I will always protect you

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When I saw him all the fun disappeared what the fuck is he doing here? Lizzie notice that my smile dropped and turned to see what I am looking at, when she saw him she took Luca's hand "What do you think you are doing? Are you a bunch of little kids!" He shouted angry making Luca jump a little and my mom noticed his presence too. I walked closer to Luca and Lizzie and put them behind me, he is clearly mad and it seems he is drunk too, "Guido Cosa ci fai qui?" My mom asked him "Why the fuck you haven't stop them?! You are useless, you can't even take care of your own children!" He shouted at her

I got angry and walked closer to him "You should go you are not welcomed here, no one wants you here so leave!" I told him sternly "You do not tell me what to do little bitch, I have every right to be here, not as you the one who killed our son, the one who is a disappointment to all of our family, the one slut that is just a fucking kid that doesn't know how to handle the problems, you are a mistake your mom and I made, I wish you would have never born and that you wouldn't be my daughter, you are a gormless that doesn't think because I doubt you have a brain, you are a fucking person" he insult me and before I could tell him something Lizzie got closer to him and pointed a finger to him

"You won't come here to insult her or any of them, they don't want you here because you are a shitty father and a shitty husband and also a shitty person, and you have no idea how amazing Y/N is, not like you she has a lot of people that care about her and love her unconditionally, she is not alone like you, leave now before I call the police and put you in jail because of hurting them emotionally, and even physically, and I swear to god if you ever talk to Y/N like that you will have a lot of problems, you have no idea how amazing and talented your daughter is, you should be proud of her and she is the one who should be disappointed of you, because you are not a good person, and you are a disgusting person, so now leave" she shouted angry at him. He was going to tell her something but Lizzie shut him down "Don't even think on talking, you leave this house now and never come back here again, and if you ever insult Y/N like that you will have problems with me, and I can guarantee you, you won't like that, I won't say it again LEAVE!" she told him and he huffed angry but left

I walked closer to her and cupped her face "Are you ok?" I asked her and she chuckle "I'm the one who should be asking you this, he is an ass, please do not believe anything he said, you know it is not true" she said and I sighed "I'm serious Y/N are you ok, all the things he said are not true he is an asshole" she said and I nod "He is" I told her, she cupped my face "Are you ok?" She asked concerned "I will be, but thank you so much to confront him and defend me" I told her and she smile at me "I will always protect you no matter what, I will always protect you from whoever try to hurt you, no matter what, you are so important to me Y/N I will never let anyone hurt you, not anymore" she said and I smile at her

Luca came running toward me "Are you ok?" He asked me worried "Yeah buddy, I am are you ok?" I asked him as I bend down "Yes, he told you horrible things, but they are not true, you are an amazing person, and you are the best sister" he said and I smile at him and hugged him "Thanks my big boy" I told him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek "Lizzie defended you" he pointed out making me laughed a little "Yes I know" I told him and he gave me a little smirk "You should be with her again, we were having a lot of fun with her before my father came, and she defended you she didn't let him continue shouting at you, he confront him even if he is so scary" he said making me chuckle

My mom came with us and she put her hand on my shoulder "You ok?" She mouthed me and I nod "Now you should go and take a shower you are going to get sick" she told us and we nod "Lizzie you should use Y/N's shower, it's better" Luca told her and she smile at him "I will think about it" she told her and Luca nod "You can't shower me I can do it myself" he told me and I laughed "Are you sure?" I asked him and he nods "I will help you" my mom told him and he nods

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