Don't let your past decide your future

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It has been a week since the bad news, I have been  trying to do everything to put them back on jail, I can't do a lot because I am in the UK, I know it would be easier if I was in LA but it would be so dangerous as well. I have been trying to act tough, I don't want Lizzie to see me so worried, but I really have a bad feeling, I think something really bad will happen, I mean that's why I kept dreaming those fucking nightmares, somehow my mind was telling me that we were in danger

Lizzie sometimes come to set with me, sometimes she stay at the apartment with Rose. She is now sad because Rose has to go back to LA, I think she is already flying to LA, I told Scarlett to not sent her back, but Melanie will come again and she will take Rose to Scarlett's house because Rose needs to se her dad, I am not so worried because they don't know about Rose, and well I don't think they will do something to her, the one who really worries me it's Lizzie, if they know she is my girlfriend I know they will hurt her, because they told me once that they would never let me be happy, why?, because when the police capture them, the big brother's wife died

So yeah for revenge they could kill or hurt Lizzie, I really don't know why the fuck they let them out of jail, they deserve to die there, they are not good people and they will hurt me that's for sure. I don't know why no one called me and told me they were going to get out of jail, I mean that's the work of the District attorney's office, because they knew exactly what they did to me and they should have warned me

We finished earlier, because they wanted to talk with the cast, so they let us go earlier, Scarlett had to stay so I walked to the apartment, she told me to take the car, but I didn't want to leave her without the car, so it took me a while to arrive but I arrived. As soon as I entered the house I am welcomed with an amazing smell. As I was walking toward the kitchen I started hearing my mom's voice, it is so weird, I don't think she is here. I saw Lizzie standing there but I didn't see my mom, but I am hearing her talking

I started searching but nothing, then I saw that Lizzie's is talking to her phone, so she must be FaceTiming my mom. I walked toward her and wrapped my arms from behind around her waist and then kissed her cheek "Hi mom" I greeted my mom "Hi mija, how have you been?" She asked me and before answering her question "Did you tell her about our problem?" I whispered Lizzie and she just shook her head. So that means my mom does not know about it that's good I do not want to worry her "I have been great, I missed Lizzie and now she is here with me, so I'm good" I responded her

She smile at us and Lizzie kissed my cheek "And your nightmares?" she asked me "I haven't have them since Lizzie is here, she really helps me to get a good sleep" I told her honestly and she just smirked, my mom really has a dirty mind "I am glad I do not sleep next to your room" she said making us laugh "Mom! I didn't mean it like that" I told her and she laughed "Sure baby, anyways Lizzie if you have doubts do not doubt to call me, anyways I am tired and I will go to sleep" my mom told Lizzie, "Yes thank you so much Sofia" she told her

Then Lizzie turned to face me and kissed my lips, "Hi baby" she greeted me and I smile against her lips "Hi" I told her as I continue pecking her lips "I didn't know you were going to arrived at this time" she said and I hummed before pecking her lips again "Well the producers wanted a meeting with the cast but they didn't want us there so they let us go earlier, which is great" I told her but she pouted making me gasped "You didn't want me here?" I asked her sad, but she kissed me "Of course I want you here, but I wanted to surprise you with your favorite food" she said and I gasped "You were going to make enchiladas?" I told her and she nods "That's why I called your mom" she said, but my phone started ringing

I walked away from her to answer the call, because it was an unknown ID, and form me to get more privacy I got in the room

Me: Hello?

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