A very weird night

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Lizzie's POV

My dad stopped being a dick which I'm grateful for, my mom talked to him I am sure about that, I am really thankful for that, and I hope he stop saying rude things to my girlfriend, I want them to get along because I am planning on marry Y/N but if my dad keeps treating Y/N like that and if I have to choose of course I would choose Y/N without thinking it twice. I will tell this to my dad later, he needs to know that Y/N is my past, my present and she is my future too, he will have to get used to her presence because she is stuck with me forever

We ate our food, and now we are eating our dessert "Wow who did this?" My mom asked "Lizzie, she has very good skills" Y/N told her "You helped me too baby" I told her as I kiss her cheek "What kind of dessert is this?" My dad asked making me sighed "If you don't want to eat it David don't do it no one will force you" my mom said. Y/N was playing with my hand making me confused, does she feel anxious? "Baby are you ok? I asked her "Yeah why?" She asked me "Your are fidgeting with my fingers" I pointed out "I love your fingers" she said making me blush and then she smirked at me

We moved to the living room, Y/N laid her head on my shoulder "Are you tired bug?" I asked her "I want alcohol maybe wine, do you want some?" She asked me making me laugh and I nod "Yes please" I told her and pecked her lips, I know that my dad might not like it but I don't care, if I want to kiss my girlfriend I'm going to fuck it do it. I saw that MK went to the kitchen with Y/N I wonder why, I heard them giggle about something, I thought the sister who liked my girlfriend was Ashley I can not deal with my two sisters liking her she is mine they need to back off

They returned and Y/N handed me my drink, she sat aging next to me "What were you talking about with MK?" I asked her "Just some stuff, don't worry" she said and kissed my cheek "So Y/N are you back working?" My dad asked Y/N "Uhm not yet, I'm waiting, but I will start soon" she responded him "You should work, it is unfair that my daughter is the only one who works and brings food to you, you should look after her not the other way" he said and I scoffed "Dad, Y/N can be not working and she still earn money, she owns a Law Firm, and she had a big trauma she is resting for that, and I am the one who doesn't want her to go work just yet, and she helps her coworker on some cases, and if I want to be the one to look after her I will do it so please stop offending her or else get out of the house" I told him getting mad

He scoffed "Do not talk to me like that Elizabeth, I am just making you see that this girl is not for you, she is not enough you should get back with Robbie, I can call him and beg him to give you another opportunity, you shouldn't be with her, she is literally nothing, no one, she doesn't deserve you" he said, I know Y/N will feel bad about this "You know what, I don't care about you or someone else thinks about us, I just care that Y/N makes me so insanely happy and that I am planning on spending my whole life with her, if you don't like it, then you can fuck off and leave my fucking life!" I told him and walked away, I need a break

Not too later, I feel two hands around my waist "Are you ok?" Y/N asked me and I chuckle "I am the one who is supposed to ask you that" I told her as I wipe my tears "I'm sorry, he is literally a dick I hate him" I told her and she turned me around to make me face her "You don't hate him, he is your dad, yeah it was hurtful all the things he said but I don't care, as long as I'm with you" she said, I was about to tell her something but she pecked my lips, every time I tried to talk she would peck my lips making me laugh about it

I laughed, and get lost in her eyes "What is happening there?" I asked her and she shrugged "They started shouting but I was worried about you so I came here" she said "Fuck Luca is hearing all of those things" I told her but she shook her head "He is upstairs on a room playing with Bo, you don't have to worry about him or anyone else in there" she told me. She engulfed me in a hug, "You know I just want to run away with you, and have a good night" I told her and she chuckle "That would be rude, we can't leave our family here" she said making me smile "I like that" I told her smiling "What?" She asked "Our family" I told her

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