A smile can hide so much pain

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I don't know how they did it but they found available seats and we were really so close, Kate sat next to me, she started talking a lot about Lizzie and asking me questions about my relationship with her that I got so annoyed, I know she is just curious but this girl will open my wounds if she keeps telling me how amazing Lizzie and I were together and how cute we looked. I pretended to be sleeping because she just didn't stop, and I didn't know what else to do, of course I used my excuse of need to to go pee but every time I return she keeps going

Then when I thought she was sleeping I opened my eyes but I was wrong she was still awake, isn't she tired and want to sleep, I don't think I will survive this flight. She keeps going and even I am not answering all of her questions she doesn't stop "Hey Kate, let's change seats" Daniel came and told Kate but Kate groaned "Why?, we are having a great time, right Y/N" she said and I just smile at her "C'mon Kate I want to talk with Y/N" Daniel insisted and Kate gave in "Ugh fine" she said as she stands up

He sat and smile at me "She was making you uncomfortable right" he said and I nod chuckling "Yep a little bit" I told him "So you are famous" he said and I raised and eyebrow at him "Are you asking me or telling me?" I asked him "I'm telling you" he said and I hummed "I am not, I just have friends that are famous" I told him "I don't think so, you appear like a lawyer and like yourself, not just by a friend of famous people" he explained and I smile at him

He is staring at me, and I can feel he wants to say something to me so I turned to face him "You need to tell me what's up because you are getting me anxious" I told him and he chuckle "I just want to know about you relationship with her, I couldn't help but searched information about you and her and I found a lot of things and well you seemed really happy with her" he said and I sighed "I'm sorry but I can't tell you at least not yet, so please you need to stop" I told him and he sighed but nods "Will you tell me? Someday?"He asked and I shrugged "Maybe" I told him and he said "Ok"

I keep watching through the window, I can't see anything just the night, "Do you want to see a movie?" Daniel asked me and I nod, he started to search a movie, it's getting a little bit cold "Why is it too cold here?" I asked and Daniel took off his hoodie "Here put this on" he said as he hands me his hoodie "But you will be cold" I told him "We could use this blanket to keep us warm and to be more comfortable when we are watching the movie" he suggested and I chuckle a little, if he wants to cuddle with me he just have to ask "Sure" I told him

We got comfortable and started watching the movie he picked, I heard that someone took a picture, I don't know if someone took a picture of us but I turned to see if I could see where did it come from. Tim and Tom took a photo and indeed is a picture of Daniel and I because as soon as they looked at me they giggled, I just glared at them, and they got serious 'We won't post it' Tim mouthed me 'Thanks' I mouthed back

I am glad I booked first class, I'm so tired and I know this flight is going to be long as fuck. They brought us food and we ate it. After that Daniel fell asleep, I was trying to fall asleep too but I failed, I got bored so I started playing with my phone. After playing with my phone I started to look my pictures. It was not a good idea because I still have photos of Lizzie on my phone, I really want to erase them but this photos are memories. I won't erase them

After a very long flight we arrived to Australia, I'm tired as fuck and I'm sure they are tired too "So where are we staying at?" Andrea asked me "I'm staying in a hotel, if you guys want to come and then you can see if you can booked a room" I told her and she nods "Yeah good idea, I really hope we can" she said "If you can't you can stay at my room and tomorrow you can book one" I suggested them "I don't think we will fit all of us in the room" Tim said and he's right

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