We need to be good hiding secrets

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Today are the Emmys, Lizzie is almost 3 months and I know she has a bump she said she doesn't but still I can feel it even if it's a small bump she has a bump. She is now looking at herself in the mirror, I think she knows she has a bump she just doesn't want to accept it "What if they notice that I'm pregnant?" Lizzie asked I assumed by they she means her team of make up and the ones that are going to dress her up "If you don't want them to see you then you can use your robe and when it's time to put your dress on then you can tell them that you just want me to help you to put it on" I suggested her and she nods and turned to face me

She has a big smile, I guess she liked my idea "What would I do without you" she said as she wraps her arms around my neck "I hope we never find out" I whispered to her as I lean my forehead with hers "We won't, and we can't you can't leave me Y/N" she said sternly "I'm not planning on leaving you my love, I promise" I told her and she smiles "But you can't leave me either Elizabeth you need to be healthy we know how dangerous is to give birth a baby I can't lose you" I told her, I really didn't want to bring up the conversation

We have had discussing about all the wrong things that can't happen when she gives birth to our child, of course I didn't and I don't like that topic. She told me that if something happen to her I need to move on, and I need to take care of our baby, that I need to be happy and strong for our baby of course I got hysterical, how could she asked me that?, how could I be happy if my happiness die, how could I take care of our baby if I will not even be able to take care of me because I will blame myself I know I will. I would never be able to move on if she dies I know I won't

She looked sad at me, she sighed "We have talked about it, but you never let me finish I want you to, no, I need you to promise me if something happens to me you will love our baby, you will be happy and take care of them" she started but I pulled apart from her "You can't ask me that Lizzie you can't" I told her shaking my head, she reached for my face, putting one hand on my cheek "Calm down baby I'm not saying it will happen I'm just saying that if it happens you w-" "Nope I won't, nothing will happen you will be ok, our baby will be ok and we will be happy, we deserve our happy ending" I whispered to her

I feel tears falling down my cheeks, I know it's selfish but she has to be ok, and if I tell her that I will be fine and she has nothing to worry about then if something bad happens she will not fight, I know if something bad happen, I won't survive and I won't be happy if she dies I know I will have a baby but I will not have her and life is mean less if she is not here. She wipes away my tears "Please baby I need you to hear you promise me" she said but before I could say something our bell ring rang. Lizzie moved to open the door and I went to our bathroom to clean my face

I will never promise her that I know I will have a baby, and not just my baby but Lizzie's but again I mean Lizzie will not be in my life and I know that I don't want to live if Lizzie is not in my life I don't want to live without her. I started hearing noises from downstairs, I guess everyone is here, my eyes are not that puffy so I decided to put a smile on my face and go downstairs. The first person I see is Lizzie but I immediately switch my gaze to Clayton "Hi Y/N" he said and I smile at him "Hi Clay how have you been?" I asked him

I got to him and give him a hug "I have been great but I see that Lizzie has been eating a lot" he comments and I chuckle awkwardly "We both have, we really are enjoying our free time and well I love eating so Lizzie eats with me, she doesn't want me to feel bad of the amount of food I eat" I told him and he hummed "You looked the same, I mean you are still hot" he said and Lizzie gasped "So am I not hot" she said shocked "I didn't say that, you just seem different that's all" he said and then his team approached to him to tell him some stuff

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