It feels so good when we're home

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I have been taking the hormones, I started it as soon as the doctor gave them to me, we are back in LA, we saw our families, my mom wasn't mad at us about us getting married which was great, and Luca was so happy to see us, the twins weren't in LA they are in New York so we haven't seen them. Tomorrow we will go to our honeymoon, we ended deciding to go to The Bahamas, we are going for one week, we wanted two but the hormones are really affecting me so we decided to just go for one week

Right now I'm grumpy on my bed, waiting for my wife who decided to go grocery shopping, she asked me to go with her but then she told me that it was better if I stay, I guess she is tired of me and me being moody so she wanted to be alone, my mind started thinking a lot about that, and about the fact that she doesn't love me and I'm crying right now, as I said fucking hormones

I stood on bed for hours until Lizzie came back "Baby are you ok?" She asked me as she runs toward me and sat next to me "Yeah it's just the fucking hormones I'm sorry" I apologized as I sniff "No it's fine" she said and I shook my head "I know I'm being moody and well you are probably tired of me but I'm really trying to stop the hormones to hit me so hard" I told her "Bug it's totally fine really, I know how are those kind of hormones I understand it don't worry" she said "I brought you ice cream" she said as she gets in bed "Do you want to eat it here?" She asked and I nod

We finished our ice creams and then Lizzie hugged me I really hate this "We need to continue packing we leave tomorrow" I told her "We will continue packing, when you feel with more energy" she said as she kisses my forehead "I love you" I mumbled "I love you too my lover" she said and I smile, she does still love me, I'm just overthinking she is tired of me because of these hormones but she actually really loves me. Thank god my energy came back and I'm feeling better. I helped Lizzie to continue packing "We have to make Bo's bag" I told her pouting "Baby, I know you will miss him I will miss him too but he can't come to our honeymoon, he will stay with Luca and he will be so happy" Lizzie said

I know he will be happy but still, he is my baby boy, I can't leave him and not feel upset about it "It's just a week" Lizzie reminded me as she kisses my shoulder, it's just a week, he will be fine I know he will, I will be fine I will have Lizzie and well she always makes me feel better about all of this hormones thing "Love do you know when the twins are coming to LA?" I asked her "No baby, why?" She asked "I am just scare of them, they haven't talk to us in way too long, what if they are really mad at us" I told her and she shrugged "I don't think so, they are just pretending to be mad at us, don't worry about them" she said

We finished packing, we have everything done, and now we have to take Bo to my mom's house, he is acting weird I think he knows what is about to happen but I don't want him to feel like we are abandoning him because we are not, we would never do it, we will come back, we will always come back. "Hi monster" I greet my little brother, and he smile at me "Hi sis, I'm going to take care of Bo you have nothing to worry about" he reassured me and I nod "I know, please don't let him miss us too much" I told him and he nods

My mom walked toward us, Lizzie had to go to the bathroom so it's just mom and I "What did you tell Lizzie?" She asked me "What did I tell her about what?" I asked her "I don't know she has been acting weird with me" she said and I shrugged "I guess it's because of the wedding" I told her and she hummed "But we talked about it, I am not mad I didn't like it no, I was hurt yes but well I moved on" she said and I nod "We know that but calm down Lizzie still loves you" I told her

Lizzie got out of the bathroom so we drove back home, but after it we stopped by McDonald's and we ask our food. Then we drove to our house and started eating it "We are going to the Bahamas, I can't believe it" I told her excited "I know baby, I'm so happy, but I'm sure we will just spend the whole day in our room" she said smirking making me giggle, she is not wrong, we are two horn dogs so it is probably that we will not leave the room

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