We need a world where nothing is lost

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Lizzie's POV

I had to argue a lot to make them fix the system, I know it was not their fault but I can not risk something bad happen to Y/N. So they moved a lot last night well I have to say earlier because was passed midnight, it was pretty late but I made them fix it, they couldn't do a lot anyways but they did tell me they were going to call me as soon as they know something

I hope they are not torturing her a lot, I drove back to Y/N's house wanting to continue wandering around Y/N's things, photos and memories. I founded videos of her when she was younger, she really looks like she described herself, she liked to party a lot, she has a lot of crazy videos of her drinking a lot, I found a video where she and her friend literally did project X 2.0, the police came to them but they didn't catch her

Watching this kind of videos makes me feel closer to her and a little less sad, but then I remember that I might not see that smile again, that I might not see those beautiful eyes, that beautiful smile, that beautiful face, and it makes me even sadder, I can't believe that the possibility of do not seeing her again is so highly, well I already knew but I wanted to believe it was not true and that everything was going to be fine again, and that I will have Y/N back to me

But I see it kind of complicated, but I am sure that I won't give up, I will never give up, even if I have to spend months or years searching for her I won't give up, I will find her no matter what. I was still in Y/N's office I couldn't sleep so I stayed here "You should get some sleep, maybe we can see Y/N today" Stefania said and I smile at her "I like that you think that" I told her "Well we need to be positive, Y/N would be positive" she said and then we stayed in silence and then bursted in laughter "That is not true, maybe she would pretend to be positive, but on the inside she would be thinking about all the negatives things that could possibly happen" I told her and she nods

We calmed down "Go to sleep Lizzie, you will need all your energy when we find Y/N, she will not be ok, but we are going to help her, you are going to help her because I doubt she I'll let anyone of us help her but I'm sure she will let you and if she won't I'm sure you will forced her" she said and I nod "I sure will" I told her sighing "I will try to get some sleep" I told her and she nods

I have a little nap, before the police called me, they told me that they already sent some officers to look around the place Y/N's phone is, I got a little bit mad because I can not believe they are doing that just now, they should have donde that since I gave them the information. Anyways I decided not to tell them bad shit because I already treated them like shit

It has been almost 2 weeks since Y/N is missing, the police is exploring the area we think Y/N is, it has been three days since they checked the security cameras of the area where Y/N's phone was, I do not understand why are they taking so long. I decided to go today to the commissary because I need them to do something now, they haven't even tell me if Y/N is there or no

So here I am at the commissary, also I thought that maybe Scarlett or Roger know something and they didn't think on telling me just like the thousands of times before, I do not understand why they are pushing me away, I think I am the first one who wants to see Y/N, I get that she is important to a lot of people but she is my girlfriend and I feel so bad that they are not letting me help and that they are keeping information from me

The policeman attended me "I need to know right now what is going on? I see that there is no progress, are you aware that they can kill her in anytime while we are here talking they must be torturing her or something worse, so please I need you to do your job and to bring Y/N back" I told him a little bit mad but most of it hurt, "I am not supposed to tell you this ma'am but we already know where she is" he said and I started crying

If they already know what are they waiting for "And why she is not here with me right now?" I asked him "Because you need to understand that if we alert them in any way they can do something badly like kill her" he said, he is right that is intelligent if they see cops they can kill her and run "So she is alive right? I mean if you are taking this precautions is because you know she is alive and that they can kill her" I told him  but he shook his head "We do not know that, we are just taking precautions even if she is not alive, we can't risk that if she is alive they kill her because they saw us" he explained me

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