Now that i know the truth

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Lizzie's POV

It hurt me a lot, I never thought I could cry a lot, all of the things she said I couldn't help but picture them on my mind, it was a painful for me and I bet it was way more painful for her. I am glad I got in with her, I would never make her talk about that, I know her family will want to know but she shouldn't talk about it until she is ready, today she clearly wasn't

When we got home I just engulfed her in a hug and kissed her head "I am craving crepes" I told her and she chuckle "I want one too" she said and I nod "What if you go to our room and pick something to watch and I will order us our crepes?" I suggested her and she nods "Can I have a kiss first?" She asked cutely and I smile and nod "I love you baby" I told her against her lips "What do you want in your crepe?" I asked her because she always wants something different "I want a Nutella one, with strawberries" she said and I nod smiling at her she loves chocolate and strawberries

I watched her walk upstairs, this crepe will cheer us up, as I was ordering them Scarlett started calling me, oh no, she will want to know and she will want me to tell her, I can't tell her not now and not until Y/N is fine with that

Me: Hi Scarlett

S: Lizzie hi, uhm I saw that you went inside with her

Me: Inside our house, the place where we live together, yeah we will chill until Emma arrives

S: Oh no I didn't mean that I meant that you got into the room with her, at the commissary

Me: Oh yeah I did, she wanted me there

S: So you heard everything

Me: Yes I did

S: Can you please tell me what happened to her? In that way I can help her

Me: I'm sorry Scar but I don't feel sharing that information of course if Y/N tells me that I can do tell you that I will but we need time, and I'm here to help her with everything she wants me to, so I will go back to my girlfriend, see you later Scar

I hang up and finished ordering our crepes, after that I went upstairs and see my girlfriend laying there with a blanket on top of her. I walked toward her and got into the bed too, she was going to hold me but I wanted to hold her so I hold her instead, she didn't say anything which I'm happy, I do not want her to think that I think she is fragile, I just know that she needs a moment, and I want to comfort her that's all

I don't know what we are watching but the bell rang, "Our crepes are here" she said and got out of the bed. I followed her "Someone is excited" I told her and she nods "I don't know why but I haven't eat one in a while" she said and then she opened the door "You are not our crepes" Y/N said "No, sorry to disappoint you, I'm here to talk with you" Emma said and Y/N rolled her eyes "I think I am fine, I don't need to talk thanks for coming" she said earning a head tilt for me "I can give you a couple of minutes" she said making us chuckle

We walked to the living room "Do you want something Emma?" I asked her but she shook her head "I'm fine dear thanks" she said and I nod "I want my crepe" Y/N mumbled "You will have your crepe love bug" I told her and kissed her cheek "I will be around if you need something you can shout my name" I told them and she nod "Aren't you staying?" Y/N asked me "Do you want me to stay?" I asked her "Uhm I uh I don't know" she said "Y/N is ok if you want to talk with just me" Emma said and Y/N "I will be waiting for you" I told her and pecked her lips

I let them talked, even if I wanted to stay there with Y/N and be there to support her I know she doesn't like to talk about her problems and I think if I'm there she will not be fully honest, and I want Emma to help her so yeah I went out to my garden

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