love you will have to wait outside" I told her but im feeling weak I guess I am really losing a lot of blood, the nurse injects me some shit, I think it's morphine "But I am stopping the bleeding if I took off my hand she can lose more blood" Lizzie argue and I see that the nurse nod "You are right you can stay" the doctor say

The doctor stitched me up again, thank god not all of the injuries opened there were just a couple, the doctors left and the twins came just to say goodbye, they needed to go. I smile at Lizzie who had a serious face but when she saw me smiling at her she smile at me "Come here with me?" I asked her sweetly even if I'm tired I want her close with me and she nods and run toward the bed. She of course hugged me carefully "I love you Lizzie" I whispered on her ear "I love you too" she said and she pulled me in for a kiss

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