Healing takes time

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Stefania left yesterday she recorded me while I was practicing the song I wrote, I mean I didn't even know if it was good or bad, she posted it on Instagram, and a lot of people already heard it, they are a lot of good comments and of course there are some bad, they are also asking me why I wrote that song, and who I was talking about in the song, I guess they already suspect that Lizzie and I are not together, I mean Lizzie hanging out with Robbie and now the video of me singing the song, it is so obvious. If I'm honest I really like how I sounded on the video,  so I'm very grateful that Stefania recorded me

I miss Stefania I know she left just yesterday but I already miss her, it was so funny to be around her, the good thing is that I met Daniel and we have been talking and he invited me to explore around Rio, he will present me with some of his friends that are here searching adventures as well. Daniel told me if I wanted to hang out with him today but I told him that I wanted today for myself, I need to be alone

I'm so glad that I fix the things with Scarlett, we are now good, I don't call her everyday because I know she is busy with work, so I make sure to leave her a text assuring her that I'm ok, she sometimes reply with an emoji or with photos and videos of her and Rose, she also sent me once a video of Luca and Rosie watching movies on the couch, they looked so cute

I haven't seen more articles about Robbie and Lizzie, I don't know if Lizzie stopped seeing him or if they just see each other on private places. I know that I'm being ridiculous because Lizzie and I are not together, so if she wants to date Robbie she can do it and I have to get use to it, I need to learn to see them together, Lizzie deserves to be happy and if her happiness is not with me maybe it is with him

I was going to buy a piano but then I thought how I will take a piano with me to LA I mean I don't think I can do that, so I'm now here on an instrumental store knowing that I can't buy anything. I decided to go because if I would have stayed there I would have ended buying a lot of things. As I was getting out of the store I bumped into someone "I'm sorry" I apologized and looked at the person "I thought you wanted to be alone today" he said and I chuckle "I am alone I just wanted to come and buy something, I thought you were going to hang out with your friends" I told him "I don't see what you bought, and yes I was going to but I canceled them" he said and I hummed "I didn't buy anything because I can't do it where am I supposed to put the things on the plane" I told him "You are right, maybe you can go an have lunch with me you know just in that way you didn't go out for anything" he suggested making me laugh "Yeah sure" I told him and he smile at me 

We were walking and I noticed that some guys are following us since a couple of minutes ago "You alright?" Daniel asked me and I nod "Yeah just wondering where are we going?" I asked him and he chuckle "It's a surprise" he said. We continue walking and these guys are still following us. Fuck those are paparazzi, I thought I wasn't going to find paparazzi here, guess I am wrong and why te fuck are they following me I am not famous, Lizzie is not with me. "Daniel some guys are following us" I told him and he turned to see them "They are taking pictures of us" he said and I nod "Yeah I know" I told him and he took my hand. I don't know what is he doing, the guy will take photos of us I was going to let go of his hand but Daniel grabbed it tighter "We are going to run" he said and I looked at him confused

He started running and laughing "I'm faster than you that's why I took your hand" he said and I shake my head "I don't think so" I told him as I let go of his hand and start running, he caught me making me laugh harder "I think we lost them" he said and I looked to see if the were still there, "Yeah we did, I won the race" I told him and he chuckle "I didn't know it was a competition" he said and I scoffed "You made it a competition when you said you were faster than me" I told him and then looked at him, he was already staring at me "What?" I asked him as I tried to calm my laugh "I like your laugh" he said "Let's go grabbed food before they find us again" I told him and he nods

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