We suffer more in imagination than in reality

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I'm so happy that Lizzie is now here with me, I already told her about my nightmares and I think she knows what they are about, they keep repeating, she gets hurt or I get hurt, and end in the hospital, sometimes we died too, which is awful, can you imagine have to see the love of your life die, and feel useless because you couldn't done anything to save her, well it is really a shitty feeling

I have falling asleep constantly since she arrived, I can't keep fully awake, I really needed the sleep, and surprisingly I haven't had nightmares in those naps I have had. I woke up again, and moved my head a little, Lizzie is still here, she is looking something on her phone "Hi" I told her, earning her full attention, she put her phone down and smiled at me "Hi baby, you look better" she said making me chuckle "Are you saying I was looking bad earlier?" I asked her making her chuckle "No, I'm saying that you do not look upset anymore" she said and I moved a little to capture her lips

I realized I haven't ask her when she has to leave, I mean I did not know she was going to come "When do you leave?" I asked her earning a big chuckle form her "Y/N Andrea Mancini do you want me to go already? I mean I just arrived" she said and I shook my head instantly as I got on top of her "I want you to be here with me forever" I told her as I hug her and she hugs me tight. I have realized that she loves when we hug like this, she loves having me on top, well sometimes because lately she has been really dominant, and I love that

We were hugging but my stomach made weird noises making us laugh "Someone is hungry huh?" She said and I nod "We should go downstairs and cook something" I told her and she hummed "I would love that" she said but neither of us move "You have to move bug" she said and I groaned but move

We got downstairs and we were cooking our food when Scarlett arrived, when Rose saw Lizzie she ran toward her and gave her a big hug "You got out earlier why?" I asked her "We are leaving, we have to go to UK" she said "Like right now?" I asked her and she nods "I mean we have to pack, our flight leaves at 6:00pm" she said and I hummed. They went upstairs to pack the things but I stayed with Lizzie, I walked toward her and hugged her from behind

I feel so bad, I mean Lizzie must be so tired, she traveled here from LA it is a every long flight, she must be irritated of the planes and airports "I'm sorry" I apologized with her making her confused, she stopped cooking and turned to face me "Why are you apologizing?" She asked me "Because you must be so fucking tired and well we have to fly again" I told her "But it's worthy, I am going to be with you, and that's all that matters to me, I won't lie to you, I feel so tired but I'm sure you will let me sleep on the plane and you will cuddle me" she said and I smile at her "Of course I will do all of that, I love you Lizzie" I told her and she smile and pecked my lips "I love you too, now we have to eat I don't want you to starve"

After eating we packed and went to the airport, I bought us coffee, because coffee makes everything better. I expected me to still feel upset and sad but with Lizzie here it seems like all my energy is back, she brings me comfort and I feel safe with her, she makes me happy, she makes my worried disappear

When we got in the plane, Lizzie and I cuddled each other and fell asleep instantly, she fell asleep first, it was clearly she was so tired, I really appreciate that she came here to see if I'm fine, I love this woman so much, and this nightmares have made me realized that I want a family with her, and I want it now, the time is so short that we have to live and do what we want before our time ends

We arrived to the apartment we are going to stay, I thought it was going to be small but it is not, and Scarlett said it's close to set so we will be able to wake up a little bit later, which makes me so happy because well you already know why. Lizzie and I went to bed because we were so sleepy, they gave us tomorrow, well today off

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